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Current Category: Corporate Power
Henry Giroux. Truthout, 4/9/13. Angela Davis, Freedom and the Politics of Higher Education .
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Corporate Criminals web page offers a sociologically pertinent description and some additional resources.
Factory Farm Map. Site provides in depth information on factory farming. Much of the data is broken out by state.
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Adam Liptak. NY Times. 3/27/2011. (Actual report)
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
Media Education Foundation (MEF) created this video as part of Screen Free Week 2011. Or here
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 2/16/2011. Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
Matt Taibbi on DemocracyNow! 2/22/11. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
Blackwater Watch - the world's largest mercenary army.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
Weekend Warrior Bootcamp. Dan Kenney. In These Times. 6/02/2010.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
Oil Consortium Behind War Crimes - Aid Agencies. Frank Mulder, IPS, 6/09/2010.
Draft U.N. Treaty Targets Security Firms in War Zones. Thalif Deen. IPS. 6/09/2010.
BP Bets the Planet--We Lose. Terry Allen. In These Times. 6/10/2010.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
ICE snaps up Climate Exchange for £395m. Jeremy Grant & Hal Weitzman. Financial Times. 4/30/2010.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
Obama's Big Sellout. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 12/09/2009.
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
GMAC chief's pay rivals Wall St. Suzanne Kapner. Financial Times. 3/03/2010.
STILL WAITING: "Unfair orDeceptive" Credit Card Practices Continue
as AmericansWait for New Reforms to Take Effect. Nick Bourke and Ardie Holifield. Pew Charitable Trusts. 11/01/2009. Original
Why Markets Fail. John Michaels Greer. Intelligence Daily, 10/30/2009.
The heart of India is under attack. Arundhati Roy. Guardian/UK. 10/30/2009.
Institutions 'haven't learnt' from the turmoil. Sophia Grene. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Big shift benefits emerging markets. David Oakley. Financial Times. 10/25/2009
Private equity's love affair with leverage. Steven Johnson. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Unbelievable returns, thanks to government. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Absolute return funds need risk benchmarks. Roland Rousseau. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Eric Uhifelder. Hedge funds scramble to install damage limitation. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Pablo Triana. Blame toxic lethality not complexity. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis. Henry Giroux. TruthOut. 4/03/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. The Montreal Gazette. 7/29/2009.
The Backbone of Complex Networks of Corporations: Who Is Controlling Whom. J.B. Glattfelder and S. Battison. 2/2009.
Document Details Plan to Promote Costly Drug. Gardiner Harris. NY Times. 9/02/2009.
Broken Laws Unprotected Workers. NELP. 9/2009.
The Virtues of Deglobalization. Walden Bello. FPIF. 9/03/2009.
Guatemalan army stole children for adoption, report says. CNN. 9/12/2009.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. Montreal Gazette, 7/29/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?. Eric Hobsbawm. Guardian. 4/ 10/2009.
'Pirates' Strike a U.S. Ship Owned by a Pentagon Contractor, But Is the Media Telling the Whole Story?. Jeremy Scahill. AlterNet. 5/08/2009>
Punjab suicides cast shadow on polls. Suvojit Bagchi. BBC. 4/12/2009.
GHANA: Plummeting profits drive tomato farmers to suicide. IRIN News Agency. 4/18/2009.
Empire Foreclosed?. Mark Engler. FPIF. 4/17/2009
Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 6/09/2009.
POLITICS: Same Firms Shipping Aid and Arms, Report Says. Thalif Deen. IPS. 5/12/2009.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
Amnesty Attacks Oil Industry for Decades of Damage in Niger Delta. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/30/2009.
ECONOMY: Migrant Miseries Will Trickle Down Worldwide, U.N. Warns. Charlotte Lalanne. IPS, 7/01/2009.
AGRICULTURE: A Stormy Time for Indigenous Wisdom. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 7/06/2009.
Financial Regulatory Reform Plan. Obama Administration. 6/2009. 88 pgs pdf
The Case Against Shell in Nigeria. Site tracking the complaints of the Wiwa of Nigeria against Shell Oil Company.
Study: Medical Bills Underlie 60 Percent of US Bankruptcies. Maggie Fox. Reuters. 6/04/2009
Bill Moyers Journal. Shown 6/05/2009. Jeremy Scahill on Obama and Private Contractors (transcript included)
How human genes become patented. Elizabeth Landrau. CNN. 5/13/2009.
Minorities Affected Most as New York Foreclosures Rise . Michael Powell & Janet Roberts. NY Times. 5/15/2009.
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
A U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe. Doreen Carvajal and Stephen Castle. NY Times. 5/05/09.
David Simon: An American Observer. Moyers Journal. 4/17/2009. Wide ranging interview addressing crime, poverty, the war on drugs, etc. (wolf wolf)
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India. The Independent. 4/15/2009.
4/03/2009. Bill Moyers interviews William Black in CSI Bailout. It is a stunning discussion of the current financial meltdown. A must watch. (wolf wolf)
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns. Jesse McKinley. NT Times. 3/25/2009.
The Quiet Coup. Simon Johnson. The Atlantic May 2009.
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government
Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania. AP. 3/26/2009.
Oil War' Rages in Niger Delta. NTDTV. 9/17/2008. (2:03)
The American Form of Government. Author and date unknown. Excellent 10 minute discussion of various forms of government. Video Resource (U:wolf PW:wolf)
The Big Takeover. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 4/2/2009.
The Inflection Is Near?. Thomas Friedman. NY Times. 3/08/2009.
IMF Says Advanced Economies Already in Depression. Angus Whitley and Shamim Adam. Bloomberg. 2/07/09.
Doubling Up. Why the IMF is scrambling to raise extra capital. The Economist. 2/17/2009.
Europe says all markets must be regulated. Matt Falloon. Reuters. 2/22/2009.
Obama tries to halt talk of bank nationalization. Ben Feller. BusinessWeek/AP. 2/20/2009.
Greenspan backs bank nationalisation. Krishna Guha and Edward Luce. Financial Times/UK. 2/18/2009. is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
What Cooked the World's Economy?. James Lieber. The Village Voice. 1/27/2009.
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?. Ellen Brown. Global Research. 10/8/2008.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
EAST AFRICA: Even Fish Heads Are Now Unaffordable. Wambi Michael. International Press Service. 1/16/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
$3.43 Trillion & Counting. The costs of bailouts. Naomi Prins. Mother Jones. January/February 2009
Pulp Friction - loss of the Kimberly-Clark mill. Roger Bybee. In These Times. 1/07/2009.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty. David Cronin. International Press Service. 1/08/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
Saving Private Industry: Corporate bailouts of the past 40 years
The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for eight years of Bush. Linda Bilmes and Josepf Stiglitz, images by Nigel Holmes. Harper's Magazine. January 2009. 6 pgs pdf ( original (subscription req.)
Development Redefined. John Cavanagh and Robin Broad. Foreign Policy In Focus. 9/24/2008.
Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans Than Illegal Drugs. David Guiterez. Natural News. 11/10/2008.
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
$73 an Hour: Adding It Up. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 12/09/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Review: Illegal People. Mary Bauer. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
AP Study Finds $1.6 Billion Went to Bailed-Out Bank Executives. Frank Bass and Rita Beamish, The Associated Press. 12/21/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
How the West's Energy Boom Could Threaten Drinking Water for 1 in 12 Americans. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 12/21/2008.
The Black Mesa Controversy. Enei Begaye. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
Toxic Tour: A Visit to Waste-Dumping Sites Shows UN Conference to Be Ignoring Environmental Racism. Deepa Fernandes. Village Voice. 8/28/2001.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience. The draft of a federal report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Annotations are based on the review's findings. 12/2008. NY Times searchable copy.
As Workers' Pensions Wither, Those for Executives Flourish. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis, Wall Street Journal. June 23, 2006
Executive Pensions Often Secured First. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis. Hartford Courant (republished in The Wall Street Journal. 4/27/2003.
Middle class has been shrinking for decades. Rom Eblen. Kentucky Herald-Leader. 10/03/2008.
US Diluted Loan Rules Before Crash. Mark Appuzo. Assoc. Press. 12/01/2008.
One Man's Military-Industrial-Media Complex. David Barstow, NY Times, 11/29/08.
Banking Regulator Played Advocate Over Enforcer. Binyamin Applebaum & Ellen Nakashima, Wa. Post. 11/23/2008.
Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 11/13/2008.
'We consider ourselves heroes' - a Somali pirate speaks. Xen Rice & Abdiqani Hassan. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply. Julian Border. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Monsanto Beets Down Opposition. Kari Lydersen. In These Times. 11/21/2008. GM crops in Oregon's Willamette Valley.
The New Trough . Naomi Klein. Rolling Stone. 11/13/2008. The $700 billion Federal Bailout.
Women Buying Health Policies Pay a Penalty. Robert Pear. NY Times. 10/29/2008.
DEVELOPMENT-ANGOLA: Building Sustainable Water Systems. Louise Redvers. IPS. 10/01/2008.
ENVIRONMENT: Companies Scramble for Ever-Scarcer Resources. Wolfgang Kerler. IPS. 10/01/2008.
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 10/23/2008.
Inequality in major U.S. cities rivals Africa: U.N.. Reuters. 10/23/2008.
Japan's burgeoning class: Working Poor. Shino Yuasa. AP. 10/26/2008.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Draft legislation for $700 billion bailout.
How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie. Binyamin Appelbaum, Carol D. Leonnig and David S. Hilzenrath. Wa. Post. 9/14/2008.
Unease over Guatemalan gold rush. Bill Law. BBC. 8/21/08.
MEXICO: Peasants Seek Ways to Block Canadian-Run Mine. Diego Cevallos. InterPress Services. 8/31/2008.
Comparison of the Reported Tax Liabilities of Foreign- and U.S.-Controlled Corporations, 1998-2005. General Accounting Office. GAO-08-957. 7/24/2008.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Wal-Mart to invest $1bn in Brazil. BBC. 8/13/2008.
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
Where Credit Is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis. Naomi Prins, Mother Jones. July/August 2008.
Africa's Unnatural Disaster. Sameer Dossani. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/26/2008.
New fight for Congo's riches. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/29/2008.
Why Children Are Not 'Little Adults'. NY Times. 7/10/2008.
As G-8 meets, free trade under fire. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 7/07/2008.
New pressures force U.S. farmers south of the border. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 7/15/2008.
The WTO's Raw Deal on Services. 7/17/08. FPIF.
Watchdog: NASA misled on global warming studies. CNN. 6/02/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
ECONOMY: Global Woes Hit Developing Countries. Abid Aslam. Inter Press Service. 6/10/2008.
The Rich and the Rest of Us. John Cavanagh & Chuck Collins. The Nation. 6/11/2008.
U.S. says ending trade barriers key to food crisis. Reuters. 6/13/2008.
South Korea's Beef with America. Christine Ahn. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/13/2008.
Falling like a ton of bricks. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
$40bn shortfall in Africa aid endangers 5 million lives. Tracy McVeigh. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
The United States of Advertising. Kevin Connolly. BBC. 6/14/2008.
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert. Abrose Evans-Pritchard. Telegraph/UK. 6/18/2008.
Destroying African Agriculture. Walden Bello. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/03/2008.
Monsanto Seeks Big Increase in Crop Yields. Andrew Pollack, NY Times. 6/05/2008.
Boeing, Dow Chemical Fined 926 Million Over Nuclear Pollution. Agence France Presse. 6/04/2008.
World hunger's urban edge. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/05/2008,
Americans $1.7 trillion poorer. Tami Luhby. CNN. 6/05/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Summit Agrees Greater Liberalisation. Sabina Zaccaro. Inter Press Service. 6/05/2008.
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Trade boss criticises financial mess. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 5/30/2008.
. Jennifer Kahn. Resugence Magazine. 1999.
"Transgenic Seed Companies Lie and Bribe". Interview with Jesús León Santos, Winner of Goldman Prize. Inter Press Service. 4/24/2008.
Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest. David Loyn. BBC. 4/26/2008.
Global press freedom declines in 2007: study. The Age / AU. 4/30/08.
UN: Biofuel Production 'Criminal Path' to Global Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 4/29/2008.
Chevron Complicit in Abuses in Burma - Rights Lobby. Marwaan Macan-Markar. Inter Press Services. 4/20/2008.
Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America
Transparency International researches and monitors global corruption of governments and corporations.
Transparency International calls on leading oil and gas companies to increase revenue transparency. Transparency International Anti-Corruption Reports. 2008.
Oil Majors Rapped Over Secrecy, Corruption. Abid Aslam. International Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Bolivia nationalises key firms. Al Jazeera. 5/01/2008.
Multinationals Make Billions In Profit Out of Growing Global Food Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/04/2008.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
The Degradation of Work: The True Cost of Shrimp. (Original link) Solidarity Center. January 2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
India rules out new farm debt aid. BBC. 4/22/2008.
The Great Shopping Spree, R.I.P.. Robert J. Samuelson. Newsweek. 4/28/2008.
Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.
Despite Tough Times, Ultrarich Keep Spending. Christine Haughney & Eric Konigsberg. NY Times. 4/13/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 4/15/2008.
Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD). PDF. Report on traditional vs industrial agriculture, original report site
NBC Universal, ad agency to create product-centered programs. AP. 4/18/2008.
South Korean workers on edge of burnout. Bruce Williams. LA Times. 4/19/2008.
Food price rises are "mass murder": U.N. envoy. Reuters. 4/20/2008.
Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 4/20/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. International Press Service. 4/15/2008.
A faltering economy hasn't slowed American CEOs' pursuit of wealth. David Walsh. World Socialist Web Site. 4/16/2008.
Immigration agents detain hundreds at poultry plants. CNN. 4/17/2008.
Three Amigos Summit. Manuel Perez Rocha & Sarah Anderson. Foreign Policy in Focus. 4/15/2008
Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays. Jenny Anderson. NY Times. 4/16/2008.
Union Killings Peril Trade Pact With Colombia. Simon Romero. NY Times. 4/14/2008.
I.R.S. Scrutiny of Big Firms Plummets, Study Says. Lynnley Browning. NY TImes. 4/14/2008.
Toxic shock: how the banking industry created a global crisis. Jill Treanor. Guardian/UK. 4/08/2008.
IMF plans gold sale to raise $6bn. BBC. 4/07/2008.
Credit crunch costs '$1 trillion'. Stevern Schifferes. BBC. 4/09/2008.
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
For Many, a Boom That Wasn't. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 4/09/2008.
In Justice Shift, Corporate Deals Replace Trials. Eric Lichtblau. 4/09/2008.
The World Bank's Carbon Deals. Janet Redman. Foreign Policy In Focus. 4/10/2008.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Globalization, trade and recession take a toll on Martinsville, Virginia. Tony Pugh. McClatchy. 4/10/2008.
Foreclosure Machine Thrives on Woes. Gretchen Morgenson & Jonathan Glater. NY Times. 3/30/2008.
Oregon's healthcare lottery. Rajesh Mirchandani. BBC. 3/30/2008
Microfinance's Success Sets Off a Debate in Mexico. Elizabeth Malkin. NY Times. 4/05/2008.
Executive Pay: The Bottom Line for Those at the Top. 4/06/2008. NY Times. Interactive display.
Blue Collar, Bare Cupboards. Sasha Abramsky. In These Times. 3/28/2008.
Ex-slave works to free others from West African tradition. Nora Boustany. Christina Science Monitor. 3/26/2008.
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study. Reuters. 3/27/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate. Matt Homer. International Press Service.
Struggling homeowners find little hope in federal program. Kevin Hall. McClatchy. 3/29/2008.
Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners. Al Jazeera. 3/30/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
The Military-Petroleum Complex. Nick Turse. Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/24/2008.
Mining forces out thousands in SA. BBC. 3/25/2008.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Q&A: EU and U.S. Offering Special WTO Deal to Lure South Africa. International Press Service. 3/25/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Peru roads blocked in trade protest. Al Jazeera. 2/18/2008.
Drug Traces Common in Tap Water. AP. 3/10/2008.
A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking
Grain Farmer Claims Moral Victory in Seed Battle Against Monsanto. Matt Hartley. Globe & Mail (Canada), 3/20/2008.
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
What Created This Monster?. Nelson Schwartz & Julie Creswell. NT Times. 3/23/08. The role of deregulation of the financial industry and the use of derivatives to "spread risk."
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2008.
Up to 70% interest - credit card aimed at the poor. Patrick Collinson. Guardian UK. 2/12/2008.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
Depression drugs don't work, finds data review. David Rose. Times Online. 2/26/2008.
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. Maude Barlow. Foreign Policy in Focus. 2/25/2008.
Sub-prime CEOs defend high wages. BBC. 3/07/2008.
Daniel Troy's Poison Pill. Stephanie Mencimer. Mother Jones. 3/07/2008.
3 CEOs made $460 million - House panel - Sub-prime mortgages. Ben Rooney. CNN. 3/06/2008.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Surveillance states. The Economist. 2/06/2008.
Book: 911 Commission Executive Director Had Closer White House Ties Than Publicly Disclosed. Hope Yen. AP. 2/04/2008.
EL SALVADOR: Benefits of Free Trade Deal Still Remote. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 1/31/2008.
Troubled loans rise, but Umpqua says it can cope. Jeff Manning. Oregonian, 1/25/2008.
Executive Excess 2007: The Staggering Social Cost of U.S. Business Leadership. Multiple Authors. UFE and Institute for Policy Studies.
State of the Dream: Foreclosed. United for a Fair Economy. 1/16/2008. Charts: Racial cost of predatory lending; more charts
Foster kids' meds get scant attention. Brent Walth & Michelle Cole. Oregonian. 11/25/07.
Chiquita Sued In NY Over Killings In Colombia. Reuters. 11/15/07.
Medicare Audits Show Problems in Private Plans. Robert Pear. NY Times. 10/07/07.
A Heavy Toll From Disease Fuels Suspicion and Anger. Bolton, NYT. 10/07/07.
Disaster Capitalism: the new economy of catastrophe. Naomi Klein. Harper's. 10/2007.
The Global Dominance Group: 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context. Peter Phillips, Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler. Project Censored 2007 (Or here)
Power Play - Nuclear power series from MSNBC 1/23/07-1/26/07:
Mike Stuckey New nuclear power ‘wave’ — or just a ripple? How millions for lobbying, campaigns helped fuel U.S. industry's big plans.Mike Stuckey Sen. Pete Domenici: nuclear renaissance man Long-serving lawmaker is driving force behind U.S. industry's rebirth
Mike Stuckey U.S. plan for nuclear cartel faces reality check Expense, technical challenges threaten to keep GNEP in starting gate
Mike Stuckey Nuclear energy's French connection Ambitious Areva is second to none at American-style power politics
John Schoen Does nuclear power now make financial sense? Industry must persuade Wall St. that new advantages translate to profits
America's Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/07
Anywhere the Eye Can See, It's Likely to See an Ad. 1/15/07 Story, NY Times.
9/20/06 Stephens, NYT, Quiet Break for Corporations9/03/06 Cohen, Toronto Star, Maude Barlow Primes the Clean-Water Pump
Pay To Be Saved: The Future of Disaster Response. Naomi Klein, CommonDreams, 8/28/06
Monsanto Moves To Control Water Resources & Fish Farming
CRG -- The Basmati Battle And its Implications for Biopiracy and Trips
Media Power Sources On party, gender, race and class, TV news looks to the most powerful groups
Center for Public Integrity: Outsourcing the Pentagon
Streetcars provided transport, entertainment - A Q-C Century - Progress 99
Corporate Power3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
"Transgenic Seed Companies Lie and Bribe". Interview with Jesús León Santos, Winner of Goldman Prize. Inter Press Service. 4/24/2008.
$3.43 Trillion & Counting. The costs of bailouts. Naomi Prins. Mother Jones. January/February 2009
$40bn shortfall in Africa aid endangers 5 million lives. Tracy McVeigh. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
$73 an Hour: Adding It Up. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 12/09/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
'Pirates' Strike a U.S. Ship Owned by a Pentagon Contractor, But Is the Media Telling the Whole Story?. Jeremy Scahill. AlterNet. 5/08/2009>
'We consider ourselves heroes' - a Somali pirate speaks. Xen Rice & Abdiqani Hassan. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India. The Independent. 4/15/2009.
3 CEOs made $460 million - House panel - Sub-prime mortgages. Ben Rooney. CNN. 3/06/2008.
A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking
A Heavy Toll From Disease Fuels Suspicion and Anger. Bolton, NYT. 10/07/07.
9/20/06 Stephens, NYT, Quiet Break for CorporationsA U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe. Doreen Carvajal and Stephen Castle. NY Times. 5/05/09.
A faltering economy hasn't slowed American CEOs' pursuit of wealth. David Walsh. World Socialist Web Site. 4/16/2008.
AGRICULTURE: A Stormy Time for Indigenous Wisdom. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 7/06/2009.
AP Study Finds $1.6 Billion Went to Bailed-Out Bank Executives. Frank Bass and Rita Beamish, The Associated Press. 12/21/2008.
Absolute return funds need risk benchmarks. Roland Rousseau. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Africa's Unnatural Disaster. Sameer Dossani. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/26/2008.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
America's Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/07
Americans $1.7 trillion poorer. Tami Luhby. CNN. 6/05/2008.
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2008.
Amnesty Attacks Oil Industry for Decades of Damage in Niger Delta. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/30/2009.
Henry Giroux. Truthout, 4/9/13. Angela Davis, Freedom and the Politics of Higher Education .
Anywhere the Eye Can See, It's Likely to See an Ad. 1/15/07 Story, NY Times.
Argentina Tries to Reconcile Exporting Food With Prices at Home. Monte Reel. Wa. Post. 4/26/2008.
As G-8 meets, free trade under fire. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 7/07/2008.
As Workers' Pensions Wither, Those for Executives Flourish. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis, Wall Street Journal. June 23, 2006
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
BIODIVERSITY: Indigenous Peoples Fight Theft. Julio Godoy. Inter Press Service. 5/24/2008.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
BP Bets the Planet--We Lose. Terry Allen. In These Times. 6/10/2010.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.
Banking Regulator Played Advocate Over Enforcer. Binyamin Applebaum & Ellen Nakashima, Wa. Post. 11/23/2008.
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
Big shift benefits emerging markets. David Oakley. Financial Times. 10/25/2009 is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
Blackwater Watch - the world's largest mercenary army.
Pablo Triana. Blame toxic lethality not complexity. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Blue Collar, Bare Cupboards. Sasha Abramsky. In These Times. 3/28/2008.
Boeing, Dow Chemical Fined 926 Million Over Nuclear Pollution. Agence France Presse. 6/04/2008.
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
Bolivia nationalises key firms. Al Jazeera. 5/01/2008.
Book: 911 Commission Executive Director Had Closer White House Ties Than Publicly Disclosed. Hope Yen. AP. 2/04/2008.
Broken Laws Unprotected Workers. NELP. 9/2009.
Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 11/13/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Center for Public Integrity: Outsourcing the Pentagon
Chevron Complicit in Abuses in Burma - Rights Lobby. Marwaan Macan-Markar. Inter Press Services. 4/20/2008.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
Chiquita Sued In NY Over Killings In Colombia. Reuters. 11/15/07.
Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns. Jesse McKinley. NT Times. 3/25/2009.
Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis. Henry Giroux. TruthOut. 4/03/2009.
Comparison of the Reported Tax Liabilities of Foreign- and U.S.-Controlled Corporations, 1998-2005. General Accounting Office. GAO-08-957. 7/24/2008.
Consent of the Governed: the reign of corporations and the fight for democracy. Jeffrey Kaplan. Orion Magazine. 11/2003.
Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania. AP. 3/26/2009.
Corporate Criminals web page offers a sociologically pertinent description and some additional resources.
Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
Credit crunch costs '$1 trillion'. Stevern Schifferes. BBC. 4/09/2008.
DEVELOPMENT-ANGOLA: Building Sustainable Water Systems. Louise Redvers. IPS. 10/01/2008.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate. Matt Homer. International Press Service.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty. David Cronin. International Press Service. 1/08/2009.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Crisis Linked to Doha Deal. Aileen Kwa. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Summit Agrees Greater Liberalisation. Sabina Zaccaro. Inter Press Service. 6/05/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 4/15/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. International Press Service. 4/15/2008.
Daniel Troy's Poison Pill. Stephanie Mencimer. Mother Jones. 3/07/2008.
Depression drugs don't work, finds data review. David Rose. Times Online. 2/26/2008.
Despite Tough Times, Ultrarich Keep Spending. Christine Haughney & Eric Konigsberg. NY Times. 4/13/2008.
Destroying African Agriculture. Walden Bello. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/03/2008.
Development Redefined. John Cavanagh and Robin Broad. Foreign Policy In Focus. 9/24/2008.
Disaster Capitalism: the new economy of catastrophe. Naomi Klein. Harper's. 10/2007.
Document Details Plan to Promote Costly Drug. Gardiner Harris. NY Times. 9/02/2009.
Doubling Up. Why the IMF is scrambling to raise extra capital. The Economist. 2/17/2009.
Draft U.N. Treaty Targets Security Firms in War Zones. Thalif Deen. IPS. 6/09/2010.
Drug Traces Common in Tap Water. AP. 3/10/2008.
EAST AFRICA: Even Fish Heads Are Now Unaffordable. Wambi Michael. International Press Service. 1/16/2009.
ECONOMY: Global Woes Hit Developing Countries. Abid Aslam. Inter Press Service. 6/10/2008.
ECONOMY: Migrant Miseries Will Trickle Down Worldwide, U.N. Warns. Charlotte Lalanne. IPS, 7/01/2009.
EL SALVADOR: Benefits of Free Trade Deal Still Remote. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 1/31/2008.
ENVIRONMENT: Companies Scramble for Ever-Scarcer Resources. Wolfgang Kerler. IPS. 10/01/2008.
Economic Toll Mounts From High Oil Prices. Graham Bowley & David Jolly. NY Times. 5/23/2008.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Empire Foreclosed?. Mark Engler. FPIF. 4/17/2009
Europe says all markets must be regulated. Matt Falloon. Reuters. 2/22/2009.
Ex-slave works to free others from West African tradition. Nora Boustany. Christina Science Monitor. 3/26/2008.
Executive Excess 2007: The Staggering Social Cost of U.S. Business Leadership. Multiple Authors. UFE and Institute for Policy Studies.
Executive Pay: The Bottom Line for Those at the Top. 4/06/2008. NY Times. Interactive display.
Executive Pensions Often Secured First. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis. Hartford Courant (republished in The Wall Street Journal. 4/27/2003.
Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD). PDF. Report on traditional vs industrial agriculture, original report site
Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 4/20/2008.
Factory Farm Map. Site provides in depth information on factory farming. Much of the data is broken out by state.
Falling like a ton of bricks. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
Family Seed Business Takes On Goliath of Genetic Modification. Marian Scott. The Edmonton Journal (Canada). 5/25/2008.
Fascism USA. Rowan Wolf. 12/19/2004. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Financial Regulatory Reform Plan. Obama Administration. 6/2009. 88 pgs pdf
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food price rises are "mass murder": U.N. envoy. Reuters. 4/20/2008.
For Many, a Boom That Wasn't. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 4/09/2008.
Foreclosure Machine Thrives on Woes. Gretchen Morgenson & Jonathan Glater. NY Times. 3/30/2008.
Foster kids' meds get scant attention. Brent Walth & Michelle Cole. Oregonian. 11/25/07.
GHANA: Plummeting profits drive tomato farmers to suicide. IRIN News Agency. 4/18/2009.
GMAC chief's pay rivals Wall St. Suzanne Kapner. Financial Times. 3/03/2010.
Global Problems, Local Solutions. Wendell Berry. Resurgence. 2006.
Global press freedom declines in 2007: study. The Age / AU. 4/30/08.
Globalization, trade and recession take a toll on Martinsville, Virginia. Tony Pugh. McClatchy. 4/10/2008.
Grain Farmer Claims Moral Victory in Seed Battle Against Monsanto. Matt Hartley. Globe & Mail (Canada), 3/20/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Greenspan backs bank nationalisation. Krishna Guha and Edward Luce. Financial Times/UK. 2/18/2009.
Guatemalan army stole children for adoption, report says. CNN. 9/12/2009.
Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience. The draft of a federal report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Annotations are based on the review's findings. 12/2008. NY Times searchable copy.
Eric Uhifelder. Hedge funds scramble to install damage limitation. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners. Al Jazeera. 3/30/2008.
How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie. Binyamin Appelbaum, Carol D. Leonnig and David S. Hilzenrath. Wa. Post. 9/14/2008.
How human genes become patented. Elizabeth Landrau. CNN. 5/13/2009.
How the West's Energy Boom Could Threaten Drinking Water for 1 in 12 Americans. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 12/21/2008.
. Sophia Grene. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
Is in vitro meat the future?. Carol Midgley. Times/UK. 5/09/2008.
Japan's burgeoning class: Working Poor. Shino Yuasa. AP. 10/26/2008.
Bill Moyers Journal. Shown 6/05/2009. Jeremy Scahill on Obama and Private Contractors (transcript included)
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
MEXICO: Peasants Seek Ways to Block Canadian-Run Mine. Diego Cevallos. InterPress Services. 8/31/2008.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. The Montreal Gazette. 7/29/2009.
Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. Montreal Gazette, 7/29/2009.
9/03/06 Cohen, Toronto Star, Maude Barlow Primes the Clean-Water Pump
Media Power Sources On party, gender, race and class, TV news looks to the most powerful groups
Media Education Foundation (MEF) created this video as part of Screen Free Week 2011. Or here
Medicare Audits Show Problems in Private Plans. Robert Pear. NY Times. 10/07/07.
Microfinance's Success Sets Off a Debate in Mexico. Elizabeth Malkin. NY Times. 4/05/2008.
Middle class has been shrinking for decades. Rom Eblen. Kentucky Herald-Leader. 10/03/2008.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Mining forces out thousands in SA. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Minorities Affected Most as New York Foreclosures Rise . Michael Powell & Janet Roberts. NY Times. 5/15/2009.
Monsanto Beets Down Opposition. Kari Lydersen. In These Times. 11/21/2008. GM crops in Oregon's Willamette Valley.
Monsanto Moves To Control Water Resources & Fish Farming
Monsanto Seeks Big Increase in Crop Yields. Andrew Pollack, NY Times. 6/05/2008.
David Simon: An American Observer. Moyers Journal. 4/17/2009. Wide ranging interview addressing crime, poverty, the war on drugs, etc. (wolf wolf)
Multinationals Make Billions In Profit Out of Growing Global Food Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/04/2008.
NBC Universal, ad agency to create product-centered programs. AP. 4/18/2008.
New fight for Congo's riches. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/29/2008.
New pressures force U.S. farmers south of the border. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 7/15/2008.
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
Obama tries to halt talk of bank nationalization. Ben Feller. BusinessWeek/AP. 2/20/2009.
Obama's Big Sellout. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 12/09/2009.
Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 6/09/2009.
Oil Consortium Behind War Crimes - Aid Agencies. Frank Mulder, IPS, 6/09/2010.
Oil Majors Rapped Over Secrecy, Corruption. Abid Aslam. International Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Oil War' Rages in Niger Delta. NTDTV. 9/17/2008. (2:03)
One Man's Military-Industrial-Media Complex. David Barstow, NY Times, 11/29/08.
Oregon's healthcare lottery. Rajesh Mirchandani. BBC. 3/30/2008
POLITICS: Same Firms Shipping Aid and Arms, Report Says. Thalif Deen. IPS. 5/12/2009.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Draft legislation for $700 billion bailout.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Pay To Be Saved: The Future of Disaster Response. Naomi Klein, CommonDreams, 8/28/06
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
Peru roads blocked in trade protest. Al Jazeera. 2/18/2008.
STILL WAITING: "Unfair orDeceptive" Credit Card Practices Continue
as AmericansWait for New Reforms to Take Effect. Nick Bourke and Ardie Holifield. Pew Charitable Trusts. 11/01/2009. Original
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
Power Play - Nuclear power series from MSNBC 1/23/07-1/26/07:
Mike Stuckey New nuclear power ‘wave’ — or just a ripple? How millions for lobbying, campaigns helped fuel U.S. industry's big plans.Mike Stuckey Sen. Pete Domenici: nuclear renaissance man Long-serving lawmaker is driving force behind U.S. industry's rebirth
Mike Stuckey U.S. plan for nuclear cartel faces reality check Expense, technical challenges threaten to keep GNEP in starting gate
Mike Stuckey Nuclear energy's French connection Ambitious Areva is second to none at American-style power politics
John Schoen Does nuclear power now make financial sense? Industry must persuade Wall St. that new advantages translate to profits
Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans Than Illegal Drugs. David Guiterez. Natural News. 11/10/2008.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
Private equity's love affair with leverage. Steven Johnson. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Pulp Friction - loss of the Kimberly-Clark mill. Roger Bybee. In These Times. 1/07/2009.
Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest. David Loyn. BBC. 4/26/2008.
Punjab suicides cast shadow on polls. Suvojit Bagchi. BBC. 4/12/2009.
Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America
Q&A: EU and U.S. Offering Special WTO Deal to Lure South Africa. International Press Service. 3/25/2008.
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert. Abrose Evans-Pritchard. Telegraph/UK. 6/18/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Redesigning Corporate Law. Robert Hinkley. Resurgence 2002.
Review: Illegal People. Mary Bauer. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study. Reuters. 3/27/2008.
Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply. Julian Border. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Saving Private Industry: Corporate bailouts of the past 40 years
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?. Eric Hobsbawm. Guardian. 4/ 10/2009.
Solidarity is in the air. Margaret Jones.
South Korea's Beef with America. Christine Ahn. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/13/2008.
South Korean workers on edge of burnout. Bruce Williams. LA Times. 4/19/2008.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
State of the Dream: Foreclosed. United for a Fair Economy. 1/16/2008. Charts: Racial cost of predatory lending; more charts
Streetcars provided transport, entertainment - A Q-C Century - Progress 99
Struggling homeowners find little hope in federal program. Kevin Hall. McClatchy. 3/29/2008.
Study: Medical Bills Underlie 60 Percent of US Bankruptcies. Maggie Fox. Reuters. 6/04/2009
Sub-prime CEOs defend high wages. BBC. 3/07/2008.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Adam Liptak. NY Times. 3/27/2011. (Actual report)
Surveillance states. The Economist. 2/06/2008.
Transparency International calls on leading oil and gas companies to increase revenue transparency. Transparency International Anti-Corruption Reports. 2008.
The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for eight years of Bush. Linda Bilmes and Josepf Stiglitz, images by Nigel Holmes. Harper's Magazine. January 2009. 6 pgs pdf ( original (subscription req.)
The American Form of Government. Author and date unknown. Excellent 10 minute discussion of various forms of government. Video Resource (U:wolf PW:wolf)
The Backbone of Complex Networks of Corporations: Who Is Controlling Whom. J.B. Glattfelder and S. Battison. 2/2009.
CRG -- The Basmati Battle And its Implications for Biopiracy and Trips
The Big Takeover. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 4/2/2009.
The Black Mesa Controversy. Enei Begaye. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
The Degradation of Work: The True Cost of Shrimp. (Original link) Solidarity Center. January 2008.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
The Global Dominance Group: 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context. Peter Phillips, Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler. Project Censored 2007 (Or here)
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. Maude Barlow. Foreign Policy in Focus. 2/25/2008.
The Great Shopping Spree, R.I.P.. Robert J. Samuelson. Newsweek. 4/28/2008.
The Green Machine: Monsanto Co's Transgenic Products Tightens Their Control of Seed Market. Jennifer Kahn. Resugence Magazine. 1999.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
The Inflection Is Near?. Thomas Friedman. NY Times. 3/08/2009.
The Military-Petroleum Complex. Nick Turse. Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/24/2008.
The New Trough . Naomi Klein. Rolling Stone. 11/13/2008. The $700 billion Federal Bailout.
The Quiet Coup. Simon Johnson. The Atlantic May 2009.
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government
The Rich and the Rest of Us. John Cavanagh & Chuck Collins. The Nation. 6/11/2008.
The United States of Advertising. Kevin Connolly. BBC. 6/14/2008.
The Virtues of Deglobalization. Walden Bello. FPIF. 9/03/2009.
The WTO's Raw Deal on Services. 7/17/08. FPIF.
The World Bank's Carbon Deals. Janet Redman. Foreign Policy In Focus. 4/10/2008.
The heart of India is under attack. Arundhati Roy. Guardian/UK. 10/30/2009.
Three Amigos Summit. Manuel Perez Rocha & Sarah Anderson. Foreign Policy in Focus. 4/15/2008
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
Tornado might sound death knell for Oklahoma town. Kevin Murphy. KC Star. 5/12/2008.
Toxic Tour: A Visit to Waste-Dumping Sites Shows UN Conference to Be Ignoring Environmental Racism. Deepa Fernandes. Village Voice. 8/28/2001.
Toxic shock: how the banking industry created a global crisis. Jill Treanor. Guardian/UK. 4/08/2008.
Trade boss criticises financial mess. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Transparency International researches and monitors global corruption of governments and corporations.
Troubled loans rise, but Umpqua says it can cope. Jeff Manning. Oregonian, 1/25/2008.
U.S. says ending trade barriers key to food crisis. Reuters. 6/13/2008.
UN: Biofuel Production 'Criminal Path' to Global Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 4/29/2008.
US Diluted Loan Rules Before Crash. Mark Appuzo. Assoc. Press. 12/01/2008.
Unbelievable returns, thanks to government. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Unease over Guatemalan gold rush. Bill Law. BBC. 8/21/08.
Union Killings Peril Trade Pact With Colombia. Simon Romero. NY Times. 4/14/2008.
Up to 70% interest - credit card aimed at the poor. Patrick Collinson. Guardian UK. 2/12/2008.
Utah Mine Disaster Was Preventable, Report Says. Ian Urbina. NY Times. 5/09/2008. Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
Wal-Mart to invest $1bn in Brazil. BBC. 8/13/2008.
Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays. Jenny Anderson. NY Times. 4/16/2008.
Watchdog: NASA misled on global warming studies. CNN. 6/02/2008.
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 10/23/2008.
Weekend Warrior Bootcamp. Dan Kenney. In These Times. 6/02/2010.
What Cooked the World's Economy?. James Lieber. The Village Voice. 1/27/2009.
What Created This Monster?. Nelson Schwartz & Julie Creswell. NT Times. 3/23/08. The role of deregulation of the financial industry and the use of derivatives to "spread risk."
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
Where Credit Is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis. Naomi Prins, Mother Jones. July/August 2008.
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?. Ellen Brown. Global Research. 10/8/2008.
Why Children Are Not 'Little Adults'. NY Times. 7/10/2008.
Matt Taibbi on DemocracyNow! 2/22/11. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 2/16/2011. Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
Why Markets Fail. John Michaels Greer. Intelligence Daily, 10/30/2009.
4/03/2009. Bill Moyers interviews William Black in CSI Bailout. It is a stunning discussion of the current financial meltdown. A must watch. (wolf wolf)
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
The Case Against Shell in Nigeria. Site tracking the complaints of the Wiwa of Nigeria against Shell Oil Company.
Women Buying Health Policies Pay a Penalty. Robert Pear. NY Times. 10/29/2008.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
World hunger's urban edge. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/05/2008,
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
Henry Giroux. Truthout, 4/9/13. Angela Davis, Freedom and the Politics of Higher Education .
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Corporate Criminals web page offers a sociologically pertinent description and some additional resources.
Factory Farm Map. Site provides in depth information on factory farming. Much of the data is broken out by state.
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Adam Liptak. NY Times. 3/27/2011. (Actual report)
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
Media Education Foundation (MEF) created this video as part of Screen Free Week 2011. Or here
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 2/16/2011. Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
Matt Taibbi on DemocracyNow! 2/22/11. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
Blackwater Watch - the world's largest mercenary army.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.