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Current Category: Economy and Labor
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Welcome To The New Company Town. Jerry Unseem & Ann Harrington. Fortune 01/10/2000, Vol. 141, Issue 1.
Work complaints hang over plant. Brent Hunsberger and Gosia Wozniacka. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007.
Raids included people's homes. Bryan Denson. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007
Raid sends illegal immigrants underground. Esmeralda Bermudez. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007.
Lessons learned? What Portland leaders did -- and didn't do -- as people of color were forced to the fringes. Nikole Hannah-Jones. The Oregonian. 4/30/2011. Gentrification in North Portland.
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Adam Liptak. NY Times. 3/27/2011. (Actual report)
ZipRealty Guide to Affordable Housing. Site has good information and resources regarding housing around the country.
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 2/16/2011. Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
Matt Taibbi on DemocracyNow! 2/22/11. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
The Rise of the New Global Elite. Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic. January/February 2011.
>HUD Homeless Resource Exchange
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Wealthy Reap Rewards While Those Who Work Lose. Adrian Appel. Inter Press Service. 7/09/2010.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
Feds slam Texas factory over discrimination claims. CNN. 4/15/2010.
ICE snaps up Climate Exchange for £395m. Jeremy Grant & Hal Weitzman. Financial Times. 4/30/2010.
Michael Mackenzie. Derivatives boost NYSE profit. Financial Times. 5/04/2010.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
GMAC chief's pay rivals Wall St. Suzanne Kapner. Financial Times. 3/03/2010.
South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'. BBC. 3/3/2010.
Poverty and disability greatly correlated, new study shows. Mike Ervin. The Progressive. 11/03/2009.
10,000 apply for 90 factory jobs. Jere Downs. Louisville Courier-Journal. 10/08/2009.
Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009
UN investigator accuses US of shameful neglect of homeless. Chris McGreal. Guardian. 11/12/2009.
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
Shale gas numbers may not add up. John Dizard. Financial Times/UK. 11/01/2009.
Why Markets Fail. John Michaels Greer. Intelligence Daily, 10/30/2009.
The heart of India is under attack. Arundhati Roy. Guardian/UK. 10/30/2009.
Institutions 'haven't learnt' from the turmoil. Sophia Grene. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Big shift benefits emerging markets. David Oakley. Financial Times. 10/25/2009
Private equity's love affair with leverage. Steven Johnson. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Unbelievable returns, thanks to government. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Absolute return funds need risk benchmarks. Roland Rousseau. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Eric Uhifelder. Hedge funds scramble to install damage limitation. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Pablo Triana. Blame toxic lethality not complexity. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
New Economics Foundation: Nef is an independent think-and-do tank aimed at improving quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
What 8.5 Percent Looks Like. NPR. 4/03/2009.
G20 and Global Poverty. Neil Watkins. FPIF. 4/08/2009.
Attacks on Homeless Bring Push on Hate Crime Laws. Eric Lichtblau. NY Times. 8/08/2009.
The Backbone of Complex Networks of Corporations: Who Is Controlling Whom. J.B. Glattfelder and S. Battison. 2/2009.
Shadow Government Statistics. Analysis Behind and Beyond Government Economic Reporting
Broken Laws Unprotected Workers. NELP. 9/2009.
G20: Economic summit snapshot. BBC. 9/07/09. Interactive map and data.
Young Workers in Free Fall: 1/3 Under 35 Live with Parents. Art Levine. AlterNet. 9/03/2009.
Migration and Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute. Aug. 2009.
Africa goes hardcore. Tim Samuels. Guardian/UK. 8/30/09.
State of black Oregon: precarious. Nikole Hannah-Jones. Oregonian. 7/26/2009.
From rebel-held Congo to beer can. Thomas Fessy & Mark Doyle. BBC. 4/09/2009.
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?. Eric Hobsbawm. Guardian. 4/ 10/2009.
Local US currency strengthens community. Intelligence Daily. 4/10/2009.
Punjab suicides cast shadow on polls. Suvojit Bagchi. BBC. 4/12/2009.
GHANA: Plummeting profits drive tomato farmers to suicide. IRIN News Agency. 4/18/2009.
Empire Foreclosed?. Mark Engler. FPIF. 4/17/2009
Gendered Job Losses. Catherine Rampell. NY Times. 4/20/2009.
Why XX must think like XY to earn more K. Marilyn Davidson. BBC. 5/14/2009.
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2007.
ECONOMY: Migrant Miseries Will Trickle Down Worldwide, U.N. Warns. Charlotte Lalanne. IPS, 7/01/2009.
Financial Regulatory Reform Plan. Obama Administration. 6/2009. 88 pgs pdf
Study: Medical Bills Underlie 60 Percent of US Bankruptcies. Maggie Fox. Reuters. 6/04/2009
The Cost Of Race: Retirement. NPR. 5/15/2009. (From Pew research Report)
Minorities Affected Most as New York Foreclosures Rise . Michael Powell & Janet Roberts. NY Times. 5/15/2009.
David Simon: An American Observer. Moyers Journal. 4/17/2009. Wide ranging interview addressing crime, poverty, the war on drugs, etc. (wolf wolf)
Materials from Party for Socialism & Liberation. What is Capitalism?. What is socialism?. Is socialism possible in the United States?
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India. The Independent. 4/15/2009.
4/03/2009. Bill Moyers interviews William Black in CSI Bailout. It is a stunning discussion of the current financial meltdown. A must watch. (wolf wolf)
Coloring Opportunity: The Regional Geography of Structural Racism in The NYC Region. Paul Rosenberg. OpenLeft. 3/21/2009.
Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns. Jesse McKinley. NT Times. 3/25/2009.
The Quiet Coup. Simon Johnson. The Atlantic May 2009.
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government
The L-Curve: Income Distribution of the U.S.. David S. Chandler. 2/04/2007. Video Resource
The income distribution of the United States is far more unequal than most people realize. In fact it is so lopsided, it is hard to represent on a single graph. For more see
Rural Poverty and Gas in America. eweining YouTube. 12/01/2007 Video (U:wolf PW:wolf)
Poverty In America. St. Vincent dePaul Charities. 6/05/2008, Video Resource (U:wolf PW:wolf)
U.S. Families Struggle to Eat. CBS. 7/09/2008. Video Resource user: wolf password: wolf
The Big Takeover. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 4/2/2009.
The Inflection Is Near?. Thomas Friedman. NY Times. 3/08/2009.
IMF Says Advanced Economies Already in Depression. Angus Whitley and Shamim Adam. Bloomberg. 2/07/09.
Doubling Up. Why the IMF is scrambling to raise extra capital. The Economist. 2/17/2009.
In Loneliness, Immigrants Tend the Flock. Dan Frosch. NY Times. 2/22/2009.
Europe says all markets must be regulated. Matt Falloon. Reuters. 2/22/2009.
The Failure of Individualism. Jack Bakunin. 1976.
What's Hurting the Middle Class. Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. Boston Review.
Obama tries to halt talk of bank nationalization. Ben Feller. BusinessWeek/AP. 2/20/2009.
Greenspan backs bank nationalisation. Krishna Guha and Edward Luce. Financial Times/UK. 2/18/2009. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
What Cooked the World's Economy?. James Lieber. The Village Voice. 1/27/2009.
Men become richer after divorce. Amelia Hill. Guardian/UK. 1/25/2009.
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?. Ellen Brown. Global Research. 10/8/2008.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
$3.43 Trillion & Counting. The costs of bailouts. Naomi Prins. Mother Jones. January/February 2009
Pulp Friction - loss of the Kimberly-Clark mill. Roger Bybee. In These Times. 1/07/2009.
Social Watch - Global Poverty & Gender Equity. An international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Good source of international research and reports.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty. David Cronin. International Press Service. 1/08/2009.
The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers. Robert Reich. TruthOut. 1/10/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
After Layoffs, Couples Wrestle With Role Reversal. Adrienne Gibbs. Women's eNews. 1/04/2009.
Saving Private Industry: Corporate bailouts of the past 40 years
The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for eight years of Bush. Linda Bilmes and Josepf Stiglitz, images by Nigel Holmes. Harper's Magazine. January 2009. 6 pgs pdf ( original (subscription req.)
Development Redefined. John Cavanagh and Robin Broad. Foreign Policy In Focus. 9/24/2008.
Imperialist destabilization campaign continues to threaten Zimbabwe. Eugene Puryear. Party for Socialism and Liberation. 12/5/2008.
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
No advance for women in top U.S. jobs. Ellen Wulfhorst. NY Times. 12/10/2008.
$73 an Hour: Adding It Up. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 12/09/2008.
Review: Illegal People. Mary Bauer. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Punjab's migrants take less home. Geeta Pandey. BBC. 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
Migrant workers under pressure. Stephanie Holmes. BBC, 12/16/2008.
AP Study Finds $1.6 Billion Went to Bailed-Out Bank Executives. Frank Bass and Rita Beamish, The Associated Press. 12/21/2008.
Insecurity drives farm purchases abroad. David Montero. Christian Science Monitor. 12/22/2008.
Low-Skilled Workers Struggle Amid More Competition and Fewer Openings. Chris Jenklins. Washington Post. 12/20/2008.
As Workers' Pensions Wither, Those for Executives Flourish. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis, Wall Street Journal. June 23, 2006
Executive Pensions Often Secured First. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis. Hartford Courant (republished in The Wall Street Journal. 4/27/2003.
Middle class has been shrinking for decades. Rom Eblen. Kentucky Herald-Leader. 10/03/2008.
US Diluted Loan Rules Before Crash. Mark Appuzo. Assoc. Press. 12/01/2008.
Banking Regulator Played Advocate Over Enforcer. Binyamin Applebaum & Ellen Nakashima, Wa. Post. 11/23/2008.
'We consider ourselves heroes' - a Somali pirate speaks. Xen Rice & Abdiqani Hassan. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Hunger among U.S. children skyrockets in 2007
Characteristics of Low-Income Households With Very Low Food Security. Mark Nord. Economic Information Bulletin Number 25. May 2007. USDA. (research copy).
Household Food Security in the United States, 2007. Nord, Andrews, and Carlson. Economic Research Report No. 56. US Department of Agriculture. (research copy)
Portland's low-income neighborhoods are city's 'food deserts'. Paige Parker. The Oregonian. 11/15/2008. (research copy)
How Bretton Woods reshaped the world. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 11/14/2008.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 10/23/2008.
Inequality in major U.S. cities rivals Africa: U.N.. Reuters. 10/23/2008.
Japan's burgeoning class: Working Poor. Shino Yuasa. AP. 10/26/2008.
Still Working Hard - Still Falling Short. Working Poor Families Project. October 2008. Includes state rankings. (original)
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Equal Before Mammon - Pay inequality.
Reversal of Fortune: Economic gains of 1990s overturned for African Americans from 2000-07. Economic Policy Institute. 10/2008.
Working Group on Extreme Inequality. The site provides income inequality information - primarily for the U.S., and analysis of inequality issues. It is part of the Institute for Policy Studies.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Draft legislation for $700 billion bailout.
How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie. Binyamin Appelbaum, Carol D. Leonnig and David S. Hilzenrath. Wa. Post. 9/14/2008.
Factory Facts. Christian E. Weller and Diego Flores, The Center for American Progress. 8/04/2008.
A proudly American shoe company ships jobs to China. Michelle Nijhuis. Christian Science Monitor. 8/27/2008.
Vietnamese women wed foreigners to help family. Ben Stocking. AP. 8/10/2008.
Unequal America: Causes and consequences of the wide--and growing--gap between rich and poor. Elizabeth Gudrais. Harvard Magazine. July/August 2008.
Where Credit Is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis. Naomi Prins, Mother Jones. July/August 2008.
New pressures force U.S. farmers south of the border. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 7/15/2008.
Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008
The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009. Synopisi of the report by the American Human Development Project.
Measure of America - Interactive Maps. Interactive maps of health, environment and economic wellbeing from Oxfam's American Human Development Project.
ECONOMY: Global Woes Hit Developing Countries. Abid Aslam. Inter Press Service. 6/10/2008.
Plutocracy Reborn. The Nation. 6/11/2008.
The Rich and the Rest of Us. John Cavanagh & Chuck Collins. The Nation. 6/11/2008.
U.S. says ending trade barriers key to food crisis. Reuters. 6/13/2008.
South Korea's Beef with America. Christine Ahn. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/13/2008.
Falling like a ton of bricks. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
New homes slump worst since 1945. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2009.
World crude production has peaked: Pickens. Jasmin Melvin & Missy Ryan. Reuters. 6/17/2008.
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert. Abrose Evans-Pritchard. Telegraph/UK. 6/18/2008.
Bioenergy: Fuelling the food crisis?. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/04/2008.
In India, a bank for street children. Henry Chu. LA Times. 6/07/2008.
World hunger's urban edge. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/05/2008,
Americans $1.7 trillion poorer. Tami Luhby. CNN. 6/05/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Summit Agrees Greater Liberalisation. Sabina Zaccaro. Inter Press Service. 6/05/2008.
Experts see no early end to world's food crisis. Renee Schoof. McClatchy. 5/14/2008.
Trade boss criticises financial mess. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Food crisis talks set to begin. BBC. 5/30/2008.
. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.
US Urged to Reform Foreign Aid. Ida Wahlstrom. One World. 5/09/2008.
U.S. Legal Work Booms in India. Rama Lakshimi. Wa. Post. 5/11/2008.
World's Giants to Alter Food Equation. Evan Osnos & Laurie Goering. Chicago Tribune. 5/11/2008.
The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Mom. Paul Nyhan. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 5/13/2008.
Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Many Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Peter Goodman. NY Times. 5/13/2008.
UN: Biofuel Production 'Criminal Path' to Global Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 4/29/2008.
Multinationals Make Billions In Profit Out of Growing Global Food Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/04/2008.
The Solidarity Center. The Solidarity Center is a non-profit organization that assists workers around the world who are struggling to build democratic and independent trade unions. We work with unions and community groups worldwide to achieve equitable, sustainable, democratic development and to help men and women everywhere stand up for their rights and improve their living and working standards.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
Load Up the Pantry. Brett Arends. Wall Street Journal. 4/21/2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.
Despite Tough Times, Ultrarich Keep Spending. Christine Haughney & Eric Konigsberg. NY Times. 4/13/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. International Press Service. 4/15/2008.
A faltering economy hasn't slowed American CEOs' pursuit of wealth. David Walsh. World Socialist Web Site. 4/16/2008.
Child brides 'sold' in Afghanistan. BBC. 4/15/08.
Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays. Jenny Anderson. NY Times. 4/16/2008.
Illegal immigrants pay billions in taxes. CNN. 4/15/2008.
Union Killings Peril Trade Pact With Colombia. Simon Romero. NY Times. 4/14/2008.
I.R.S. Scrutiny of Big Firms Plummets, Study Says. Lynnley Browning. NY TImes. 4/14/2008.
GLOBALISATION: New Curbs on Investment From the South. Julio Godoy. International Press Service. 4/14/2008.
Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan. Reuters. 4/08/2008.
Toxic shock: how the banking industry created a global crisis. Jill Treanor. Guardian/UK. 4/08/2008.
IMF plans gold sale to raise $6bn. BBC. 4/07/2008.
Credit crunch costs '$1 trillion'. Stevern Schifferes. BBC. 4/09/2008.
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
For Many, a Boom That Wasn't. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 4/09/2008.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Globalization, trade and recession take a toll on Martinsville, Virginia. Tony Pugh. McClatchy. 4/10/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
Defense Acquisitions: Assessment of Selected Weapon Programs. General Accounting Office Report to Congress. March 2008.
Foreclosure Machine Thrives on Woes. Gretchen Morgenson & Jonathan Glater. NY Times. 3/30/2008.
As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,
Microfinance's Success Sets Off a Debate in Mexico. Elizabeth Malkin. NY Times. 4/05/2008.
Jobs down 3rd straight month; recession looms Kevin Hall. McClatchy. 4/04/2008.
Blue Collar, Bare Cupboards. Sasha Abramsky. In These Times. 3/28/2008.
Ex-slave works to free others from West African tradition. Nora Boustany. Christina Science Monitor. 3/26/2008.
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study. Reuters. 3/27/2008.
How much will it cost to fix the climate? The numbers vary. Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor. 3/27/2008.
Seattle Battles the Homeless. Silja Talvi. In These Times. 3/27/2008.
Older Americans wealthier, living longer. Julie Steenhuysen. Reuters. 3/28/2008.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
Struggling homeowners find little hope in federal program. Kevin Hall. McClatchy. 3/29/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
Debt: Our 9 Trillion Pound Gorilla. Susan Douglas. In These Times. 3/25/08.
Population Growth Is a Threat. But It Pales Against the Greed of the Rich. George Monbiot. Guardian/UK. 1/29/2008.
UN forum aims to end trafficking. BBC. 2/13/08.
A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking
What Created This Monster?. Nelson Schwartz & Julie Creswell. NT Times. 3/23/08. The role of deregulation of the financial industry and the use of derivatives to "spread risk."
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2008.
Up to 70% interest - credit card aimed at the poor. Patrick Collinson. Guardian UK. 2/12/2008.
Best U.S. factory jobs in rising jeopardy. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/15/2008.
Poverty Is Poison. Paul Krugman. NY Times. 2/18/2008.
Low unemployment rate hides rise in long-term jobless. Kevin G. Hall. McClatchy. 2/18/2008.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
Sub-prime CEOs defend high wages. BBC. 3/07/2008.
3 CEOs made $460 million - House panel - Sub-prime mortgages. Ben Rooney. CNN. 3/06/2008.
Affirmative action ban heads for ballot in 5 states. Linda Royce. CNN. 3/07/2008.
A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill. David Strietfeld. NY Times. 3/09/2008.
Local-only currency in Portland? Think plastic. Joseph Rose. Oregonian. 2/24/2008.
America's 'Near Poor' Are Increasingly at Economic Risk, Experts Say. 5/08/06 Erik Eckholm, NY Times.
US service sector in sharp fall. BBC. 2/05/2008.
ECONOMY-EL SALVADOR: Dollarisation Backfires, Fuelling Price Hikes. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 2/05/2008.
EL SALVADOR: Benefits of Free Trade Deal Still Remote. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 1/31/2008.
Troubled loans rise, but Umpqua says it can cope. Jeff Manning. Oregonian, 1/25/2008.
Executive Excess 2007: The Staggering Social Cost of U.S. Business Leadership. Multiple Authors. UFE and Institute for Policy Studies.
State of the Dream: Foreclosed. United for a Fair Economy. 1/16/2008. Charts: Racial cost of predatory lending; more charts
Baltimore Finds Subprime Crisis Snags Women. John Leland. NY Times. 1/15/2008.
New inflation data explain middle-class squeeze. Kevin G. Hall. McClatchy. 1/16/2008.
World food stocks dwindling rapidly, UN warns. Elisabeth Rosenthal. International Herald Tribune.
Economic Mobility of Black and White Families
DC’s Two Economies: Many Residents Are Falling Behind. DC Fiscal Policy Institute October 2007. Poverty Rate Grows Amid an Economic Boom.
Disaster Capitalism: the new economy of catastrophe. Naomi Klein. Harper's. 10/2007.
U.S. Census Bureau. You may also access the American Community Surveys from this site.
Life at America's bottom wage. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 1/09/07.
Hard Times For U.S. Workers. Oxford Analytica. 7/27/07.
America's Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/07
World Prout Assembly PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.
Top 100 Executives by Total Compensation 2006
Top 100 Executives by Salary 2006
May 2005 Metropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
United States Department of Labor
Table 9. Private industry, by full-time and part-time status
Fewer hours, fewer benefits, MLR: The Editor's Desk
Surveys of Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises
Monthly Labor Review Articles by the Division of Monthly Industry Employment Statistics
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
The American Community Survey and Intercensal Population Estimates
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
UFE - Research Library (United for a Fair Economy)
Statistical Resources (Great links to good research anf information)
Star Site U.S. Depository Reference Collection
Economy and LaborMay 2005 Metropolitan Area Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates
3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
$3.43 Trillion & Counting. The costs of bailouts. Naomi Prins. Mother Jones. January/February 2009
$73 an Hour: Adding It Up. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 12/09/2008.
'We consider ourselves heroes' - a Somali pirate speaks. Xen Rice & Abdiqani Hassan. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India. The Independent. 4/15/2009.
10,000 apply for 90 factory jobs. Jere Downs. Louisville Courier-Journal. 10/08/2009.
3 CEOs made $460 million - House panel - Sub-prime mortgages. Ben Rooney. CNN. 3/06/2008.
A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking
A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill. David Strietfeld. NY Times. 3/09/2008.
A faltering economy hasn't slowed American CEOs' pursuit of wealth. David Walsh. World Socialist Web Site. 4/16/2008.
A proudly American shoe company ships jobs to China. Michelle Nijhuis. Christian Science Monitor. 8/27/2008.
AP Study Finds $1.6 Billion Went to Bailed-Out Bank Executives. Frank Bass and Rita Beamish, The Associated Press. 12/21/2008.
Absolute return funds need risk benchmarks. Roland Rousseau. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Affirmative action ban heads for ballot in 5 states. Linda Royce. CNN. 3/07/2008.
Africa goes hardcore. Tim Samuels. Guardian/UK. 8/30/09.
After Layoffs, Couples Wrestle With Role Reversal. Adrienne Gibbs. Women's eNews. 1/04/2009.
America's 'Near Poor' Are Increasingly at Economic Risk, Experts Say. 5/08/06 Erik Eckholm, NY Times.
America's Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/07
Americans $1.7 trillion poorer. Tami Luhby. CNN. 6/05/2008.
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2007.
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2008.
As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,
As Workers' Pensions Wither, Those for Executives Flourish. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis, Wall Street Journal. June 23, 2006
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
Attacks on Homeless Bring Push on Hate Crime Laws. Eric Lichtblau. NY Times. 8/08/2009.
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Baltimore Finds Subprime Crisis Snags Women. John Leland. NY Times. 1/15/2008.
Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.
Banking Regulator Played Advocate Over Enforcer. Binyamin Applebaum & Ellen Nakashima, Wa. Post. 11/23/2008.
Best U.S. factory jobs in rising jeopardy. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/15/2008.
Big shift benefits emerging markets. David Oakley. Financial Times. 10/25/2009
Bioenergy: Fuelling the food crisis?. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/04/2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
Pablo Triana. Blame toxic lethality not complexity. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Blue Collar, Bare Cupboards. Sasha Abramsky. In These Times. 3/28/2008.
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
Broken Laws Unprotected Workers. NELP. 9/2009.
Characteristics of Low-Income Households With Very Low Food Security. Mark Nord. Economic Information Bulletin Number 25. May 2007. USDA. (research copy).
Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.
Child brides 'sold' in Afghanistan. BBC. 4/15/08.
Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns. Jesse McKinley. NT Times. 3/25/2009.
Coloring Opportunity: The Regional Geography of Structural Racism in The NYC Region. Paul Rosenberg. OpenLeft. 3/21/2009.
Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
Credit crunch costs '$1 trillion'. Stevern Schifferes. BBC. 4/09/2008.
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
DC’s Two Economies: Many Residents Are Falling Behind. DC Fiscal Policy Institute October 2007. Poverty Rate Grows Amid an Economic Boom.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty. David Cronin. International Press Service. 1/08/2009.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Summit Agrees Greater Liberalisation. Sabina Zaccaro. Inter Press Service. 6/05/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. International Press Service. 4/15/2008.
Debt: Our 9 Trillion Pound Gorilla. Susan Douglas. In These Times. 3/25/08.
Defense Acquisitions: Assessment of Selected Weapon Programs. General Accounting Office Report to Congress. March 2008.
Michael Mackenzie. Derivatives boost NYSE profit. Financial Times. 5/04/2010.
Despite Tough Times, Ultrarich Keep Spending. Christine Haughney & Eric Konigsberg. NY Times. 4/13/2008.
Development Redefined. John Cavanagh and Robin Broad. Foreign Policy In Focus. 9/24/2008.
Disaster Capitalism: the new economy of catastrophe. Naomi Klein. Harper's. 10/2007.
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Doubling Up. Why the IMF is scrambling to raise extra capital. The Economist. 2/17/2009.
ECONOMY-EL SALVADOR: Dollarisation Backfires, Fuelling Price Hikes. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 2/05/2008.
ECONOMY: Global Woes Hit Developing Countries. Abid Aslam. Inter Press Service. 6/10/2008.
ECONOMY: Migrant Miseries Will Trickle Down Worldwide, U.N. Warns. Charlotte Lalanne. IPS, 7/01/2009.
EL SALVADOR: Benefits of Free Trade Deal Still Remote. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 1/31/2008.
Economic Mobility of Black and White Families
Economic Toll Mounts From High Oil Prices. Graham Bowley & David Jolly. NY Times. 5/23/2008.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Empire Foreclosed?. Mark Engler. FPIF. 4/17/2009
Equal Before Mammon - Pay inequality.
Europe says all markets must be regulated. Matt Falloon. Reuters. 2/22/2009.
Ex-slave works to free others from West African tradition. Nora Boustany. Christina Science Monitor. 3/26/2008.
Executive Excess 2007: The Staggering Social Cost of U.S. Business Leadership. Multiple Authors. UFE and Institute for Policy Studies.
Executive Pensions Often Secured First. Ellen E. Schultz and Theo Francis. Hartford Courant (republished in The Wall Street Journal. 4/27/2003.
Experts see no early end to world's food crisis. Renee Schoof. McClatchy. 5/14/2008.
Factory Facts. Christian E. Weller and Diego Flores, The Center for American Progress. 8/04/2008.
Falling like a ton of bricks. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Feds slam Texas factory over discrimination claims. CNN. 4/15/2010.
Fewer hours, fewer benefits, MLR: The Editor's Desk "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Financial Regulatory Reform Plan. Obama Administration. 6/2009. 88 pgs pdf
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food crisis talks set to begin. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
Food stamp recipients pinched by high food prices. Dawn Babwin. Associated Press. 5/16/2008.
For Many, a Boom That Wasn't. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 4/09/2008.
Foreclosure Machine Thrives on Woes. Gretchen Morgenson & Jonathan Glater. NY Times. 3/30/2008.
From rebel-held Congo to beer can. Thomas Fessy & Mark Doyle. BBC. 4/09/2009.
G20 and Global Poverty. Neil Watkins. FPIF. 4/08/2009.
G20: Economic summit snapshot. BBC. 9/07/09. Interactive map and data.
GHANA: Plummeting profits drive tomato farmers to suicide. IRIN News Agency. 4/18/2009.
GLOBALISATION: New Curbs on Investment From the South. Julio Godoy. International Press Service. 4/14/2008.
GMAC chief's pay rivals Wall St. Suzanne Kapner. Financial Times. 3/03/2010.
Gendered Job Losses. Catherine Rampell. NY Times. 4/20/2009.
Global Problems, Local Solutions. Wendell Berry. Resurgence. 2006.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
Globalization, trade and recession take a toll on Martinsville, Virginia. Tony Pugh. McClatchy. 4/10/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Greenspan backs bank nationalisation. Krishna Guha and Edward Luce. Financial Times/UK. 2/18/2009.
>HUD Homeless Resource Exchange
Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009
Hard Times For U.S. Workers. Oxford Analytica. 7/27/07.
Eric Uhifelder. Hedge funds scramble to install damage limitation. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
Household Food Security in the United States, 2007. Nord, Andrews, and Carlson. Economic Research Report No. 56. US Department of Agriculture. (research copy)
How Bretton Woods reshaped the world. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 11/14/2008.
How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie. Binyamin Appelbaum, Carol D. Leonnig and David S. Hilzenrath. Wa. Post. 9/14/2008.
How much will it cost to fix the climate? The numbers vary. Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor. 3/27/2008.
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
Hunger among U.S. children skyrockets in 2007
. Sophia Grene. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Japan's burgeoning class: Working Poor. Shino Yuasa. AP. 10/26/2008.
Jobs down 3rd straight month; recession looms Kevin Hall. McClatchy. 4/04/2008.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
Lessons learned? What Portland leaders did -- and didn't do -- as people of color were forced to the fringes. Nikole Hannah-Jones. The Oregonian. 4/30/2011. Gentrification in North Portland.
Life at America's bottom wage. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 1/09/07.
Load Up the Pantry. Brett Arends. Wall Street Journal. 4/21/2008.
Local US currency strengthens community. Intelligence Daily. 4/10/2009.
Local-only currency in Portland? Think plastic. Joseph Rose. Oregonian. 2/24/2008.
Low unemployment rate hides rise in long-term jobless. Kevin G. Hall. McClatchy. 2/18/2008.
Low-Skilled Workers Struggle Amid More Competition and Fewer Openings. Chris Jenklins. Washington Post. 12/20/2008.
Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Many Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Peter Goodman. NY Times. 5/13/2008.
Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008
Measure of America - Interactive Maps. Interactive maps of health, environment and economic wellbeing from Oxfam's American Human Development Project.
Men become richer after divorce. Amelia Hill. Guardian/UK. 1/25/2009.
Microfinance's Success Sets Off a Debate in Mexico. Elizabeth Malkin. NY Times. 4/05/2008.
Middle class has been shrinking for decades. Rom Eblen. Kentucky Herald-Leader. 10/03/2008.
Migrant workers under pressure. Stephanie Holmes. BBC, 12/16/2008.
Migration and Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute. Aug. 2009.
Minorities Affected Most as New York Foreclosures Rise . Michael Powell & Janet Roberts. NY Times. 5/15/2009.
Mom forced to live in car with dogs. Thelma Gutierrez & Wayne Drash. CNN. 5/20/2008.
Monthly Labor Review Articles by the Division of Monthly Industry Employment Statistics
David Simon: An American Observer. Moyers Journal. 4/17/2009. Wide ranging interview addressing crime, poverty, the war on drugs, etc. (wolf wolf)
Multinationals Make Billions In Profit Out of Growing Global Food Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/04/2008.
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
New Economics Foundation: Nef is an independent think-and-do tank aimed at improving quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.
New homes slump worst since 1945. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2009.
New inflation data explain middle-class squeeze. Kevin G. Hall. McClatchy. 1/16/2008.
New pressures force U.S. farmers south of the border. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 7/15/2008.
No advance for women in top U.S. jobs. Ellen Wulfhorst. NY Times. 12/10/2008.
Obama tries to halt talk of bank nationalization. Ben Feller. BusinessWeek/AP. 2/20/2009.
Oil: A Global Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/25/2008.
Older Americans wealthier, living longer. Julie Steenhuysen. Reuters. 3/28/2008.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Draft legislation for $700 billion bailout.
Participatory Economics: A Theoretical Alternative to Capitalism. Michael Albert. Parecon. 2004.
Plutocracy Reborn. The Nation. 6/11/2008.
Population Growth Is a Threat. But It Pales Against the Greed of the Rich. George Monbiot. Guardian/UK. 1/29/2008.
Portland's low-income neighborhoods are city's 'food deserts'. Paige Parker. The Oregonian. 11/15/2008. (research copy)
Poverty Is Poison. Paul Krugman. NY Times. 2/18/2008.
Poverty and disability greatly correlated, new study shows. Mike Ervin. The Progressive. 11/03/2009.
Poverty In America. St. Vincent dePaul Charities. 6/05/2008, Video Resource (U:wolf PW:wolf)
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
Private equity's love affair with leverage. Steven Johnson. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Table 9. Private industry, by full-time and part-time status
Pulp Friction - loss of the Kimberly-Clark mill. Roger Bybee. In These Times. 1/07/2009.
Punjab suicides cast shadow on polls. Suvojit Bagchi. BBC. 4/12/2009.
Punjab's migrants take less home. Geeta Pandey. BBC. 12/15/2008.
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert. Abrose Evans-Pritchard. Telegraph/UK. 6/18/2008.
Raid sends illegal immigrants underground. Esmeralda Bermudez. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007.
Raids included people's homes. Bryan Denson. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
Reversal of Fortune: Economic gains of 1990s overturned for African Americans from 2000-07. Economic Policy Institute. 10/2008.
Review: Illegal People. Mary Bauer. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study. Reuters. 3/27/2008.
Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan. Reuters. 4/08/2008.
Rural Poverty and Gas in America. eweining YouTube. 12/01/2007 Video (U:wolf PW:wolf)
Saving Private Industry: Corporate bailouts of the past 40 years
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
Seattle Battles the Homeless. Silja Talvi. In These Times. 3/27/2008.
Shadow Government Statistics. Analysis Behind and Beyond Government Economic Reporting
Shale gas numbers may not add up. John Dizard. Financial Times/UK. 11/01/2009.
Social Watch - Global Poverty & Gender Equity. An international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Good source of international research and reports.
Materials from Party for Socialism & Liberation. What is Capitalism?. What is socialism?. Is socialism possible in the United States?
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?. Eric Hobsbawm. Guardian. 4/ 10/2009.
South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'. BBC. 3/3/2010.
South Korea's Beef with America. Christine Ahn. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/13/2008.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
Star Site U.S. Depository Reference Collection
State of black Oregon: precarious. Nikole Hannah-Jones. Oregonian. 7/26/2009.
State of the Dream: Foreclosed. United for a Fair Economy. 1/16/2008. Charts: Racial cost of predatory lending; more charts
Statistical Resources (Great links to good research anf information)
Still Working Hard - Still Falling Short. Working Poor Families Project. October 2008. Includes state rankings. (original)
Struggling homeowners find little hope in federal program. Kevin Hall. McClatchy. 3/29/2008.
Study: Medical Bills Underlie 60 Percent of US Bankruptcies. Maggie Fox. Reuters. 6/04/2009
Sub-prime CEOs defend high wages. BBC. 3/07/2008.
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Adam Liptak. NY Times. 3/27/2011. (Actual report)
Surveys of Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises
The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for eight years of Bush. Linda Bilmes and Josepf Stiglitz, images by Nigel Holmes. Harper's Magazine. January 2009. 6 pgs pdf ( original (subscription req.)
The American Community Survey and Intercensal Population Estimates
The Backbone of Complex Networks of Corporations: Who Is Controlling Whom. J.B. Glattfelder and S. Battison. 2/2009.
The Big Takeover. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 4/2/2009.
The Cost Of Race: Retirement. NPR. 5/15/2009. (From Pew research Report)
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
The Failure of Individualism. Jack Bakunin. 1976.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
The Inflection Is Near?. Thomas Friedman. NY Times. 3/08/2009.
The L-Curve: Income Distribution of the U.S.. David S. Chandler. 2/04/2007. Video Resource
The income distribution of the United States is far more unequal than most people realize. In fact it is so lopsided, it is hard to represent on a single graph. For more see
The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009. Synopisi of the report by the American Human Development Project.
The Myth of the Stay-at-Home Mom. Paul Nyhan. Seattle Post-Intelligencer. 5/13/2008.
The Quiet Coup. Simon Johnson. The Atlantic May 2009.
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government
The Rich and the Rest of Us. John Cavanagh & Chuck Collins. The Nation. 6/11/2008.
The Rise of the New Global Elite. Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic. January/February 2011.
The Solidarity Center. The Solidarity Center is a non-profit organization that assists workers around the world who are struggling to build democratic and independent trade unions. We work with unions and community groups worldwide to achieve equitable, sustainable, democratic development and to help men and women everywhere stand up for their rights and improve their living and working standards.
The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers. Robert Reich. TruthOut. 1/10/2009.
The heart of India is under attack. Arundhati Roy. Guardian/UK. 10/30/2009.
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
Top 100 Executives by Salary 2006
Top 100 Executives by Total Compensation 2006
Toxic shock: how the banking industry created a global crisis. Jill Treanor. Guardian/UK. 4/08/2008.
Trade boss criticises financial mess. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Troubled loans rise, but Umpqua says it can cope. Jeff Manning. Oregonian, 1/25/2008.
U.S. Census Bureau. You may also access the American Community Surveys from this site.
U.S. Families Struggle to Eat. CBS. 7/09/2008. Video Resource user: wolf password: wolf
U.S. Legal Work Booms in India. Rama Lakshimi. Wa. Post. 5/11/2008.
U.S. says ending trade barriers key to food crisis. Reuters. 6/13/2008.
UFE - Research Library (United for a Fair Economy)
UN forum aims to end trafficking. BBC. 2/13/08.
UN investigator accuses US of shameful neglect of homeless. Chris McGreal. Guardian. 11/12/2009.
UN: Biofuel Production 'Criminal Path' to Global Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 4/29/2008.
US Diluted Loan Rules Before Crash. Mark Appuzo. Assoc. Press. 12/01/2008.
US Urged to Reform Foreign Aid. Ida Wahlstrom. One World. 5/09/2008.
US service sector in sharp fall. BBC. 2/05/2008.
Unbelievable returns, thanks to government. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Undocumented immigrants face Juan Crow. Roberto Lovato. The Progressive. 5/19/2008.
Unequal America: Causes and consequences of the wide--and growing--gap between rich and poor. Elizabeth Gudrais. Harvard Magazine. July/August 2008.
Union Killings Peril Trade Pact With Colombia. Simon Romero. NY Times. 4/14/2008.
United States Department of Labor
Up to 70% interest - credit card aimed at the poor. Patrick Collinson. Guardian UK. 2/12/2008.
Vietnamese women wed foreigners to help family. Ben Stocking. AP. 8/10/2008.
Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays. Jenny Anderson. NY Times. 4/16/2008.
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 10/23/2008.
Wealthy Reap Rewards While Those Who Work Lose. Adrian Appel. Inter Press Service. 7/09/2010.
Welcome To The New Company Town. Jerry Unseem & Ann Harrington. Fortune 01/10/2000, Vol. 141, Issue 1.
What 8.5 Percent Looks Like. NPR. 4/03/2009.
What Cooked the World's Economy?. James Lieber. The Village Voice. 1/27/2009.
What Created This Monster?. Nelson Schwartz & Julie Creswell. NT Times. 3/23/08. The role of deregulation of the financial industry and the use of derivatives to "spread risk."
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
What's Hurting the Middle Class. Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. Boston Review.
Where Credit Is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis. Naomi Prins, Mother Jones. July/August 2008.
Who Owns The Federal Reserve?. Ellen Brown. Global Research. 10/8/2008.
Matt Taibbi on DemocracyNow! 2/22/11. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?
Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 2/16/2011. Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
Why Markets Fail. John Michaels Greer. Intelligence Daily, 10/30/2009.
Why XX must think like XY to earn more K. Marilyn Davidson. BBC. 5/14/2009.
4/03/2009. Bill Moyers interviews William Black in CSI Bailout. It is a stunning discussion of the current financial meltdown. A must watch. (wolf wolf)
Work complaints hang over plant. Brent Hunsberger and Gosia Wozniacka. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007.
Working Group on Extreme Inequality. The site provides income inequality information - primarily for the U.S., and analysis of inequality issues. It is part of the Institute for Policy Studies.
World Prout Assembly PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.
World crude production has peaked: Pickens. Jasmin Melvin & Missy Ryan. Reuters. 6/17/2008.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
World food stocks dwindling rapidly, UN warns. Elisabeth Rosenthal. International Herald Tribune.
World hunger's urban edge. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/05/2008,
World's Giants to Alter Food Equation. Evan Osnos & Laurie Goering. Chicago Tribune. 5/11/2008.
Young Workers in Free Fall: 1/3 Under 35 Live with Parents. Art Levine. AlterNet. 9/03/2009.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
ZipRealty Guide to Affordable Housing. Site has good information and resources regarding housing around the country.
Homelessness>HUD Homeless Resource Exchange
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
PovertyLessons learned? What Portland leaders did -- and didn't do -- as people of color were forced to the fringes. Nikole Hannah-Jones. The Oregonian. 4/30/2011. Gentrification in North Portland.
The Politics of Triage: The Contract With America's Surplus Populations. Charles Derber. 1995. Tikkun 10(3): 37.
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
Wealth3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
Lessons learned? What Portland leaders did -- and didn't do -- as people of color were forced to the fringes. Nikole Hannah-Jones. The Oregonian. 4/30/2011. Gentrification in North Portland.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
The Rise of the New Global Elite. Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic. January/February 2011.
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Welcome To The New Company Town. Jerry Unseem & Ann Harrington. Fortune 01/10/2000, Vol. 141, Issue 1.
Work complaints hang over plant. Brent Hunsberger and Gosia Wozniacka. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007.
Raids included people's homes. Bryan Denson. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007
Raid sends illegal immigrants underground. Esmeralda Bermudez. The Oregonian. 6/14/2007.
Lessons learned? What Portland leaders did -- and didn't do -- as people of color were forced to the fringes. Nikole Hannah-Jones. The Oregonian. 4/30/2011. Gentrification in North Portland.
Supreme Court to Weigh Sociology Issue in Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Adam Liptak. NY Times. 3/27/2011. (Actual report)
ZipRealty Guide to Affordable Housing. Site has good information and resources regarding housing around the country.
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
3/08/11 Justin Baer. BofA Predicts Pre-Tax Earnings of $40 Billion after Recovery Financial Times.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
3/03/11 David Cay Johnson. DemocracyNow! "Really Bad Reporting in Wisconsin": Media Parroting Walker's False Claims of Taxpayer "Subsidies" for Workers' Pensions or Wolf Video Resources (13 minutes)
Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 2/16/2011. Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?
Matt Taibbi on DemocracyNow! 2/22/11. Why Isn't Wall Street In Jail?