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Current Category: Environmental Justice
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
The Other Nuclear Survivors. Gwyn Kirk, Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/02/2010.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
City air pollution 'shortens life'. Humphrey Hawksley. Guardian. 4/12/2009.
Chemical pollutants likely culprits in rising birth defects. Roxanne Chan & Sarah Petras. Anchorage Daily News. 8/25/2008.
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
GRAIN Resource Page - GRAIN is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
Global warming is just the tip of the iceberg. James Lee. 1/06/2009. Sacramento Bee.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
Where the Waters Are Rising. Madeline Nash. Time. 4/18/2005.
Sinking island's nationals seek new home. CNN. 11/11/2008.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
Consequences Of Global Warming Hits Hardest At Those With The Least. Rowan Wolf. 11/20/2005.
Guardians: Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz. Culture & Survival. # 32.2. 2008.
The Black Mesa Controversy. Enei Begaye. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
Toxic Tour: A Visit to Waste-Dumping Sites Shows UN Conference to Be Ignoring Environmental Racism. Deepa Fernandes. Village Voice. 8/28/2001.
Culture & Survival. Promotes the rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples. Publications, resources, and research support.
Contamination of American Rivers Triggers International Complaint. Alberto Saldamando. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
Environment and Morality: Confronting Environmental Racism in the United States. Robert Bullard. UNRISD. 2004. (pdf 42 pgs).
The Institute for Policy Studies. Independent research organization the turns "ideas into action for peace, justice and the environment." Wide ranging series of research and reports.
Descending the Oil Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil and Natural Gas. Peak Oil Advisory Taskforce. City of Portland, OR. March 2007.
Equity Atlas for Portland, Oregon. By Regional Equity Atlas Project. Coalition for a Livable Future. 2007.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
Children of the black dust. David Cohen. CNN, 10/13/2008. Explores the salvaging of carbon from batteries by children in India.
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) focus is on peace and justice issues.
Ecuador Constitution Would Grant Inalienable Rights To Nature. Eoin O'Carroll. Christian Science Monitor. 9/04/2008.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 8/20/08.
Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008
The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009. Synopisi of the report by the American Human Development Project.
Measure of America - Interactive Maps. Interactive maps of health, environment and economic wellbeing from Oxfam's American Human Development Project.
American Human Development Project. Interactive site regarding inequality and development in the U.S.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
Illegal dumping plagues some Los Angeles neighborhoods. Robert J. Lopez. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom. Patrick J. McDonnell. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
Conflicts Fuelled by Climate Change Causing New Refugee Crisis, Warns UN. Julian Borger. Guardian/UK. 6/17/2008.
Boeing, Dow Chemical Fined 926 Million Over Nuclear Pollution. Agence France Presse. 6/04/2008.
Solving the global food crisis starts with women's rights. Yifat Susskind. The Progressive. 6/03/2008.
Some rural communities pushed to the edge by high cost of fuel. Tom Kizzia & Tom Hopkins. Anchorage Daily News. 5/16/2008.
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Q&A: 'Biofuels Must Include the Poor'. Interview with Ali Mchumo. IPS. 5/30/2008.
"Transgenic Seed Companies Lie and Bribe". Interview with Jesús León Santos, Winner of Goldman Prize. Inter Press Service. 4/24/2008.
Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest. David Loyn. BBC. 4/26/2008.
Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice. Anthony Faiola. Wa. Post. 4/28/2008.
Warming 'affecting poor children'. BBC. 4/29/2008.
RIGHTS: Native People Warn U.N. of Biofuels Disaster. Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Bangladesh Faces Climate Change Refugee Nightmare. Masud Karim. Reuters. 4/14/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 4/15/2008.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
Polar Cities a Haven in Warming World?. Andrew Revkin. NT Times. 3/30/2008.
How much will it cost to fix the climate? The numbers vary. Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor. 3/27/2008.
Asian rice crisis starts to bite. Hannah Belcher. Al Jazeera. 3/29/2008.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate. Matt Homer. International Press Service.
Time runs out for islanders on global warming's front line. Douglass McDougall. Guardian/UK. 3/30/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Food prices rising across the world. CNN. 3/25/2008.
Mexico plans water supply boost. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
Population Growth Is a Threat. But It Pales Against the Greed of the Rich. George Monbiot. Guardian/UK. 1/29/2008.
Urbanization threatens Namibia's traditional Himba culture. Stephanie Hanes. Christian Science Monitor. 2/05/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Overwhelmingly White, the Green Movement is Reaching For The Rainbow. Paula Bock. 3/10/2008. Seattle Times.
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2008.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
Blue Planet Project. Water resource issues.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. 3/09/2008.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Environmental quality low in London's deprived areas. Environmental Data Interactive Exchange (EDIE). 2.04.2008.
The Dire Side of Rising Food Prices. Michael Nizza. NY Times. 1/30/2008.
Carbon Footprint features from the UN Human Development Reports.
Fighting Climate Change: human solidarity in a divided world. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008. 399 pages
Peak Moment TV. Each program is approximately 25 minutes long. The issues cover primarily peak oil related issues, and community solutions.
'Health disaster' in French Caribbean linked to pesticides. 9/19/07 John Lichfield, Independent.
Greensumption video by International Forum on Gloabalization. 8/30/07.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
Rich World's Consumerism May Cause African Famines, Experts Warn. Anita Purcell-Sjoelund. AFP, 7/01/07.
Darfur and the Fight for Water. 7/30/07 Baldauf & Stetson, Christian Science Monitor.
Climate Divide. Revkin & Kanter. NY Times, 4/07/07 (Flash slide show). Accompanying interactive graphic
Katrina Aftermath Tribute - YouTube, 4:33 minutes
9/03/06 Cohen, Toronto Star, Maude Barlow Primes the Clean-Water Pump
World Prout Assembly PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.
Behind Gold's Glitter: Torn Lands and Pointed Questions JANE PERLEZ and KIRK JOHNSON, 10/24/05 NYT
Environmental Justice"Transgenic Seed Companies Lie and Bribe". Interview with Jesús León Santos, Winner of Goldman Prize. Inter Press Service. 4/24/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
'Health disaster' in French Caribbean linked to pesticides. 9/19/07 John Lichfield, Independent.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
American Human Development Project. Interactive site regarding inequality and development in the U.S.
Americas Slave Labor. Christopher Moraff. In These Times. 1/17/2008.
Asian rice crisis starts to bite. Hannah Belcher. Al Jazeera. 3/29/2008.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Bangladesh Faces Climate Change Refugee Nightmare. Masud Karim. Reuters. 4/14/2008.
Behind Gold's Glitter: Torn Lands and Pointed Questions JANE PERLEZ and KIRK JOHNSON, 10/24/05 NYT
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
Blue Planet Project. Water resource issues.
Boeing, Dow Chemical Fined 926 Million Over Nuclear Pollution. Agence France Presse. 6/04/2008.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Carbon Footprint features from the UN Human Development Reports.
Chemical pollutants likely culprits in rising birth defects. Roxanne Chan & Sarah Petras. Anchorage Daily News. 8/25/2008.
Children of the black dust. David Cohen. CNN, 10/13/2008. Explores the salvaging of carbon from batteries by children in India.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
City air pollution 'shortens life'. Humphrey Hawksley. Guardian. 4/12/2009.
Climate Divide. Revkin & Kanter. NY Times, 4/07/07 (Flash slide show). Accompanying interactive graphic
Conflicts Fuelled by Climate Change Causing New Refugee Crisis, Warns UN. Julian Borger. Guardian/UK. 6/17/2008.
Consequences Of Global Warming Hits Hardest At Those With The Least. Rowan Wolf. 11/20/2005.
Contamination of American Rivers Triggers International Complaint. Alberto Saldamando. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
Culture & Survival. Promotes the rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples. Publications, resources, and research support.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate. Matt Homer. International Press Service.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 4/15/2008.
Darfur and the Fight for Water. 7/30/07 Baldauf & Stetson, Christian Science Monitor.
Descending the Oil Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil and Natural Gas. Peak Oil Advisory Taskforce. City of Portland, OR. March 2007.
Ecuador Constitution Would Grant Inalienable Rights To Nature. Eoin O'Carroll. Christian Science Monitor. 9/04/2008.
Environment and Morality: Confronting Environmental Racism in the United States. Robert Bullard. UNRISD. 2004. (pdf 42 pgs).
Environmental quality low in London's deprived areas. Environmental Data Interactive Exchange (EDIE). 2.04.2008.
Equity Atlas for Portland, Oregon. By Regional Equity Atlas Project. Coalition for a Livable Future. 2007.
Fighting Climate Change: human solidarity in a divided world. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008. 399 pages "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food prices rising across the world. CNN. 3/25/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
GRAIN Resource Page - GRAIN is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Global warming is just the tip of the iceberg. James Lee. 1/06/2009. Sacramento Bee.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Greensumption video by International Forum on Gloabalization. 8/30/07.
Guardians: Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz. Culture & Survival. # 32.2. 2008.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
How much will it cost to fix the climate? The numbers vary. Brad Knickerbocker. Christian Science Monitor. 3/27/2008.
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom. Patrick J. McDonnell. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
Illegal dumping plagues some Los Angeles neighborhoods. Robert J. Lopez. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) focus is on peace and justice issues.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
Katrina Aftermath Tribute - YouTube, 4:33 minutes
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
9/03/06 Cohen, Toronto Star, Maude Barlow Primes the Clean-Water Pump
Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008
Measure of America - Interactive Maps. Interactive maps of health, environment and economic wellbeing from Oxfam's American Human Development Project.
Mexico plans water supply boost. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Overwhelmingly White, the Green Movement is Reaching For The Rainbow. Paula Bock. 3/10/2008. Seattle Times.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Peak Moment TV. Each program is approximately 25 minutes long. The issues cover primarily peak oil related issues, and community solutions.
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
Polar Cities a Haven in Warming World?. Andrew Revkin. NT Times. 3/30/2008.
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
Population Growth Is a Threat. But It Pales Against the Greed of the Rich. George Monbiot. Guardian/UK. 1/29/2008.
Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest. David Loyn. BBC. 4/26/2008.
Q&A: 'Biofuels Must Include the Poor'. Interview with Ali Mchumo. IPS. 5/30/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
RIGHTS: Native People Warn U.N. of Biofuels Disaster. Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Rich World's Consumerism May Cause African Famines, Experts Warn. Anita Purcell-Sjoelund. AFP, 7/01/07.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
Sinking island's nationals seek new home. CNN. 11/11/2008.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. 3/09/2008.
Solving the global food crisis starts with women's rights. Yifat Susskind. The Progressive. 6/03/2008.
Some rural communities pushed to the edge by high cost of fuel. Tom Kizzia & Tom Hopkins. Anchorage Daily News. 5/16/2008.
The Black Mesa Controversy. Enei Begaye. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
The Dire Side of Rising Food Prices. Michael Nizza. NY Times. 1/30/2008.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
The Institute for Policy Studies. Independent research organization the turns "ideas into action for peace, justice and the environment." Wide ranging series of research and reports.
The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009. Synopisi of the report by the American Human Development Project.
The Other Nuclear Survivors. Gwyn Kirk, Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/02/2010.
Time runs out for islanders on global warming's front line. Douglass McDougall. Guardian/UK. 3/30/2008.
Toxic Tour: A Visit to Waste-Dumping Sites Shows UN Conference to Be Ignoring Environmental Racism. Deepa Fernandes. Village Voice. 8/28/2001.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
Urbanization threatens Namibia's traditional Himba culture. Stephanie Hanes. Christian Science Monitor. 2/05/2008.
Warming 'affecting poor children'. BBC. 4/29/2008.
Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice. Anthony Faiola. Wa. Post. 4/28/2008.
Where the Waters Are Rising. Madeline Nash. Time. 4/18/2005.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
World Prout Assembly PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 8/20/08.
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
The Other Nuclear Survivors. Gwyn Kirk, Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/02/2010.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
City air pollution 'shortens life'. Humphrey Hawksley. Guardian. 4/12/2009.
Chemical pollutants likely culprits in rising birth defects. Roxanne Chan & Sarah Petras. Anchorage Daily News. 8/25/2008.
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
GRAIN Resource Page - GRAIN is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.