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Children and Elderly

Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)

Media Education Foundation (MEF) created this video as part of Screen Free Week 2011. Or here

Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US. Evelyn Pringle. The Public Record. 4/27/2010.

Antisocial Networking?. Hilary Stout. NY Times. 4/30/2010.

Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.

Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis. Henry Giroux. TruthOut. 4/03/2009.

Out-of-wedlock births hit record high. Jessica Ravitz. CNN. 4/08/2009.

Teens locked up for life without a second chance. Stephanie Chen. CNN. 4/08/2009.

Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. The Montreal Gazette. 7/29/2009.

ECPAT International - End Child Prostitution and Trafficking. U.S. Office

Child trafficking on the rise. The Straits Times (Singapore). 9/01/2009.

Saving Girls' Self Esteem. Ruth Conniff. The Progressive. 9/02/2009.

Listening to Latinas. National Women's Law Center (NWLC). Sept. 2009 Study of educational barriers for Latina's. Executive Summary.

Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. Montreal Gazette, 7/29/2009.

Documentary examines U.S. child sex trade. Michelle Nichols. Reuters. 4/29/2009.

More higher-income families are home schooling their children. Greg Toppo. USA Today. 6/02/2009.

The Cost Of Race: Retirement. NPR. 5/15/2009. (From Pew research Report)

4 million 'illegal' immigrant children are native-born citizens. Wayne Drash. CNN. 4/14/2009.

Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania. AP. 3/26/2009.

Should saggy pants be belted with ban?. Lee Higgins. The State. 1/16/2009.

Hunger among U.S. children skyrockets in 2007

Age Stratification. S Rowan Wolf. 9/2005.

Children of the black dust. David Cohen. CNN, 10/13/2008. Explores the salvaging of carbon from batteries by children in India.

Why Children Are Not 'Little Adults'. NY Times. 7/10/2008.

Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008

$40bn shortfall in Africa aid endangers 5 million lives. Tracy McVeigh. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.

Inside the RUF: at last the child soldiers of Sierra Leone have their say. Hannah Strange. Times Online/UK. 6/16/2008.

Study: Language barrier can keep children from getting healthcare. Patrick McGee. Huston Star-Telegram. 6/16/2008.

Price rises hit Indonesia parents. Lucy Williamson. BBC. 6/04/2008.

HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Children in the Path of the (AIDS) Pandemic. Kathryn Strachan. Inter Press Service. 6/06/2008.

In India, a bank for street children. Henry Chu. LA Times. 6/07/2008.

U.S.-born children feel effects of immigration raids. Anna Gorman. 6/08/2008.

In Burma (Myanmar), how many cyclone orphans?. Christian Science Monitor. 6/09/08.

Sex trade traffickers get busy among cyclone orphans. Anne-Claire Duffay. The First Post/UK. 5/14/2008.

HEALTH-AFRICA: UNICEF Reports Five Million Child Deaths Every Year. Steffanie Nieuwoudt. IPS. 5/30/2008. (Report)

The State of Africa's Children 2008. UNICEF. 5/2008. 5 million children dying a year due to poverty. (Original Link)

Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17 in the United States: 2004 to 2006. 5/13/2008.

More than 2 million U.S. youths depressed: study. Reuters. 5/13/2008.

Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.

Warming 'affecting poor children'. BBC. 4/29/2008.

Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.

Child brides 'sold' in Afghanistan. BBC. 4/15/08.

As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,

Aging Statistics Interagency federal government data site on aging statistics.

Older Americans wealthier, living longer. Julie Steenhuysen. Reuters. 3/28/2008.

A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking

Dozens of Children In US Face Life In Prison. Matthew Bigg. Reuters. 3/21/2008.

Poverty Is Poison. Paul Krugman. NY Times. 2/18/2008.

Foster kids' meds get scant attention. Brent Walth & Michelle Cole. Oregonian. 11/25/07.

The Primary Review - 7 and 11 year olds. 10/12/2007. University of Cambridge. A study of the stress levels of 7 and 11 year olds in British school systems.

Danger to children from food and drink additives is exposed. Smithers, Guardian. 9/06/07.

We're Poisoning Our Children

Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics

Poverty, Family Structure, and Child Well-Being: Indicators From the SIPP

Mickey's Domestic, Child, Elder, Sexual Abuse Resources

National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth (NCFY)

Children Youth and Family Consortium

Voices For Children: Child Abuse Statistics

Child Welfare Library Journal links

Child Welfare

Children and Elderly

$40bn shortfall in Africa aid endangers 5 million lives. Tracy McVeigh. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.

4 million 'illegal' immigrant children are native-born citizens. Wayne Drash. CNN. 4/14/2009.

A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking

Age Stratification. S Rowan Wolf. 9/2005.

Aging Statistics Interagency federal government data site on aging statistics.

Antisocial Networking?. Hilary Stout. NY Times. 4/30/2010.

As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,

Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.

Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.

Child Welfare

Child Welfare Library Journal links

Child brides 'sold' in Afghanistan. BBC. 4/15/08.

Child trafficking on the rise. The Straits Times (Singapore). 9/01/2009.

Children Youth and Family Consortium

Children of the black dust. David Cohen. CNN, 10/13/2008. Explores the salvaging of carbon from batteries by children in India.

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis. Henry Giroux. TruthOut. 4/03/2009.

Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania. AP. 3/26/2009.

Danger to children from food and drink additives is exposed. Smithers, Guardian. 9/06/07.

Documentary examines U.S. child sex trade. Michelle Nichols. Reuters. 4/29/2009.

Dozens of Children In US Face Life In Prison. Matthew Bigg. Reuters. 3/21/2008.

ECPAT International - End Child Prostitution and Trafficking. U.S. Office

Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics

Foster kids' meds get scant attention. Brent Walth & Michelle Cole. Oregonian. 11/25/07.

HEALTH-AFRICA: UNICEF Reports Five Million Child Deaths Every Year. Steffanie Nieuwoudt. IPS. 5/30/2008. (Report)

HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Children in the Path of the (AIDS) Pandemic. Kathryn Strachan. Inter Press Service. 6/06/2008.

Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009

Hunger among U.S. children skyrockets in 2007

In Burma (Myanmar), how many cyclone orphans?. Christian Science Monitor. 6/09/08.

In India, a bank for street children. Henry Chu. LA Times. 6/07/2008.

Inside the RUF: at last the child soldiers of Sierra Leone have their say. Hannah Strange. Times Online/UK. 6/16/2008.

Listening to Latinas. National Women's Law Center (NWLC). Sept. 2009 Study of educational barriers for Latina's. Executive Summary.

Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17 in the United States: 2004 to 2006. 5/13/2008.

Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. The Montreal Gazette. 7/29/2009.

Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. Montreal Gazette, 7/29/2009.

Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008

Media Education Foundation (MEF) created this video as part of Screen Free Week 2011. Or here

Mickey's Domestic, Child, Elder, Sexual Abuse Resources

More higher-income families are home schooling their children. Greg Toppo. USA Today. 6/02/2009.

More than 2 million U.S. youths depressed: study. Reuters. 5/13/2008.

National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth (NCFY)

Older Americans wealthier, living longer. Julie Steenhuysen. Reuters. 3/28/2008.

Out-of-wedlock births hit record high. Jessica Ravitz. CNN. 4/08/2009.

Poverty Is Poison. Paul Krugman. NY Times. 2/18/2008.

Poverty, Family Structure, and Child Well-Being: Indicators From the SIPP

Price rises hit Indonesia parents. Lucy Williamson. BBC. 6/04/2008.

Psychiatric Drugging of Infants and Toddlers in the US. Evelyn Pringle. The Public Record. 4/27/2010.

Saving Girls' Self Esteem. Ruth Conniff. The Progressive. 9/02/2009.

Sex trade traffickers get busy among cyclone orphans. Anne-Claire Duffay. The First Post/UK. 5/14/2008.

Should saggy pants be belted with ban?. Lee Higgins. The State. 1/16/2009.

Study: Language barrier can keep children from getting healthcare. Patrick McGee. Huston Star-Telegram. 6/16/2008.

Teens locked up for life without a second chance. Stephanie Chen. CNN. 4/08/2009.

The Cost Of Race: Retirement. NPR. 5/15/2009. (From Pew research Report)

The Primary Review - 7 and 11 year olds. 10/12/2007. University of Cambridge. A study of the stress levels of 7 and 11 year olds in British school systems.

The State of Africa's Children 2008. UNICEF. 5/2008. 5 million children dying a year due to poverty. (Original Link)

Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)

U.S.-born children feel effects of immigration raids. Anna Gorman. 6/08/2008.

Voices For Children: Child Abuse Statistics

Warming 'affecting poor children'. BBC. 4/29/2008.

We're Poisoning Our Children

Why Children Are Not 'Little Adults'. NY Times. 7/10/2008.

Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.

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