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Current Category: Globalization
Henry Giroux. Truthout, 4/9/13. Angela Davis, Freedom and the Politics of Higher Education .
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
The Rise of the New Global Elite. Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic. January/February 2011.
WorldWatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs. Worldwatch focuses on the 21st-century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty by developing and disseminating solid data and innovative strategies for achieving a sustainable society.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Michael Mackenzie. Derivatives boost NYSE profit. Financial Times. 5/04/2010.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'. BBC. 3/3/2010.
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
Why Markets Fail. John Michaels Greer. Intelligence Daily, 10/30/2009.
The heart of India is under attack. Arundhati Roy. Guardian/UK. 10/30/2009.
Institutions 'haven't learnt' from the turmoil. Sophia Grene. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Big shift benefits emerging markets. David Oakley. Financial Times. 10/25/2009
Private equity's love affair with leverage. Steven Johnson. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Unbelievable returns, thanks to government. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Absolute return funds need risk benchmarks. Roland Rousseau. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Eric Uhifelder. Hedge funds scramble to install damage limitation. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Pablo Triana. Blame toxic lethality not complexity. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
G20 and Global Poverty. Neil Watkins. FPIF. 4/08/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. Independent/UK. 8/10/2009.
G20: Economic summit snapshot. BBC. 9/07/09. Interactive map and data.
The Virtues of Deglobalization. Walden Bello. FPIF. 9/03/2009.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Migration and Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute. Aug. 2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
Africa goes hardcore. Tim Samuels. Guardian/UK. 8/30/09.
From rebel-held Congo to beer can. Thomas Fessy & Mark Doyle. BBC. 4/09/2009.
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?. Eric Hobsbawm. Guardian. 4/ 10/2009.
'Pirates' Strike a U.S. Ship Owned by a Pentagon Contractor, But Is the Media Telling the Whole Story?. Jeremy Scahill. AlterNet. 5/08/2009>
Punjab suicides cast shadow on polls. Suvojit Bagchi. BBC. 4/12/2009.
GHANA: Plummeting profits drive tomato farmers to suicide. IRIN News Agency. 4/18/2009.
Empire Foreclosed?. Mark Engler. FPIF. 4/17/2009
Global Food Security Act. Annie Shattuck. FPIF. 4/17/2009.
POLITICS: Same Firms Shipping Aid and Arms, Report Says. Thalif Deen. IPS. 5/12/2009.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
Amnesty Attacks Oil Industry for Decades of Damage in Niger Delta. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/30/2009.
AGRICULTURE: A Stormy Time for Indigenous Wisdom. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 7/06/2009.
The Case Against Shell in Nigeria. Site tracking the complaints of the Wiwa of Nigeria against Shell Oil Company.
In Search of Shelter: Mapping the Effects of Climate Change on Human Migration and Displacement. CARE. May 2009. research copy (36pgs)
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
A U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe. Doreen Carvajal and Stephen Castle. NY Times. 5/05/09.
A victory for cheese eaters? US-EU trade spat defused.. James Hagengruber. Christian Science Monitor. 5/07/09.
Textbooks bogged down in Afghanistan. Heidi Vogt. AP. 4/22/2009.
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India. The Independent. 4/15/2009.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
The dam that divides Ethiopians. Peter Greste. BBC. 3/26/2009. Interactive map of the impacts of a hydro-electric dam.
The Quiet Coup. Simon Johnson. The Atlantic May 2009.
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government
Elastoplast solution to African water crisis not working. EDIE. 3/27/2009.
CNN Planet Peril : World Water Crisis. World water crisis CNN's Isha Sesay speaks with Dr. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, about the world's water problems. 10/27/07 4:41.
Oil War' Rages in Niger Delta. NTDTV. 9/17/2008. (2:03)
The Big Takeover. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 4/2/2009.
IMF Says Advanced Economies Already in Depression. Angus Whitley and Shamim Adam. Bloomberg. 2/07/09.
Doubling Up. Why the IMF is scrambling to raise extra capital. The Economist. 2/17/2009.
In Loneliness, Immigrants Tend the Flock. Dan Frosch. NY Times. 2/22/2009.
Mass migrations and war: Dire climate scenario. Charles Hanley. AP. 2/21/2009.
Climate Fears Are Driving 'Ecomigration' Across Globe. Shankar Vedantam. Washington Post. 2/23/2009.
Europe says all markets must be regulated. Matt Falloon. Reuters. 2/22/2009. is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Amazon Cattle Footprint: Mato Grosso - State of Destruction. Greenpeace Report. 1/29/2009. Research report on the impact of expanding cattle ranching in Brazil
What Cooked the World's Economy?. James Lieber. The Village Voice. 1/27/2009.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
EAST AFRICA: Even Fish Heads Are Now Unaffordable. Wambi Michael. International Press Service. 1/16/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
Pulp Friction - loss of the Kimberly-Clark mill. Roger Bybee. In These Times. 1/07/2009.
Social Watch - Global Poverty & Gender Equity. An international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Good source of international research and reports.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty. David Cronin. International Press Service. 1/08/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
Development Redefined. John Cavanagh and Robin Broad. Foreign Policy In Focus. 9/24/2008.
Imperialist destabilization campaign continues to threaten Zimbabwe. Eugene Puryear. Party for Socialism and Liberation. 12/5/2008.
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Review: Illegal People. Mary Bauer. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Punjab's migrants take less home. Geeta Pandey. BBC. 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
Migrant workers under pressure. Stephanie Holmes. BBC, 12/16/2008.
Insecurity drives farm purchases abroad. David Montero. Christian Science Monitor. 12/22/2008.
From Global Crisis to "Global Government". Andrew Marshall. Global Research. 12/20/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
Consequences Of Global Warming Hits Hardest At Those With The Least. Rowan Wolf. 11/20/2005.
Toxic Tour: A Visit to Waste-Dumping Sites Shows UN Conference to Be Ignoring Environmental Racism. Deepa Fernandes. Village Voice. 8/28/2001.
Culture & Survival. Promotes the rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples. Publications, resources, and research support.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
Middle class has been shrinking for decades. Rom Eblen. Kentucky Herald-Leader. 10/03/2008.
Preemptive Policing & the National Security State: Repressing Dissent at the Republican National Convention. Intelligence Daily. 11/20/2008.
'We consider ourselves heroes' - a Somali pirate speaks. Xen Rice & Abdiqani Hassan. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply. Julian Border. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
How Bretton Woods reshaped the world. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 11/14/2008.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
DEVELOPMENT-ANGOLA: Building Sustainable Water Systems. Louise Redvers. IPS. 10/01/2008.
ENVIRONMENT: Companies Scramble for Ever-Scarcer Resources. Wolfgang Kerler. IPS. 10/01/2008.
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 10/23/2008.
Inequality in major U.S. cities rivals Africa: U.N.. Reuters. 10/23/2008.
Japan's burgeoning class: Working Poor. Shino Yuasa. AP. 10/26/2008.
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Children of the black dust. David Cohen. CNN, 10/13/2008. Explores the salvaging of carbon from batteries by children in India.
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) focus is on peace and justice issues.
Factory Facts. Christian E. Weller and Diego Flores, The Center for American Progress. 8/04/2008.
The Food Crisis and Global Institutions. Emily Schwartz Gtrco. Foreign Policy in Focus. 8/05/2008.
A Third Way: Globalization from the Bottom. Abbas Jaffer. Foreign Policy in Focus. 8/06/2008.
Unease over Guatemalan gold rush. Bill Law. BBC. 8/21/08.
A proudly American shoe company ships jobs to China. Michelle Nijhuis. Christian Science Monitor. 8/27/2008.
MEXICO: Peasants Seek Ways to Block Canadian-Run Mine. Diego Cevallos. InterPress Services. 8/31/2008.
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Wal-Mart to invest $1bn in Brazil. BBC. 8/13/2008.
Mumbai's slum solution?. Mukul Devichand. BBC. 8/14/2008.
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 8/20/08.
The Great Immigration Panic. NY Times Editorial. 6/03/2008.
US loses WTO Brazil cotton appeal. Al Jazeera. 6/09/2008.
Africa's Unnatural Disaster. Sameer Dossani. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/26/2008.
New fight for Congo's riches. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/29/2008.
As G-8 meets, free trade under fire. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 7/07/2008.
Indonesia's answer to rising food prices. Simon Montlake. Christian Science Monitor. 7/14/2008.
New pressures force U.S. farmers south of the border. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 7/15/2008.
The WTO's Raw Deal on Services. 7/17/08. FPIF.
Biofuel Land Demand Puts Peasants at Risk: Report. Reuters. 6/02/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
Worries Mount as Farmers Push for Big Harvest . David Streitfeld & Keith Bradsher, NY Times. 6/10/2008.
ECONOMY: Global Woes Hit Developing Countries. Abid Aslam. Inter Press Service. 6/10/2008.
U.S. says ending trade barriers key to food crisis. Reuters. 6/13/2008.
South Korea's Beef with America. Christine Ahn. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/13/2008.
Falling like a ton of bricks. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
New homes slump worst since 1945. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2009.
$40bn shortfall in Africa aid endangers 5 million lives. Tracy McVeigh. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom. Patrick J. McDonnell. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
World crude production has peaked: Pickens. Jasmin Melvin & Missy Ryan. Reuters. 6/17/2008.
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert. Abrose Evans-Pritchard. Telegraph/UK. 6/18/2008.
Conflicts Fuelled by Climate Change Causing New Refugee Crisis, Warns UN. Julian Borger. Guardian/UK. 6/17/2008.
Destroying African Agriculture. Walden Bello. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/03/2008.
Bioenergy: Fuelling the food crisis?. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/04/2008.
Price rises hit Indonesia parents. Lucy Williamson. BBC. 6/04/2008.
Chinese illegal immigrants discovered in Texas border town. CNN. 6/06/2008.
HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Children in the Path of the (AIDS) Pandemic. Kathryn Strachan. Inter Press Service. 6/06/2008.
In India, a bank for street children. Henry Chu. LA Times. 6/07/2008.
World hunger's urban edge. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/05/2008,
Former nun helps Mexico 'femicide' victims recover. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 6/05/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Summit Agrees Greater Liberalisation. Sabina Zaccaro. Inter Press Service. 6/05/2008.
Solving the global food crisis starts with women's rights. Yifat Susskind. The Progressive. 6/03/2008.
U.S.-born children feel effects of immigration raids. Anna Gorman. 6/08/2008.
Global Food Crisis: On The Margins in Mauritania. Washington Post. 5/07/2008.
Experts see no early end to world's food crisis. Renee Schoof. McClatchy. 5/14/2008.
Some rural communities pushed to the edge by high cost of fuel. Tom Kizzia & Tom Hopkins. Anchorage Daily News. 5/16/2008.
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Trade boss criticises financial mess. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Food crisis talks set to begin. BBC. 5/30/2008.
. Interview with Ali Mchumo. IPS. 5/30/2008.
Anti-U.S. beef protest draws 100,000 S.Koreans. Reuters, 5/31/2008.
Is Water Becoming 'The New Oil'?. Marc Clayton. Chrisitan Science Monitor. 5/30/08
Guerrilla gardener movement takes root in L.A. area. Joe Robinson. LA TImes. 5/30/2008.
PERU: Indigenous Groups Challenge Private Investment Decree. Milagros Salazar. IPS. 5/29/2008.
HEALTH-AFRICA: UNICEF Reports Five Million Child Deaths Every Year. Steffanie Nieuwoudt. IPS. 5/30/2008. (Report)
The State of Africa's Children 2008. UNICEF. 5/2008. 5 million children dying a year due to poverty. (Original Link)
The Other Karen Tribe Antonio Graceffo. Boxun News. 5/22/2008.
BIODIVERSITY: Indigenous Peoples Fight Theft. Julio Godoy. Inter Press Service. 5/24/2008.
Family Seed Business Takes On Goliath of Genetic Modification. Marian Scott. The Edmonton Journal (Canada). 5/25/2008.
Oil: A Global Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/25/2008.
Fair Trade: Spreading The Wealth. Sharon Cullars. One World Net. 5/28/2008.
Consent of the Governed: the reign of corporations and the fight for democracy. Jeffrey Kaplan. Orion Magazine. 11/2003.
Redesigning Corporate Law. Robert Hinkley. Resurgence 2002.
Solidarity is in the air. Margaret Jones.
Participatory Economics: A Theoretical Alternative to Capitalism. Michael Albert. Parecon. 2004.
Global Problems, Local Solutions. Wendell Berry. Resurgence. 2006.
Gross National Happiness. Rajni Bakshi. 2004.
African Women Making Change. Ann Jones. Mother Jones. 5/13/2008.
Argentina Tries to Reconcile Exporting Food With Prices at Home. Monte Reel. Wa. Post. 4/26/2008.
G7 loses grip on global policy to O5. Barry Herman. Asia Times. 5/09/2008
DEVELOPMENT: Food Crisis Linked to Doha Deal. Aileen Kwa. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
ENERGY-AFRICA: From Kerosene to the LED, O-HUB and O-BOX. Stephen Leahy. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
ENVIRONMENT-BRAZIL: Controversy Over Indigenous Land and Biofuels. Mario Osava. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
CHINA: Buying Farmland Abroad, Ensuring Food Security. Antoaneta Bezlova. Inter Press Service. 5/09/2008.
Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.
US Urged to Reform Foreign Aid. Ida Wahlstrom. One World. 5/09/2008.
U.S. Legal Work Booms in India. Rama Lakshimi. Wa. Post. 5/11/2008.
World's Giants to Alter Food Equation. Evan Osnos & Laurie Goering. Chicago Tribune. 5/11/2008.
Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Many Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Peter Goodman. NY Times. 5/13/2008.
The Green Machine: Monsanto Co's Transgenic Products Tightens Their Control of Seed Market. Jennifer Kahn. Resugence Magazine. 1999.
"Transgenic Seed Companies Lie and Bribe". Interview with Jesús León Santos, Winner of Goldman Prize. Inter Press Service. 4/24/2008.
Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around the World. Elizabeth Rosenthal. NY Times. 4/26/2008.
Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest. David Loyn. BBC. 4/26/2008.
Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice. Anthony Faiola. Wa. Post. 4/28/2008.
Emptying the Breadbasket. Dan Morgan. Wa. Post. 4/29/2008.
Warming 'affecting poor children'. BBC. 4/29/2008.
Global press freedom declines in 2007: study. The Age / AU. 4/30/08.
RIGHTS: Native People Warn U.N. of Biofuels Disaster. Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service. 4/30/2008.
UN: Biofuel Production 'Criminal Path' to Global Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 4/29/2008.
Chevron Complicit in Abuses in Burma - Rights Lobby. Marwaan Macan-Markar. Inter Press Services. 4/20/2008.
Transparency International researches and monitors global corruption of governments and corporations.
Transparency International calls on leading oil and gas companies to increase revenue transparency. Transparency International Anti-Corruption Reports. 2008.
Oil Majors Rapped Over Secrecy, Corruption. Abid Aslam. International Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Bolivia nationalises key firms. Al Jazeera. 5/01/2008.
Multinationals Make Billions In Profit Out of Growing Global Food Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/04/2008.
No let up in India farm suicides. Prachi Pinglay. BBC. 5/05/2008.
The Solidarity Center. The Solidarity Center is a non-profit organization that assists workers around the world who are struggling to build democratic and independent trade unions. We work with unions and community groups worldwide to achieve equitable, sustainable, democratic development and to help men and women everywhere stand up for their rights and improve their living and working standards.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
The Degradation of Work: The True Cost of Shrimp. (Original link) Solidarity Center. January 2008.
Load Up the Pantry. Brett Arends. Wall Street Journal. 4/21/2008.
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World. Josh Gerstein. NY Sun. 4/21/2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
India rules out new farm debt aid. BBC. 4/22/2008.
The Great Shopping Spree, R.I.P.. Robert J. Samuelson. Newsweek. 4/28/2008.
Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 4/15/2008.
Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD). PDF. Report on traditional vs industrial agriculture, original report site
South Korean workers on edge of burnout. Bruce Williams. LA Times. 4/19/2008.
Food price rises are "mass murder": U.N. envoy. Reuters. 4/20/2008.
Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 4/20/2008.
Three Amigos Summit. Manuel Perez Rocha & Sarah Anderson. Foreign Policy in Focus. 4/15/2008
Union Killings Peril Trade Pact With Colombia. Simon Romero. NY Times. 4/14/2008.
GLOBALISATION: New Curbs on Investment From the South. Julio Godoy. International Press Service. 4/14/2008.
Made in China. Finlo Rohrer. BBC. 4/14/2008.
Toxic shock: how the banking industry created a global crisis. Jill Treanor. Guardian/UK. 4/08/2008.
IMF plans gold sale to raise $6bn. BBC. 4/07/2008.
Credit crunch costs '$1 trillion'. Stevern Schifferes. BBC. 4/09/2008.
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
The World Bank's Carbon Deals. Janet Redman. Foreign Policy In Focus. 4/10/2008.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Globalization, trade and recession take a toll on Martinsville, Virginia. Tony Pugh. McClatchy. 4/10/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,
Microfinance's Success Sets Off a Debate in Mexico. Elizabeth Malkin. NY Times. 4/05/2008.
Blue Collar, Bare Cupboards. Sasha Abramsky. In These Times. 3/28/2008.
Ex-slave works to free others from West African tradition. Nora Boustany. Christina Science Monitor. 3/26/2008.
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study. Reuters. 3/27/2008.
Asian rice crisis starts to bite. Hannah Belcher. Al Jazeera. 3/29/2008.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate. Matt Homer. International Press Service.
Wed to Strangers, Vietnamese Wives Build Korean Lives. Norimitsu Onishi. NY Times. 3/30/2008.
Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners. Al Jazeera. 3/30/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
The Military-Petroleum Complex. Nick Turse. Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/24/2008.
Food prices rising across the world. CNN. 3/25/2008.
Mining forces out thousands in SA. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Mexico plans water supply boost. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Q&A: EU and U.S. Offering Special WTO Deal to Lure South Africa. International Press Service. 3/25/2008.
Debt: Our 9 Trillion Pound Gorilla. Susan Douglas. In These Times. 3/25/08.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
Cultural Imperialism at the W.H.O.?. John Tierney. NY Times. 1/28/2008.
Mexican Farmers Protest End of Corn-Import Taxes. James McKinnely. NY Times. 2/01/2008.
Urbanization threatens Namibia's traditional Himba culture. Stephanie Hanes. Christian Science Monitor. 2/05/2008.
Immigrants Come Here Because Globalization Took Their Jobs Back There. Jim Hightower. Hightower Lowdown. 2/07/2008.
EU loses banana battle at WTO. Al Jazeera. 2/08/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
True scale of C0â‚‚emissions from shipping revealed. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 2/13/2008.
UN forum aims to end trafficking. BBC. 2/13/08.
Cereal prices hit poor countries. BBC. 2/14/2008.
Peru roads blocked in trade protest. Al Jazeera. 2/18/2008.
Tension About Religion and Class in Turkey. Sabrina Tavernise. NY Times. 2/19/2008.
A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
What Created This Monster?. Nelson Schwartz & Julie Creswell. NT Times. 3/23/08. The role of deregulation of the financial industry and the use of derivatives to "spread risk."
Best U.S. factory jobs in rising jeopardy. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/15/2008.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. Maude Barlow. Foreign Policy in Focus. 2/25/2008.
Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief Scientist. James Randerson. Guardian. 3/07/2008.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. 3/09/2008.
A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill. David Strietfeld. NY Times. 3/09/2008.
Local-only currency in Portland? Think plastic. Joseph Rose. Oregonian. 2/24/2008.
The Story of Stuff. Annie Leonard. Environmental video.
The World Is Flat. 13 minute video - Critique of Freidman.
Urbanization threatens Namibia's traditional Himba culture. Stephanie Haynes. Christian Science Monitor. 2/05/2008.
US service sector in sharp fall. BBC. 2/05/2008.
Immigrants Come Here Because Globalization Took Their Jobs Back There. Jim Hightower. The Hightower Lowdown. 2/07/2008.
EU loses banana battle at WTO. Al Jazeera. 2/08/2008.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Europe Exports Death With Ease. David Cronin. IPS. 2/08/2008.
Central Africa: War without borders. 2/06/2008.
Obesity Becoming World Crisis. Craig and Marc Kielburger. Toronto Star. 2/04/2008.
ECONOMY-EL SALVADOR: Dollarisation Backfires, Fuelling Price Hikes. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 2/05/2008.
EL SALVADOR: Benefits of Free Trade Deal Still Remote. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 1/31/2008.
The Dire Side of Rising Food Prices. Michael Nizza. NY Times. 1/30/2008.
Food prices: Cheap No More. Gerrit Buntrock. The Economist. Dec. 12, 2007
Human Development Reports main site - multiple reports and country reports.
Carbon Footprint features from the UN Human Development Reports.
Chiquita Sued In NY Over Killings In Colombia. Reuters. 11/15/07.
After teen suicides, an Argentine tribe outlaws 'white' vices. Sara Miller Llana, 11/02/2007, Christian Science Monitor.
World Economy and Development. European perspectives on globalisation.
The Pressure to Modernise and Globalise. Helena Norberg-Hodge.
Disaster Capitalism: the new economy of catastrophe. Naomi Klein. Harper's. 10/2007.
'Health disaster' in French Caribbean linked to pesticides. 9/19/07 John Lichfield, Independent.
The languages of extinction: The world's endangered tongues. Claire Soares, Independent, 9/19/07.
Greensumption video by International Forum on Gloabalization. 8/30/07.
Jeans blues in Mexico. Franc Contreraa. Al Jazeera, 8/24/07.
Globalisation and the rise of inequality. James Fryer. Economist. 1/18/07.
How richest fuel global warming - but poorest suffer most from it. Phillip Thornton. Independent. 1/09/07.
The flower farms where immigrants prove their value to the economy. Terry Judd. Independent.
WEST AFRICA: From Desertification, to Migration, to Conflict. Frank Zamble. IPS. 1/24/07
Migrants 'shape globalised world'. David Loyn. BBC.
Slavery in the UK. Independent. 12/27/06
East-West Migration in the Context of an Enlarging European Union: New Opportunities and New Challenges. Mariyana Radeva.
Illegal Immigration Policy: The Current Evolution of Thought and Practice
. Don Harman. Christian Science Monitor. 6/26/07.
Trafficking in Women Forced Labor and Domestic Work. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.Anti-slavery International Working Paper 2006.
Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036. Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC).
CLOSE TO SLAVERY Guestworker Programs in the United States. SPLC. 2007.
U.S. Space Command Vision for 2020
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
Planet of the slums: UN warns urban populations set to double
UNFPA - state of world population 2006
In a World on the Move, a Tiny Land Strains to Cope. Jason DeParle. NY Times. 6/24/07.
No Oil Yet, but Tiny African Isle Finds Slippery Dealings. 7/02/07 Barry Meier & Jad Mouawad. NY Times.
Rich World's Consumerism May Cause African Famines, Experts Warn. Anita Purcell-Sjoelund. AFP, 7/01/07.
Kenyan Farmers' Fate Caught Up in U.S. Aid Rules. Celia Dugger. NY Times. 7/31/07
Climate change escalates Darfur crisis. Baldauf. CSM. 7/27/07.
DEVELOPMENT-ZIMBABWE: Maternal Deaths, The Neglected Tragedy
Chocolate now fuels war in West Africa?. Blake Lambert. Christian Science Monitor. 7/17/07
Climate Divide. Revkin & Kanter. NY Times, 4/07/07 (Flash slide show). Accompanying interactive graphic
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07. or here
The flower farms where immigrants prove their value to the economy. Terri Judd. Independent. 1/06/07.
Real cost of India's cheap stone. Tom Heap. BBC. 1/06/07.
Niger Delta and Natural Resources
Broken Promises: Spoils of Globalization go to Corporations, Countries, not Working Poor. Pfaff. Intl. Herald Tribune. 11/17/06
Social Watch Report 2006: Impossible Architecture PDF report. Related article World Bank Profits from Poor Countries
9/03/06 Cohen, Toronto Star, Maude Barlow Primes the Clean-Water Pump
Pay To Be Saved: The Future of Disaster Response. Naomi Klein, CommonDreams, 8/28/06
Monsanto Moves To Control Water Resources & Fish Farming
CRG -- The Basmati Battle And its Implications for Biopiracy and Trips
Mobilization For Global Justice
United Nations Integrated Regional Information Networks | OCHA IRIN
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme
Third World Traveler An alternative view to the mainstream media, Human rights; Social and economic justice; Foreign policy; Corporations; Media control, Travel in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Welcome to the Globalization Studies Network!
Foreign Policy In Focus - Globalization In Focus
Timeline: World Trade Organisation
WTO disputes - process and cases
U.S. Copyright Office, URAA GATT
NAFTA: The Mother Of All Stupid ideas. Edward Britton
Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
OECD Online - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
IMF and World Bank Contributed to AIDS Spread
IMF Historical Archives - Factsheet
Center For World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
IMF, International Monetary Fund
International Forum on Globalization
Multilaterial Agreement on Investment
Trade Liberalisation & Women -Unifem
Centre for Research on Globalisation
OXY Home Page Occidental Oil homepage
Globalization"Transgenic Seed Companies Lie and Bribe". Interview with Jesús León Santos, Winner of Goldman Prize. Inter Press Service. 4/24/2008.
$40bn shortfall in Africa aid endangers 5 million lives. Tracy McVeigh. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
'Everyone's starving' in Ethiopia, aid worker says. CNN. 6/09/2008.
'Health disaster' in French Caribbean linked to pesticides. 9/19/07 John Lichfield, Independent.
'Pirates' Strike a U.S. Ship Owned by a Pentagon Contractor, But Is the Media Telling the Whole Story?. Jeremy Scahill. AlterNet. 5/08/2009>
'We consider ourselves heroes' - a Somali pirate speaks. Xen Rice & Abdiqani Hassan. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India. The Independent. 4/15/2009.
A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking
A Global Need for Grain That Farms Can’t Fill. David Strietfeld. NY Times. 3/09/2008.
A Third Way: Globalization from the Bottom. Abbas Jaffer. Foreign Policy in Focus. 8/06/2008.
A U.S. Hog Giant Transforms Eastern Europe. Doreen Carvajal and Stephen Castle. NY Times. 5/05/09.
A proudly American shoe company ships jobs to China. Michelle Nijhuis. Christian Science Monitor. 8/27/2008.
A victory for cheese eaters? US-EU trade spat defused.. James Hagengruber. Christian Science Monitor. 5/07/09.
AGRICULTURE: A Stormy Time for Indigenous Wisdom. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 7/06/2009.
Absolute return funds need risk benchmarks. Roland Rousseau. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Africa goes hardcore. Tim Samuels. Guardian/UK. 8/30/09.
Africa's Unnatural Disaster. Sameer Dossani. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/26/2008.
African Women Making Change. Ann Jones. Mother Jones. 5/13/2008.
After teen suicides, an Argentine tribe outlaws 'white' vices. Sara Miller Llana, 11/02/2007, Christian Science Monitor.
Amazon Cattle Footprint: Mato Grosso - State of Destruction. Greenpeace Report. 1/29/2009. Research report on the impact of expanding cattle ranching in Brazil
Amazon Rainforest Threatened By New Wave of Oil and Gas Exploration. Iam Sample. Guardian/UK. 8/13/2008.
Amazon pollution case could cost Chevron billions. Frank Bajak. AP. 12/20/2008.
Amnesty Attacks Oil Industry for Decades of Damage in Niger Delta. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/30/2009.
Henry Giroux. Truthout, 4/9/13. Angela Davis, Freedom and the Politics of Higher Education .
Anti-U.S. beef protest draws 100,000 S.Koreans. Reuters, 5/31/2008.
Argentina Tries to Reconcile Exporting Food With Prices at Home. Monte Reel. Wa. Post. 4/26/2008.
As G-8 meets, free trade under fire. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 7/07/2008.
As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,
As income gap widens, recession fears grow. Tami Luhby. CNN. 4/09/2008
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
Asian rice crisis starts to bite. Hannah Belcher. Al Jazeera. 3/29/2008.
Averting a perfect storm of shortages. Stephen Mulvaney. BBC. 8/24/2009.
BIODIVERSITY: Indigenous Peoples Fight Theft. Julio Godoy. Inter Press Service. 5/24/2008.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
BRAZIL: Growing Foreign Appetite for Land. Mario Osava. International Press Service. 3/24/2008.
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07. or here
Expand |Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.
Behind the growing instability in Nigeria. Eugene Puryear. Intelligence Daily. 8/20/08.
Best U.S. factory jobs in rising jeopardy. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/15/2008.
Big shift benefits emerging markets. David Oakley. Financial Times. 10/25/2009 is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations.
Bioenergy: Fuelling the food crisis?. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/04/2008.
Biofuel Land Demand Puts Peasants at Risk: Report. Reuters. 6/02/2008.
Biofuels starving our people, leaders tell UN. Allegra Stratton. Guardian/UK. 4/28/2008.
Pablo Triana. Blame toxic lethality not complexity. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
Blue Collar, Bare Cupboards. Sasha Abramsky. In These Times. 3/28/2008.
Bolivia nationalises key firms. Al Jazeera. 5/01/2008.
Broken Promises: Spoils of Globalization go to Corporations, Countries, not Working Poor. Pfaff. Intl. Herald Tribune. 11/17/06
CHINA: Buying Farmland Abroad, Ensuring Food Security. Antoaneta Bezlova. Inter Press Service. 5/09/2008.
CLOSE TO SLAVERY Guestworker Programs in the United States. SPLC. 2007.
CNN Planet Peril : World Water Crisis. World water crisis CNN's Isha Sesay speaks with Dr. Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute, about the world's water problems. 10/27/07 4:41.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Carbon Footprint features from the UN Human Development Reports.
Center For World Indigenous Studies (CWIS)
Central Africa: War without borders. 2/06/2008.
Centre for Research on Globalisation
Cereal prices hit poor countries. BBC. 2/14/2008.
Chevron Complicit in Abuses in Burma - Rights Lobby. Marwaan Macan-Markar. Inter Press Services. 4/20/2008.
Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.
Children of the black dust. David Cohen. CNN, 10/13/2008. Explores the salvaging of carbon from batteries by children in India.
China dams reveal flaws in climate-change weapon. Joe McDonald & Charles Hanley. AP. 1/25/2009.
Chinese illegal immigrants discovered in Texas border town. CNN. 6/06/2008.
Chiquita Sued In NY Over Killings In Colombia. Reuters. 11/15/07.
Chocolate now fuels war in West Africa?. Blake Lambert. Christian Science Monitor. 7/17/07
Climate Divide. Revkin & Kanter. NY Times, 4/07/07 (Flash slide show). Accompanying interactive graphic
Climate Fears Are Driving 'Ecomigration' Across Globe. Shankar Vedantam. Washington Post. 2/23/2009.
Climate change escalates Darfur crisis. Baldauf. CSM. 7/27/07.
Conflicts Fuelled by Climate Change Causing New Refugee Crisis, Warns UN. Julian Borger. Guardian/UK. 6/17/2008.
Consent of the Governed: the reign of corporations and the fight for democracy. Jeffrey Kaplan. Orion Magazine. 11/2003.
Consequences Of Global Warming Hits Hardest At Those With The Least. Rowan Wolf. 11/20/2005.
Credit crunch costs '$1 trillion'. Stevern Schifferes. BBC. 4/09/2008.
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
Cultural Imperialism at the W.H.O.?. John Tierney. NY Times. 1/28/2008.
Culture & Survival. Promotes the rights, voices, and visions of indigenous peoples. Publications, resources, and research support.
DEVELOPMENT-ANGOLA: Building Sustainable Water Systems. Louise Redvers. IPS. 10/01/2008.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
DEVELOPMENT-ZIMBABWE: Maternal Deaths, The Neglected Tragedy
DEVELOPMENT: A Winding Journey From Seed to Plate. Matt Homer. International Press Service.
DEVELOPMENT: Africa May Face 'Centuries' of Poverty. David Cronin. International Press Service. 1/08/2009.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Crisis Linked to Doha Deal. Aileen Kwa. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Food Summit Agrees Greater Liberalisation. Sabina Zaccaro. Inter Press Service. 6/05/2008.
DEVELOPMENT: Reinventing Agriculture. Stephen Leahy. IPS. 4/15/2008.
Debt: Our 9 Trillion Pound Gorilla. Susan Douglas. In These Times. 3/25/08.
Michael Mackenzie. Derivatives boost NYSE profit. Financial Times. 5/04/2010.
Destroying African Agriculture. Walden Bello. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/03/2008.
Development Redefined. John Cavanagh and Robin Broad. Foreign Policy In Focus. 9/24/2008.
Disaster Capitalism: the new economy of catastrophe. Naomi Klein. Harper's. 10/2007.
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Doubling Up. Why the IMF is scrambling to raise extra capital. The Economist. 2/17/2009.
EAST AFRICA: Even Fish Heads Are Now Unaffordable. Wambi Michael. International Press Service. 1/16/2009.
ECONOMY-EL SALVADOR: Dollarisation Backfires, Fuelling Price Hikes. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 2/05/2008.
ECONOMY: Global Woes Hit Developing Countries. Abid Aslam. Inter Press Service. 6/10/2008.
EL SALVADOR: Benefits of Free Trade Deal Still Remote. Raúl Gutiérrez. International Press Service. 1/31/2008.
ENERGY-AFRICA: From Kerosene to the LED, O-HUB and O-BOX. Stephen Leahy. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
ENVIRONMENT-BRAZIL: Controversy Over Indigenous Land and Biofuels. Mario Osava. Inter Press Service. 5/08/2008.
ENVIRONMENT: Companies Scramble for Ever-Scarcer Resources. Wolfgang Kerler. IPS. 10/01/2008.
EU loses banana battle at WTO. Al Jazeera. 2/08/2008.
EU loses banana battle at WTO. Al Jazeera. 2/08/2008.
East-West Migration in the Context of an Enlarging European Union: New Opportunities and New Challenges. Mariyana Radeva.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Elastoplast solution to African water crisis not working. EDIE. 3/27/2009.
Empire Foreclosed?. Mark Engler. FPIF. 4/17/2009
Emptying the Breadbasket. Dan Morgan. Wa. Post. 4/29/2008.
Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around the World. Elizabeth Rosenthal. NY Times. 4/26/2008.
Europe Exports Death With Ease. David Cronin. IPS. 2/08/2008.
Europe says all markets must be regulated. Matt Falloon. Reuters. 2/22/2009.
Ex-slave works to free others from West African tradition. Nora Boustany. Christina Science Monitor. 3/26/2008.
Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD). PDF. Report on traditional vs industrial agriculture, original report site
Experts see no early end to world's food crisis. Renee Schoof. McClatchy. 5/14/2008.
Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 4/20/2008.
Factory Facts. Christian E. Weller and Diego Flores, The Center for American Progress. 8/04/2008.
Fair Trade: Spreading The Wealth. Sharon Cullars. One World Net. 5/28/2008.
Falling like a ton of bricks. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2008.
Family Seed Business Takes On Goliath of Genetic Modification. Marian Scott. The Edmonton Journal (Canada). 5/25/2008. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Food Crisis Will Take Hold Before Climate Change, Warns Chief Scientist. James Randerson. Guardian. 3/07/2008.
Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security - UN. David Adam. Independent/UK. 4/09/2008.
Food Rationing Confronts Breadbasket of the World. Josh Gerstein. NY Sun. 4/21/2008.
Food crisis talks set to begin. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Food price rises are "mass murder": U.N. envoy. Reuters. 4/20/2008.
Food prices rising across the world. CNN. 3/25/2008.
Food prices stir poverty concern. Al Jazeera. 4/11/2008.
Food prices: Cheap No More. Gerrit Buntrock. The Economist. Dec. 12, 2007
Former nun helps Mexico 'femicide' victims recover. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 6/05/2008.
From Global Crisis to "Global Government". Andrew Marshall. Global Research. 12/20/2008.
From rebel-held Congo to beer can. Thomas Fessy & Mark Doyle. BBC. 4/09/2009.
G20 and Global Poverty. Neil Watkins. FPIF. 4/08/2009.
G20: Economic summit snapshot. BBC. 9/07/09. Interactive map and data.
G7 loses grip on global policy to O5. Barry Herman. Asia Times. 5/09/2008
GHANA: Plummeting profits drive tomato farmers to suicide. IRIN News Agency. 4/18/2009.
GLOBALISATION: New Curbs on Investment From the South. Julio Godoy. International Press Service. 4/14/2008.
Global Food Crisis: On The Margins in Mauritania. Washington Post. 5/07/2008.
Global Food Security Act. Annie Shattuck. FPIF. 4/17/2009.
Global Problems, Local Solutions. Wendell Berry. Resurgence. 2006.
Global Witness. Organization focused on exposing the links between natural resources, international trade, and conflict. Has some excellent research.
Global crisis 'to strike by 2030'. Christine McGourty BBC. 3/19/2009. Population and resources on a collision course.
Global press freedom declines in 2007: study. The Age / AU. 4/30/08.
Globalisation and the rise of inequality. James Fryer. Economist. 1/18/07.
Foreign Policy In Focus - Globalization In Focus
Welcome to the Globalization Studies Network!
Globalization, trade and recession take a toll on Martinsville, Virginia. Tony Pugh. McClatchy. 4/10/2008.
Grain prices soar globally. Daniel Ten Kate. Christian Science Monitor. 3/25/2008.
Greensumption video by International Forum on Gloabalization. 8/30/07.
Gross National Happiness. Rajni Bakshi. 2004.
Guerrilla gardener movement takes root in L.A. area. Joe Robinson. LA TImes. 5/30/2008.
HEALTH-AFRICA: UNICEF Reports Five Million Child Deaths Every Year. Steffanie Nieuwoudt. IPS. 5/30/2008. (Report)
HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Children in the Path of the (AIDS) Pandemic. Kathryn Strachan. Inter Press Service. 6/06/2008.
Eric Uhifelder. Hedge funds scramble to install damage limitation. Financial Times/UK. 10/25/2009.
High Rice Cost Creating Fears of Asia Unrest. Keith Bradsher. NY Times. 3/29/2008.
Hopes fade for Tanzanian miners. Al Jazeera. 3/30/2008.
How Bretton Woods reshaped the world. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 11/14/2008.
. Don Harman. Christian Science Monitor. 6/26/07.
How richest fuel global warming - but poorest suffer most from it. Phillip Thornton. Independent. 1/09/07.
Human Development Reports main site - multiple reports and country reports.
Human cost of Brazil's biofuels boom. Patrick J. McDonnell. LA Times. 6/16/2008.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
. Simon Montlake. Christian Science Monitor. 7/14/2008.
Inequality in major U.S. cities rivals Africa: U.N.. Reuters. 10/23/2008.
Insecurity drives farm purchases abroad. David Montero. Christian Science Monitor. 12/22/2008.
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) focus is on peace and justice issues.
Institutions 'haven't learnt' from the turmoil. Sophia Grene. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
International Forum on Globalization
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Is Water Becoming 'The New Oil'?. Marc Clayton. Chrisitan Science Monitor. 5/30/08
Is access to clean water a basic human right?. Yigal Schleifer. Christian Science Monitor. 3/19/2009.
Japan's burgeoning class: Working Poor. Shino Yuasa. AP. 10/26/2008.
Jeans blues in Mexico. Franc Contreraa. Al Jazeera, 8/24/07.
Kenyan Farmers' Fate Caught Up in U.S. Aid Rules. Celia Dugger. NY Times. 7/31/07
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town. Heidi Vogt. Associated Press. 1/03/2009.
Lead for car batteries poisons an African town . Heidi Vogt. AP. 1/03/2009.
Load Up the Pantry. Brett Arends. Wall Street Journal. 4/21/2008.
Local-only currency in Portland? Think plastic. Joseph Rose. Oregonian. 2/24/2008.
MEXICO: Peasants Seek Ways to Block Canadian-Run Mine. Diego Cevallos. InterPress Services. 8/31/2008.
MINING-INDIA: Woman Leads Tribals Against World's Steel Maker. Gagandeep Johar. IPS. 9/12/2009.
Made in China. Finlo Rohrer. BBC. 4/14/2008.
Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Many Many Hispanics Are Hit Hard by Economic Slump. Peter Goodman. NY Times. 5/13/2008.
Mass migrations and war: Dire climate scenario. Charles Hanley. AP. 2/21/2009.
9/03/06 Cohen, Toronto Star, Maude Barlow Primes the Clean-Water Pump
Mexican Farmers Protest End of Corn-Import Taxes. James McKinnely. NY Times. 2/01/2008.
Mexico plans water supply boost. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Microfinance's Success Sets Off a Debate in Mexico. Elizabeth Malkin. NY Times. 4/05/2008.
Middle class has been shrinking for decades. Rom Eblen. Kentucky Herald-Leader. 10/03/2008.
Migrant workers under pressure. Stephanie Holmes. BBC, 12/16/2008.
Migrants 'shape globalised world'. David Loyn. BBC.
Migration and Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute. Aug. 2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/21/2009.
Mineral firms 'fuel Congo unrest'. BBC. 7/31/2009.
Mining forces out thousands in SA. BBC. 3/25/2008.
Mobilization For Global Justice
Monsanto Moves To Control Water Resources & Fish Farming
Multilaterial Agreement on Investment
Multinationals Make Billions In Profit Out of Growing Global Food Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/04/2008.
Mumbai's slum solution?. Mukul Devichand. BBC. 8/14/2008.
NAFTA: The Mother Of All Stupid ideas. Edward Britton
New fight for Congo's riches. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/29/2008.
New homes slump worst since 1945. Nick Mathiason. Guardian/UK. 6/15/2009.
New pressures force U.S. farmers south of the border. Sara Miller Llana. Christian Science Monitor. 7/15/2008.
Niger Delta and Natural Resources
Nigeria power shortage to persist. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
No Oil Yet, but Tiny African Isle Finds Slippery Dealings. 7/02/07 Barry Meier & Jad Mouawad. NY Times.
No let up in India farm suicides. Prachi Pinglay. BBC. 5/05/2008.
OECD Online - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OXY Home Page Occidental Oil homepage
Obesity Becoming World Crisis. Craig and Marc Kielburger. Toronto Star. 2/04/2008.
Oil Majors Rapped Over Secrecy, Corruption. Abid Aslam. International Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Oil War' Rages in Niger Delta. NTDTV. 9/17/2008. (2:03)
Oil: A Global Crisis. Geoffrey Lean. Independent/UK. 5/25/2008.
PERU: Indigenous Groups Challenge Private Investment Decree. Milagros Salazar. IPS. 5/29/2008.
POLITICS: Same Firms Shipping Aid and Arms, Report Says. Thalif Deen. IPS. 5/12/2009.
Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
Participatory Economics: A Theoretical Alternative to Capitalism. Michael Albert. Parecon. 2004.
Pay To Be Saved: The Future of Disaster Response. Naomi Klein, CommonDreams, 8/28/06
Peru Tribe Battles Oil Giant Over Pollution. Peter Collyns, BBC. 3/24/2008.
Peru roads blocked in trade protest. Al Jazeera. 2/18/2008.
Planet of the slums: UN warns urban populations set to double
Pollution, Race, and Poverty. James Kwak. Baseline Scenario. 5/05/09.
Preemptive Policing & the National Security State: Repressing Dissent at the Republican National Convention. Intelligence Daily. 11/20/2008.
Price rises hit Indonesia parents. Lucy Williamson. BBC. 6/04/2008.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
Private equity's love affair with leverage. Steven Johnson. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Public Citizen Global Trade Watch
Pulp Friction - loss of the Kimberly-Clark mill. Roger Bybee. In These Times. 1/07/2009.
Punjab reaps a poisoned harvest. David Loyn. BBC. 4/26/2008.
Punjab suicides cast shadow on polls. Suvojit Bagchi. BBC. 4/12/2009.
Punjab's migrants take less home. Geeta Pandey. BBC. 12/15/2008.
Q&A: 'Biofuels Must Include the Poor'. Interview with Ali Mchumo. IPS. 5/30/2008.
Q&A: EU and U.S. Offering Special WTO Deal to Lure South Africa. International Press Service. 3/25/2008.
RBS issues global stock and credit crash alert. Abrose Evans-Pritchard. Telegraph/UK. 6/18/2008.
RIGHTS-BRAZIL: Pantanal Indians Threatened by Deforestation. Mario Osava. IPS. 2/09/2008.
RIGHTS: Native People Warn U.N. of Biofuels Disaster. Haider Rizvi. Inter Press Service. 4/30/2008.
Real cost of India's cheap stone. Tom Heap. BBC. 1/06/07.
Recession barely dents 'eco-debt' . Judith Burns. BBC. 9/25/2009.
Redesigning Corporate Law. Robert Hinkley. Resurgence 2002.
Review: Illegal People. Mary Bauer. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Rich World's Consumerism May Cause African Famines, Experts Warn. Anita Purcell-Sjoelund. AFP, 7/01/07.
Rich clients' assets to hit $75 trillion by 2012: study. Reuters. 3/27/2008.
Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply. Julian Border. Guardian/UK. 11/22/2008.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force. Jack Chang. McClatchy. 3/24/2008.
Slavery in the UK. Independent. 12/27/06
Social Watch - Global Poverty & Gender Equity. An international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Good source of international research and reports.
Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt. So what comes next?. Eric Hobsbawm. Guardian. 4/ 10/2009.
Solar Energy Firms Leave Waste Behind in China. Ariana Eunjung Cha. Washington Post. 3/09/2008.
Solidarity is in the air. Margaret Jones.
Solving the global food crisis starts with women's rights. Yifat Susskind. The Progressive. 6/03/2008.
Some rural communities pushed to the edge by high cost of fuel. Tom Kizzia & Tom Hopkins. Anchorage Daily News. 5/16/2008.
South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'. BBC. 3/3/2010.
South Korea's Beef with America. Christine Ahn. Foreign Policy in Focus. 6/13/2008.
South Korean workers on edge of burnout. Bruce Williams. LA Times. 4/19/2008.
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036. Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC).
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Transparency International calls on leading oil and gas companies to increase revenue transparency. Transparency International Anti-Corruption Reports. 2008.
Tension About Religion and Class in Turkey. Sabrina Tavernise. NY Times. 2/19/2008.
Textbooks bogged down in Afghanistan. Heidi Vogt. AP. 4/22/2009.
CRG -- The Basmati Battle And its Implications for Biopiracy and Trips
The Big Takeover. Matt Taibbi. Rolling Stone. 4/2/2009.
The Degradation of Work: The True Cost of Shrimp. (Original link) Solidarity Center. January 2008.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
The Dire Side of Rising Food Prices. Michael Nizza. NY Times. 1/30/2008.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
The Food Crisis and Global Institutions. Emily Schwartz Gtrco. Foreign Policy in Focus. 8/05/2008.
The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. Maude Barlow. Foreign Policy in Focus. 2/25/2008.
The Great Immigration Panic. NY Times Editorial. 6/03/2008.
The Great Shopping Spree, R.I.P.. Robert J. Samuelson. Newsweek. 4/28/2008.
The Green Machine: Monsanto Co's Transgenic Products Tightens Their Control of Seed Market. Jennifer Kahn. Resugence Magazine. 1999.
The Incredible Shrinking Paycheck. Nancy Cleeland. The Nation. 2/20/2008.
The Military-Petroleum Complex. Nick Turse. Foreign Policy In Focus. 3/24/2008.
The Other Karen Tribe Antonio Graceffo. Boxun News. 5/22/2008.
The Pressure to Modernise and Globalise. Helena Norberg-Hodge.
The Quiet Coup. Simon Johnson. The Atlantic May 2009.
The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming, says a former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government
The Rise of the New Global Elite. Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic. January/February 2011.
The Solidarity Center. The Solidarity Center is a non-profit organization that assists workers around the world who are struggling to build democratic and independent trade unions. We work with unions and community groups worldwide to achieve equitable, sustainable, democratic development and to help men and women everywhere stand up for their rights and improve their living and working standards.
The State of Africa's Children 2008. UNICEF. 5/2008. 5 million children dying a year due to poverty. (Original Link)
The Story of Stuff. Annie Leonard. Environmental video.
The Virtues of Deglobalization. Walden Bello. FPIF. 9/03/2009.
The WTO's Raw Deal on Services. 7/17/08. FPIF.
The World Bank's Carbon Deals. Janet Redman. Foreign Policy In Focus. 4/10/2008.
The World Is Flat. 13 minute video - Critique of Freidman.
The dam that divides Ethiopians. Peter Greste. BBC. 3/26/2009. Interactive map of the impacts of a hydro-electric dam.
The flower farms where immigrants prove their value to the economy. Terry Judd. Independent.
The flower farms where immigrants prove their value to the economy. Terri Judd. Independent. 1/06/07.
The heart of India is under attack. Arundhati Roy. Guardian/UK. 10/30/2009.
The languages of extinction: The world's endangered tongues. Claire Soares, Independent, 9/19/07.
Third World Traveler An alternative view to the mainstream media, Human rights; Social and economic justice; Foreign policy; Corporations; Media control, Travel in Africa, Asia and Latin America
Three Amigos Summit. Manuel Perez Rocha & Sarah Anderson. Foreign Policy in Focus. 4/15/2008
Timeline: World Trade Organisation
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
Toxic Tour: A Visit to Waste-Dumping Sites Shows UN Conference to Be Ignoring Environmental Racism. Deepa Fernandes. Village Voice. 8/28/2001.
Toxic shock: how the banking industry created a global crisis. Jill Treanor. Guardian/UK. 4/08/2008.
Trade Liberalisation & Women -Unifem
Trade boss criticises financial mess. Steve Schifferes. BBC. 5/30/2008.
Trafficking in Women Forced Labor and Domestic Work. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.Anti-slavery International Working Paper 2006.
Transparency International researches and monitors global corruption of governments and corporations.
True scale of C0â‚‚emissions from shipping revealed. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 2/13/2008.
U.S. Copyright Office, URAA GATT
U.S. Legal Work Booms in India. Rama Lakshimi. Wa. Post. 5/11/2008.
U.S. Space Command Vision for 2020
U.S. says ending trade barriers key to food crisis. Reuters. 6/13/2008.
U.S.-born children feel effects of immigration raids. Anna Gorman. 6/08/2008.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
UN forum aims to end trafficking. BBC. 2/13/08.
UN: Biofuel Production 'Criminal Path' to Global Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 4/29/2008.
UNFPA - state of world population 2006
US Urged to Reform Foreign Aid. Ida Wahlstrom. One World. 5/09/2008.
US loses WTO Brazil cotton appeal. Al Jazeera. 6/09/2008.
US service sector in sharp fall. BBC. 2/05/2008.
Unbelievable returns, thanks to government. Financial Times. 10/25/2009.
Unease over Guatemalan gold rush. Bill Law. BBC. 8/21/08.
Union Killings Peril Trade Pact With Colombia. Simon Romero. NY Times. 4/14/2008.
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme
Urbanization threatens Namibia's traditional Himba culture. Stephanie Hanes. Christian Science Monitor. 2/05/2008.
Urbanization threatens Namibia's traditional Himba culture. Stephanie Haynes. Christian Science Monitor. 2/05/2008.
WEST AFRICA: From Desertification, to Migration, to Conflict. Frank Zamble. IPS. 1/24/07
WTO disputes - process and cases
Wal-Mart to invest $1bn in Brazil. BBC. 8/13/2008.
Warming 'affecting poor children'. BBC. 4/29/2008.
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb. John Vidal. Guardian/UK. 10/23/2008.
Wed to Strangers, Vietnamese Wives Build Korean Lives. Norimitsu Onishi. NY Times. 3/30/2008.
What Cooked the World's Economy?. James Lieber. The Village Voice. 1/27/2009.
What Created This Monster?. Nelson Schwartz & Julie Creswell. NT Times. 3/23/08. The role of deregulation of the financial industry and the use of derivatives to "spread risk."
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
Where Every Meal Is a Sacrifice. Anthony Faiola. Wa. Post. 4/28/2008.
Why Markets Fail. John Michaels Greer. Intelligence Daily, 10/30/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. Independent/UK. 8/10/2009.
Wish You Weren't Here: The Devastating Effects of the New Colonialists. Paul Vallely. BBC. 8/10/2009.
The Case Against Shell in Nigeria. Site tracking the complaints of the Wiwa of Nigeria against Shell Oil Company.
World Economy and Development. European perspectives on globalisation.
World Water Crisis Underlies World Food Crisis. Environmental News Service. 8/20/08.
World crude production has peaked: Pickens. Jasmin Melvin & Missy Ryan. Reuters. 6/17/2008.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
World hunger's urban edge. Stephanie Holmes. BBC. 6/05/2008,
World's Giants to Alter Food Equation. Evan Osnos & Laurie Goering. Chicago Tribune. 5/11/2008.
WorldWatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs. Worldwatch focuses on the 21st-century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty by developing and disseminating solid data and innovative strategies for achieving a sustainable society.
Worries Mount as Farmers Push for Big Harvest . David Streitfeld & Keith Bradsher, NY Times. 6/10/2008.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
Henry Giroux. Truthout, 4/9/13. Angela Davis, Freedom and the Politics of Higher Education .
Backlash grows against free trade. Mark Trumbull. Christian Science Monitor. 2/16/07.
Too young to Work. On 101 East - Al Jazeera (English). Child labor in Bangladesh. 3/30/2011 25 minutes (or here)
3/08/11 Anousha Sakoui. Sovereign wealth fund assets rise to $4,000bn. Financial Times.
3/08/11 Shachtman, Wired, Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles
The Rise of the New Global Elite. Chrystia Freeland, The Atlantic. January/February 2011.
WorldWatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs. Worldwatch focuses on the 21st-century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty by developing and disseminating solid data and innovative strategies for achieving a sustainable society.
World debt crisis: eight reasons you should care. Laurent Belsie, Christian Science Monitor. 5/26/2010.
BP 'not prepared' for deep-water spill. Ed Crooks, Financial Times. 6/02/2010.
Sudan 101 reproduced here as one document.
Michael Mackenzie. Derivatives boost NYSE profit. Financial Times. 5/04/2010.
DEVELOPMENT-INDIA: Farmers Vs Coca-Cola in Water Wars. Ranjit Devraj. IPS. 10/01/2009.
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Zimbabwe's forgotten children, struggling to survive. Xoliswa Sithole. BBC. 3/02/2010.
South Africa black-owned farms 'failing'. BBC. 3/3/2010.