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Oil Spills, Coal Disasters, Immigration Hysteria: Unlearned Lessons from 1924. Jeff Biggers. AlterNet. 6/02/2010.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
Oil Consortium Behind War Crimes - Aid Agencies. Frank Mulder, IPS, 6/09/2010.
BP Bets the Planet--We Lose. Terry Allen. In These Times. 6/10/2010.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials: Stockpiling Minerals Takes on Greater Urgency as Global Supply Gets Squeezed. Liam Plevin. Wall Street Journal. 5/03/2010.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
Shale gas numbers may not add up. John Dizard. Financial Times/UK. 11/01/2009.
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
Feds document shrinking San Joaquin Valley aquifer. Matt Weiser. Sacramento Bee. 7/13/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. Independent/UK. 8/10/2009.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
From rebel-held Congo to beer can. Thomas Fessy & Mark Doyle. BBC. 4/09/2009.
City air pollution 'shortens life'. Humphrey Hawksley. Guardian. 4/12/2009.
Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 6/09/2009.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
Amnesty Attacks Oil Industry for Decades of Damage in Niger Delta. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/30/2009.
The Case Against Shell in Nigeria. Site tracking the complaints of the Wiwa of Nigeria against Shell Oil Company.
On Thin Ice. NOW. 4/17/09. Impacts of global warming focusing on the loss of glaciers and the impacts on water supply.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
Elastoplast solution to African water crisis not working. EDIE. 3/27/2009.
CNN Planet Peril : World Water Crisis. World water crisis CNN's Isha Sesay speaks with Dr. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, about the world's water problems. 10/27/07 4:41.
Oil War' Rages in Niger Delta. NTDTV. 9/17/2008. (2:03)
Rural Poverty and Gas in America. eweining YouTube. 12/01/2007 Video (U:wolf PW:wolf) "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
EAST AFRICA: Even Fish Heads Are Now Unaffordable. Wambi Michael. International Press Service. 1/16/2009.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Drought parches much of the U.S., may get worse. John Blake. CNN. 12/15/2008.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Insecurity drives farm purchases abroad. David Montero. Christian Science Monitor. 12/22/2008.
From Global Crisis to "Global Government". Andrew Marshall. Global Research. 12/20/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
How the West's Energy Boom Could Threaten Drinking Water for 1 in 12 Americans. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 12/21/2008.
The Black Mesa Controversy. Enei Begaye. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
Contamination of American Rivers Triggers International Complaint. Alberto Saldamando. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
Descending the Oil Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil and Natural Gas. Peak Oil Advisory Taskforce. City of Portland, OR. March 2007.
Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 11/13/2008.
Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply. Julian Border. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
DEVELOPMENT-ANGOLA: Building Sustainable Water Systems. Louise Redvers. IPS. 10/01/2008.
ENVIRONMENT: Companies Scramble for Ever-Scarcer Resources. Wolfgang Kerler. IPS. 10/01/2008.
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
The Food Crisis and Global Institutions. Emily Schwartz Gtrco. Foreign Policy in Focus. 8/05/2008.
Unease over Guatemalan gold rush. Bill Law. BBC. 8/21/08.
MEXICO: Peasants Seek Ways to Block Canadian-Run Mine. Diego Cevallos. InterPress Services. 8/31/2008.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 8/20/08.
KENYA: Water Studies - But Where Are the Water Supplies?. Rosalia Omungo. Inter Press Services. 6/02/2008.
Got Water? Elizabeth de la Vargas. Mother Jones. 7/22/2008.
New fight for Congo's riches. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/29/2008.
Indonesia's answer to rising food prices. Simon Montlake. Christian Science Monitor. 7/14/2008.
Biofuel Land Demand Puts Peasants at Risk: Report. Reuters. 6/02/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom. Patrick J. McDonnell. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
World crude production has peaked: Pickens. Jasmin Melvin & Missy Ryan. Reuters. 6/17/2008.
Bioenergy: Fuelling the food crisis?. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/04/2008.
Turning Los Angeles wastewater to tap water. Rich Connell. LA Times. 6/07/2008.
Some rural communities pushed to the edge by high cost of fuel. Tom Kizzia & Tom Hopkins. Anchorage Daily News. 5/16/2008.
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Food crisis talks set to begin. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Q&A: 'Biofuels Must Include the Poor'. Interview with Ali Mchumo. IPS. 5/30/2008.
Coal in the United States: America Approaching Peak Coal. Richard Heinberg. IntelDaily. 5/30/2008.
Guerrilla gardener movement takes root in L.A. area. Joe Robinson. LA TImes. 5/30/2008.
Economic Toll Mounts From High Oil Prices. Graham Bowley & David Jolly. NY Times. 5/23/2008.
Oil: A Global Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/25/2008.
WorldWatch Institute. Research on environment, and social implications of global warming and resource issues,
Energy Watchdog Warns Of Oil-Production Crunch. 5/22/08 King & Fritsch, WSJ
ENVIRONMENT-BRAZIL: Controversy Over Indigenous Land and Biofuels. Mario Osava. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
"Literally, This Is Energy From Dirt". Inter Press Service. 5/10/2008.
US confession: Weapons were not made in Iran after all. Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII). 5/10/2008.
Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice. Anthony Faiola. Wa. Post. 4/28/2008.
RIGHTS: Native People Warn U.N. of Biofuels Disaster. Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Oil Majors Rapped Over Secrecy, Corruption. Abid Aslam. International Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Load Up the Pantry. Brett Arends. Wall Street Journal. 4/21/2008.
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World. Josh Gerstein. NY Sun. 4/21/2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,
Asian rice crisis starts to bite. Hannah Belcher. Al Jazeera. 3/29/2008.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners. Al Jazeera. 3/30/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
The Military-Petroleum Complex. Nick Turse. Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/24/2008.
Food prices rising across the world. CNN. 3/25/2008.
Mining forces out thousands in SA. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Mexico plans water supply boost. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Q&A: EU and U.S. Offering Special WTO Deal to Lure South Africa. International Press Service. 3/25/2008.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
Iraq Conflict Has Killed A Million Iraqis: Survey. Reuters. 1/31/2008.
Population Growth Is a Threat. But It Pales Against the Greed of the Rich. George Monbiot. Guardian/UK. 1/29/2008.
Ban Ki-moon Warns That Water Shortages Are Increasingly Driving Conflicts. UN News Centre. 2/06/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
True scale of C0â‚‚emissions from shipping revealed. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 2/13/2008.
Overwhelmingly White, the Green Movement is Reaching For The Rainbow. Paula Bock. 3/10/2008. Seattle Times.
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
Blue Planet Project. Water resource issues.
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. Maude Barlow. Foreign Policy in Focus. 2/25/2008.
Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief Scientist. James Randerson. Guardian. 3/07/2008.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. 3/09/2008.
A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill. David Strietfeld. NY Times. 3/09/2008.
Ban Ki-moon Warns That Water Shortages Are Increasingly Driving Conflicts. UN News Center. 2/06/2008.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
The Dire Side of Rising Food Prices. Michael Nizza. NY Times. 1/30/2008.
Drought Could Force Nuke-Plant Shutdowns. Mitch Weiss. AP. 1/23/2008.
Prius Designer Says Toyota-Led Industry Must Lose Oil Addiction. John Lippert and Alan Ohnsman. Bloomberg. 1/23/2008.
Food prices: Cheap No More. Gerrit Buntrock. The Economist. Dec. 12, 2007
Oil Wars: Transforming the American Military into a Global Oil-Protection Service. Michael Klare. Tom Dispatch. 4/29/2004.
Food and Fuel Compete for Land. Andrew Martin. NY Times, 12/18/07.
World food stocks dwindling rapidly, UN warns. Elisabeth Rosenthal. International Herald Tribune.
Fighting Climate Change: human solidarity in a divided world. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008. 399 pages
Oregon Chosen for Peak Sun Solar Facility. Oregonian. 11/25/07.
Oil Officials See Limit Looming on Production. Gold & Davis. Wall Street Journal. 11/19/2007.
Peak Moment TV. Each program is approximately 25 minutes long. The issues cover primarily peak oil related issues, and community solutions.
Greensumption video by International Forum on Gloabalization. 8/30/07.
Jeans blues in Mexico. Franc Contreraa. Al Jazeera, 8/24/07.
War in Iraq Propelling A Massive Migration. Sundarsan Raghavan. Wa. Post. 2/04/07.
How richest fuel global warming - but poorest suffer most from it. Phillip Thornton. Independent. 1/09/07.
. Don Harman. Christian Science Monitor. 6/26/07.
Crude Designs: The rip-off of Iraq's oil wealth. Greg Muttit. Global Policy Forum. 11/2005.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
No Oil Yet, but Tiny African Isle Finds Slippery Dealings. 7/02/07 Barry Meier & Jad Mouawad. NY Times.
Darfur and the Fight for Water. 7/30/07 Baldauf & Stetson, Christian Science Monitor.
Niger Delta and Natural Resources
Sandi Cioffi online documentary: Sweet Crude - Nigeria
Peak Oil to Peak Gas Is a Short Ride. Andrew McKillop, Energy Pulse. 12/04/06.
Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation, & Risk Management Robert Hirsch, Roger Bezdek, Robert Wendling. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Feb. 2005
World Prout Assembly PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.
The Essential Exponential Good video on Peak Oil
Monsanto Moves To Control Water Resources & Fish Farming
OXY Home Page Occidental Oil homepage
Behind Gold's Glitter: Torn Lands and Pointed Questions JANE PERLEZ and KIRK JOHNSON, 10/24/05 NYT
Resources"Literally, This Is Energy From Dirt". Inter Press Service. 5/10/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill. David Strietfeld. NY Times. 3/09/2008.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
Amnesty Attacks Oil Industry for Decades of Damage in Niger Delta. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/30/2009.
As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
Asian rice crisis starts to bite. Hannah Belcher. Al Jazeera. 3/29/2008.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
BP Bets the Planet--We Lose. Terry Allen. In These Times. 6/10/2010.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Ban Ki-moon Warns That Water Shortages Are Increasingly Driving Conflicts. UN News Center. 2/06/2008.
Ban Ki-moon Warns That Water Shortages Are Increasingly Driving Conflicts. UN News Centre. 2/06/2008.
Behind Gold's Glitter: Torn Lands and Pointed Questions JANE PERLEZ and KIRK JOHNSON, 10/24/05 NYT
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
Bioenergy: Fuelling the food crisis?. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/04/2008.
Biofuel Land Demand Puts Peasants at Risk: Report. Reuters. 6/02/2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
Blue Planet Project. Water resource issues.
Buried Secrets: Is Natural Gas Drilling Endangering U.S. Water Supplies? Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 11/13/2008.
CNN Planet Peril : World Water Crisis. World water crisis CNN's Isha Sesay speaks with Dr. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, about the world's water problems. 10/27/07 4:41.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
City air pollution 'shortens life'. Humphrey Hawksley. Guardian. 4/12/2009.
Coal in the United States: America Approaching Peak Coal. Richard Heinberg. IntelDaily. 5/30/2008.
Contamination of American Rivers Triggers International Complaint. Alberto Saldamando. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
Crude Designs: The rip-off of Iraq's oil wealth. Greg Muttit. Global Policy Forum. 11/2005.
DEVELOPMENT-ANGOLA: Building Sustainable Water Systems. Louise Redvers. IPS. 10/01/2008.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
Darfur and the Fight for Water. 7/30/07 Baldauf & Stetson, Christian Science Monitor.
Descending the Oil Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil and Natural Gas. Peak Oil Advisory Taskforce. City of Portland, OR. March 2007.
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Drought Could Force Nuke-Plant Shutdowns. Mitch Weiss. AP. 1/23/2008.
Drought parches much of the U.S., may get worse. John Blake. CNN. 12/15/2008.
EAST AFRICA: Even Fish Heads Are Now Unaffordable. Wambi Michael. International Press Service. 1/16/2009.
ENVIRONMENT-BRAZIL: Controversy Over Indigenous Land and Biofuels. Mario Osava. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
ENVIRONMENT: Companies Scramble for Ever-Scarcer Resources. Wolfgang Kerler. IPS. 10/01/2008.
Economic Toll Mounts From High Oil Prices. Graham Bowley & David Jolly. NY Times. 5/23/2008.
Elastoplast solution to African water crisis not working. EDIE. 3/27/2009.
Energy Watchdog Warns Of Oil-Production Crunch. 5/22/08 King & Fritsch, WSJ
Feds document shrinking San Joaquin Valley aquifer. Matt Weiser. Sacramento Bee. 7/13/2009.
Fighting Climate Change: human solidarity in a divided world. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008. 399 pages "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief Scientist. James Randerson. Guardian. 3/07/2008.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World. Josh Gerstein. NY Sun. 4/21/2008.
Food and Fuel Compete for Land. Andrew Martin. NY Times, 12/18/07.
Food crisis talks set to begin. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Food prices rising across the world. CNN. 3/25/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
Food prices: Cheap No More. Gerrit Buntrock. The Economist. Dec. 12, 2007
From Global Crisis to "Global Government". Andrew Marshall. Global Research. 12/20/2008.
From rebel-held Congo to beer can. Thomas Fessy & Mark Doyle. BBC. 4/09/2009.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Got Water? Elizabeth de la Vargas. Mother Jones. 7/22/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Greensumption video by International Forum on Gloabalization. 8/30/07.
Guerrilla gardener movement takes root in L.A. area. Joe Robinson. LA TImes. 5/30/2008.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners. Al Jazeera. 3/30/2008.
. Don Harman. Christian Science Monitor. 6/26/07.
How richest fuel global warming - but poorest suffer most from it. Phillip Thornton. Independent. 1/09/07.
How the West's Energy Boom Could Threaten Drinking Water for 1 in 12 Americans. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 12/21/2008.
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom. Patrick J. McDonnell. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
Indonesia's answer to rising food prices. Simon Montlake. Christian Science Monitor. 7/14/2008.
Insecurity drives farm purchases abroad. David Montero. Christian Science Monitor. 12/22/2008.
Iraq Conflict Has Killed A Million Iraqis: Survey. Reuters. 1/31/2008.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
Jeans blues in Mexico. Franc Contreraa. Al Jazeera, 8/24/07.
KENYA: Water Studies - But Where Are the Water Supplies?. Rosalia Omungo. Inter Press Services. 6/02/2008.
Load Up the Pantry. Brett Arends. Wall Street Journal. 4/21/2008.
MEXICO: Peasants Seek Ways to Block Canadian-Run Mine. Diego Cevallos. InterPress Services. 8/31/2008.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Mexico plans water supply boost. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Mining forces out thousands in SA. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Monsanto Moves To Control Water Resources & Fish Farming
New fight for Congo's riches. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/29/2008.
Niger Delta and Natural Resources
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
No Oil Yet, but Tiny African Isle Finds Slippery Dealings. 7/02/07 Barry Meier & Jad Mouawad. NY Times.
OXY Home Page Occidental Oil homepage
Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling. Abraham Lustgarten. ProPublica. 6/09/2009.
Oil Consortium Behind War Crimes - Aid Agencies. Frank Mulder, IPS, 6/09/2010.
Oil Majors Rapped Over Secrecy, Corruption. Abid Aslam. International Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Oil Officials See Limit Looming on Production. Gold & Davis. Wall Street Journal. 11/19/2007.
Oil Spills, Coal Disasters, Immigration Hysteria: Unlearned Lessons from 1924. Jeff Biggers. AlterNet. 6/02/2010.
Oil War' Rages in Niger Delta. NTDTV. 9/17/2008. (2:03)
Oil Wars: Transforming the American Military into a Global Oil-Protection Service. Michael Klare. Tom Dispatch. 4/29/2004.
Oil: A Global Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/25/2008.
On Thin Ice. NOW. 4/17/09. Impacts of global warming focusing on the loss of glaciers and the impacts on water supply.
Oregon Chosen for Peak Sun Solar Facility. Oregonian. 11/25/07.
Overwhelmingly White, the Green Movement is Reaching For The Rainbow. Paula Bock. 3/10/2008. Seattle Times.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Peak Moment TV. Each program is approximately 25 minutes long. The issues cover primarily peak oil related issues, and community solutions.
Peak Oil to Peak Gas Is a Short Ride. Andrew McKillop, Energy Pulse. 12/04/06.
Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation, & Risk Management Robert Hirsch, Roger Bezdek, Robert Wendling. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Feb. 2005
Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials: Stockpiling Minerals Takes on Greater Urgency as Global Supply Gets Squeezed. Liam Plevin. Wall Street Journal. 5/03/2010.
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
Population Growth Is a Threat. But It Pales Against the Greed of the Rich. George Monbiot. Guardian/UK. 1/29/2008.
Prius Designer Says Toyota-Led Industry Must Lose Oil Addiction. John Lippert and Alan Ohnsman. Bloomberg. 1/23/2008.
Q&A: 'Biofuels Must Include the Poor'. Interview with Ali Mchumo. IPS. 5/30/2008.
Q&A: EU and U.S. Offering Special WTO Deal to Lure South Africa. International Press Service. 3/25/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
RIGHTS: Native People Warn U.N. of Biofuels Disaster. Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply. Julian Border. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Rural Poverty and Gas in America. eweining YouTube. 12/01/2007 Video (U:wolf PW:wolf)
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
Shale gas numbers may not add up. John Dizard. Financial Times/UK. 11/01/2009.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. 3/09/2008.
Some rural communities pushed to the edge by high cost of fuel. Tom Kizzia & Tom Hopkins. Anchorage Daily News. 5/16/2008.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Sandi Cioffi online documentary: Sweet Crude - Nigeria
The Black Mesa Controversy. Enei Begaye. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
The Dire Side of Rising Food Prices. Michael Nizza. NY Times. 1/30/2008.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
The Essential Exponential Good video on Peak Oil
The Food Crisis and Global Institutions. Emily Schwartz Gtrco. Foreign Policy in Focus. 8/05/2008.
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. Maude Barlow. Foreign Policy in Focus. 2/25/2008.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
The Military-Petroleum Complex. Nick Turse. Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/24/2008.
True scale of C0â‚‚emissions from shipping revealed. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 2/13/2008.
Turning Los Angeles wastewater to tap water. Rich Connell. LA Times. 6/07/2008.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
US confession: Weapons were not made in Iran after all. Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII). 5/10/2008.
Unease over Guatemalan gold rush. Bill Law. BBC. 8/21/08.
War in Iraq Propelling A Massive Migration. Sundarsan Raghavan. Wa. Post. 2/04/07.
Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice. Anthony Faiola. Wa. Post. 4/28/2008.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. Independent/UK. 8/10/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
The Case Against Shell in Nigeria. Site tracking the complaints of the Wiwa of Nigeria against Shell Oil Company.
World Prout Assembly PROUT stands for PROgressive UTilization Theory. It means, the progressive utilization and rational distribution of all the earth's natural resources. PROUT advocates another type of revolution called "nuclear revolution." In nuclear revolution, every aspect of collective life - social, economic, political, cultural, psychic and spiritual - is completely transformed. New moral and spiritual values arise in society which provide the impetus for accelerated social progress. The old era is replaced by a new era - one collective psychology is replaced by another. This type of revolution results in all-round development and social progress.
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 8/20/08.
World crude production has peaked: Pickens. Jasmin Melvin & Missy Ryan. Reuters. 6/17/2008.
World food stocks dwindling rapidly, UN warns. Elisabeth Rosenthal. International Herald Tribune.
World's highest drug levels entering India stream. Margie Mason. AP. 1/26/2009.
WorldWatch Institute. Research on environment, and social implications of global warming and resource issues,
Oil Spills, Coal Disasters, Immigration Hysteria: Unlearned Lessons from 1924. Jeff Biggers. AlterNet. 6/02/2010.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
Oil Consortium Behind War Crimes - Aid Agencies. Frank Mulder, IPS, 6/09/2010.
BP Bets the Planet--We Lose. Terry Allen. In These Times. 6/10/2010.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials: Stockpiling Minerals Takes on Greater Urgency as Global Supply Gets Squeezed. Liam Plevin. Wall Street Journal. 5/03/2010.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
Shale gas numbers may not add up. John Dizard. Financial Times/UK. 11/01/2009.
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
Feds document shrinking San Joaquin Valley aquifer. Matt Weiser. Sacramento Bee. 7/13/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. Independent/UK. 8/10/2009.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.