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US Department of Immigration also know as the "American Immigration Center"
ZipRealty Guide to Affordable Housing. Site has good information and resources regarding housing around the country.
Living on Earth. "Living on Earth with Steve Curwood is the weekly environmental news and information program distributed by Public Radio International. Every week approximately 300 Public Radio stations broadcast Living on Earth's news, features, interviews and commentary on a broad range of ecological issues."
National Security Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Naval Forces Committee This is a prepublication copy and also available on this site
WorldWatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs. Worldwatch focuses on the 21st-century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty by developing and disseminating solid data and innovative strategies for achieving a sustainable society.
>HUD Homeless Resource Exchange
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials: Stockpiling Minerals Takes on Greater Urgency as Global Supply Gets Squeezed. Liam Plevin. Wall Street Journal. 5/03/2010.
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
STILL WAITING: "Unfair orDeceptive" Credit Card Practices Continue
as AmericansWait for New Reforms to Take Effect. Nick Bourke and Ardie Holifield. Pew Charitable Trusts. 11/01/2009. Original
Employer Health Benefits 2009 Annual Survey. Kaiser Family Foundation. 2009. Considered the most accurate and current report.
New Economics Foundation: Nef is an independent think-and-do tank aimed at improving quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.
Feds document shrinking San Joaquin Valley aquifer. Matt Weiser. Sacramento Bee. 7/13/2009.
Shadow Government Statistics. Analysis Behind and Beyond Government Economic Reporting
Migration and Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute. Aug. 2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part 4. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 2/02/2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part 3. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 2/02/2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part 2. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 2/01/2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part I. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 1/31/2009.
The State of Black Oregon, pdf 144 pgs. Urban League of Portland. 7/27/2009. (Also at Urban League of Portland
Report released 7/10/2009. President's Surveillance Program or here
Closing the Health Gap in a Generation (Executive Summary) (research copy) ... Closing the Health Gap in a Generation (Full Report) (research copy). World Health Organization. 2008. This report looks at the possibilities of social justice policies on addressing the social determinants of health. It is available in multiple languages.
"Our world. Views from the field." opinion survey, part 1: the impact of armed conflict. International Red Cross. 6/23/2009.
RIGHTS: U.N. Revisits U.S. Policies on Racial Profiling. Haider Rizvi, IPS. 7/01/2009.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
Our world. Views from the field. The impact of conflicts and armed violence on civilians. International red Cross report. 6/23/2009.
CNN interview on CNN's Late Edition on 6/29/2008 with Seymour Hersh. The interview discusses the Bush administration's inventions and activities in Iran. Link to the YouTube video. Link to the research copy (U wolf PW wolf) (5:01)
This is a 5/24/2007 report by Brian Ross aired on ABC Now on the approval of $400 million CIA operations in Iran. The aim of the funding was to destabilize the government and thry to determine (and undermine) Iran's Nuclear plans. Link to YouTube video. Link to the research copy (U wolf PW wolf) (time 5:34)
Financial Regulatory Reform Plan. Obama Administration. 6/2009. 88 pgs pdf
In Search of Shelter: Mapping the Effects of Climate Change on Human Migration and Displacement. CARE. May 2009. research copy (36pgs)
Torturing Democracy. This site includes a documentary, access to official memos and interviews, on the implementation of torture under the administration of George W. Bush.
Torturing Democracy. Documentary detailing the implementation and use of torture under the George Bush Administration. 2009.
On Thin Ice. NOW. 4/17/09. Impacts of global warming focusing on the loss of glaciers and the impacts on water supply.
Center for Social Inclusion. The Center for Social Inclusion works to build a fair and just society by dismantling structural racism.
One Region: Promoting Prosperity Across Race. Center for Social Inclusion. March 2009. pdf 70 pages. Structural racism in NY City
Coloring Opportunity: The Regional Geography of Structural Racism in The NYC Region. Paul Rosenberg. OpenLeft. 3/21/2009.
What's Hurting the Middle Class. Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. Boston Review. is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations. "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
GRAIN Resource Page - GRAIN is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.
Amazon Cattle Footprint: Mato Grosso - State of Destruction. Greenpeace Report. 1/29/2009. Research report on the impact of expanding cattle ranching in Brazil
Can Hamas still walk tall in Gaza's streets?. Peter Beaumont & Hazem Balousha. Guardian/UK. 1/18/2009.
Social Watch - Global Poverty & Gender Equity. An international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Good source of international research and reports.
The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for eight years of Bush. Linda Bilmes and Josepf Stiglitz, images by Nigel Holmes. Harper's Magazine. January 2009. 6 pgs pdf ( original (subscription req.)
Where the Waters Are Rising. Madeline Nash. Time. 4/18/2005.
Sinking island's nationals seek new home. CNN. 11/11/2008.
They killed their neighbors: genocide's foot soldiers. Courtney Yeager. CNN. 12/10/2008.
Imperialist destabilization campaign continues to threaten Zimbabwe. Eugene Puryear. Party for Socialism and Liberation. 12/5/2008.
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008.
No advance for women in top U.S. jobs. Ellen Wulfhorst. NY Times. 12/10/2008.
$73 an Hour: Adding It Up. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 12/09/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Punjab's migrants take less home. Geeta Pandey. BBC. 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
Migrant workers under pressure. Stephanie Holmes. BBC, 12/16/2008.
From Global Crisis to "Global Government". Andrew Marshall. Global Research. 12/20/2008.
Contamination of American Rivers Triggers International Complaint. Alberto Saldamando. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
Electronic Green Journal. Peer reviewed digital journal on environmental issues.
Environment and Morality: Confronting Environmental Racism in the United States. Robert Bullard. UNRISD. 2004. (pdf 42 pgs).
Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience. The draft of a federal report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Annotations are based on the review's findings. 12/2008. NY Times searchable copy.
The Institute for Policy Studies. Independent research organization the turns "ideas into action for peace, justice and the environment." Wide ranging series of research and reports.
40 Years Later: The Unrealized American Dream. Dedrick Muhammad. The Institute for Policy Studies. April 2008. Report examines the current state of inequality for African Americans.
Senate Armed Services Committee Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody (or here). Executive Summary of the Classified Report.
Descending the Oil Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil and Natural Gas. Peak Oil Advisory Taskforce. City of Portland, OR. March 2007.
1 in 5 young adults has personality disorder. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 12/02/2008.
Final Agreement on the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq. Passed by the Iraqi Parliament 11/27/2008.
Learning from Concentrated Poverty in America: A Synthesis of Themes from the Case Studies. A joint project of the Community Affairs offices of the Federal Reserve System and the Metropolitan Policy Program of the Brookings Institution. 2008. Full report.
The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case studies from communities across the U.S.. A joint project of the Community Affairs offices of the Federal Reserve System and the Metropolitan Policy Program of the Brookings Institution. 2008. (original) Synthesis of Themes
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. National Intelligence Council. Nov. 2008. 120pg pdf report of the possible futures of 2025.
The CIA's Secret Army. Douglass Waller. Time. 2/03/2003.
Characteristics of Low-Income Households With Very Low Food Security. Mark Nord. Economic Information Bulletin Number 25. May 2007. USDA. (research copy).
Household Food Security in the United States, 2007. Nord, Andrews, and Carlson. Economic Research Report No. 56. US Department of Agriculture. (research copy)
Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans. Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses. Nov. 2008. (research copy)
Equity Atlas for Portland, Oregon. By Regional Equity Atlas Project. Coalition for a Livable Future. 2007.
California Green Innovation Index. Next 10. November 2008. Analysis of the impact of global warming on California. (original)
An Ocean of Plastic. News Hour, 11/13/2008. Explores the continent size collection of debris in the Pacific Gyre. (9:29)
Acid Test: Can We Save Our Oceans from CO2? (original). Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb and Jacqueline Savitz. Oceana. 10/2008.
Still Working Hard - Still Falling Short. Working Poor Families Project. October 2008. Includes state rankings. (original)
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Climate Futures: responses to climate change in 2030. Forum for the Future. October 2008. Focuses on social impacts and responses to climate change. 76 pg pdf (original)
Reversal of Fortune: Economic gains of 1990s overturned for African Americans from 2000-07. Economic Policy Institute. 10/2008.
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) focus is on peace and justice issues.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Draft legislation for $700 billion bailout.
Climate Wrongs and Human Rights - summary (original). Oxfam. 9/09/2008.
Climate Wrongs and Human Rights - Full Report (original). Oxfam. 9/09/2008.
General Accounting Office. Reports for Congress and the government.
Comparison of the Reported Tax Liabilities of Foreign- and U.S.-Controlled Corporations, 1998-2005. General Accounting Office. GAO-08-957. 7/24/2008.
Minorities expected to be majority in 2050. CNN. 8/13/2008.
Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008
The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009. Synopisi of the report by the American Human Development Project.
Measure of America - Interactive Maps. Interactive maps of health, environment and economic wellbeing from Oxfam's American Human Development Project.
Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America. Brookings Institution "Blueprint for American Prosperity Series. 5/2008. (Original) Summary Tables of Cities Carbon Footprint)
Coal in the United States: America Approaching Peak Coal. Richard Heinberg. IntelDaily. 5/30/2008.
The State of Africa's Children 2008. UNICEF. 5/2008. 5 million children dying a year due to poverty. (Original Link)
Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.3 (SAP 4.3): The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity in the United States. National Center for Atmospheric Research. May 2008,
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (SAMHSA). Good source for national health data and reports.
Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17 in the United States: 2004 to 2006. 5/13/2008.
Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
Utah Mine Disaster Was Preventable, Report Says. Ian Urbina. NY Times. 5/09/2008. Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
System of Neglect - Immigrant Detention. Dana Priest & Amy Goldstein. Wa. Post. 5/11/2008.
Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around the World. Elizabeth Rosenthal. NY Times. 4/26/2008.
Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America
Transparency International calls on leading oil and gas companies to increase revenue transparency. Transparency International Anti-Corruption Reports. 2008.
Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States. Human Rights Watch report. May 2008.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
The Degradation of Work: The True Cost of Shrimp. (Original link) Solidarity Center. January 2008.
Estimating Mortality Risk Reduction and Economic Benefits from Controlling Ozone Air Pollution. National Academy of Science. 4/2008.
Scientists: Smog contributes to premature death. AP. 4/22/2008. Link to report summary
International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development UN
Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD). PDF. Report on traditional vs industrial agriculture, original report site
Defense Acquisitions: Assessment of Selected Weapon Programs. General Accounting Office Report to Congress. March 2008.
Countries Still Maintain Laws that Discriminate against Women - report for sale at Amazon - Women, Law and Human Rights: An African Perspective
Aging Statistics Interagency federal government data site on aging statistics.
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
Quarter of US Women Suffer Domestic Violence: CDC . Will Dunham. Reuters. 2/07/2008.
Cereal prices hit poor countries. BBC. 2/14/2008.
The Year in Hate: Active U.S. Hate Groups Rise to 888 in 2007. David Holthouse & Mark Potok. SPLC. 3/2008.
Hate Crimes Linked to Immigration Debate. Dave Crary. AP. 3/10/2008.
11 Sep: Unknown e-mailer makes last call for intelligence material or here
September dossier conclusion (left out of final draft) or here
19 Sep: Experts' suggested dossier revisions or here
20 Sep: John Scarlett's note on the final dossier version or here
24 September: Final version or here
Executive Excess 2007: The Staggering Social Cost of U.S. Business Leadership. Multiple Authors. UFE and Institute for Policy Studies.
State of the Dream: Foreclosed. United for a Fair Economy. 1/16/2008. Charts: Racial cost of predatory lending; more charts
New inflation data explain middle-class squeeze. Kevin G. Hall. McClatchy. 1/16/2008.
Iran: Nuclear Intentions
and Capabilities. National Intelligence Estimate summary. Dec. 3, 2007
Human Development Reports main site - multiple reports and country reports.
Carbon Footprint features from the UN Human Development Reports.
Fighting Climate Change: human solidarity in a divided world. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008. 399 pages
CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July. Anthony Sampson. The Guardian. Nov. 1, 2001.
Economic Mobility of Black and White Families
Orders From The Top:
Retired General Dunlavey: Guantanamo Mission Came Straight From Bush, Rumsfeld. Lisa Thompson, 11/02/2007, Erie Times News.
Legal or Not, Abortion Rates Compare. Rosenthal, NY Times. 10/11/07. International study of the impacts of laws on abortion and maternal mortality by the WHO.
The Primary Review - 7 and 11 year olds. 10/12/2007. University of Cambridge. A study of the stress levels of 7 and 11 year olds in British school systems.
U.S. Census Bureau. You may also access the American Community Surveys from this site.
Slavery in the UK. Independent. 12/27/06
Moving Europeans. Migration in Western Europe since 1650. Leslie Page Moch.
Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990
US Immigration as Percent of Population - 1820-2004.
Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036. Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC).
CLOSE TO SLAVERY Guestworker Programs in the United States. SPLC. 2007.
Coping with Global climate change: The Role of Adaptation in the United States. Easterling, William E. III; Brian Hurd, Joel B. Smith. PEW. June 2004.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
UNFPA - state of world population 2006
July 17, 2007. The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland. National Intelligence Estimate
Impacts of Title V, Section 510 Abstinence Programs. Mathematica Policy Research. April 2007 (164 page pdf report)
A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Use of National Security Letters. Department of Justice. March 2007.
Child Well-being In Rich Countries. UNICEF report. Feb. 2007
The Global Dominance Group: 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context. Peter Phillips, Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler. Project Censored 2007 (Or here)
9/10/06 WP, Afghanastan Map: Federally administered tribal areasThe Impact of Undercounting in the Current Population Survey
UFE - Research Library (United for a Fair Economy)
THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet
Statistical Resources (Great links to good research anf information)
Star Site U.S. Depository Reference Collection
Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling, National Assessment of Educational Progress, July 2006
Reports"Our world. Views from the field." opinion survey, part 1: the impact of armed conflict. International Red Cross. 6/23/2009.
$73 an Hour: Adding It Up. David Leonhardt. NY Times. 12/09/2008.
1 in 5 young adults has personality disorder. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 12/02/2008.
40 Years Later: The Unrealized American Dream. Dedrick Muhammad. The Institute for Policy Studies. April 2008. Report examines the current state of inequality for African Americans.
A Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Use of National Security Letters. Department of Justice. March 2007.
Acid Test: Can We Save Our Oceans from CO2? (original). Ellycia Harrould-Kolieb and Jacqueline Savitz. Oceana. 10/2008.
9/10/06 WP, Afghanastan Map: Federally administered tribal areasAging Statistics Interagency federal government data site on aging statistics.
Amazon Cattle Footprint: Mato Grosso - State of Destruction. Greenpeace Report. 1/29/2009. Research report on the impact of expanding cattle ranching in Brazil
An Ocean of Plastic. News Hour, 11/13/2008. Explores the continent size collection of debris in the Pacific Gyre. (9:29)
As the World Economy Sinks, So Does Global Shipping. Jeff Israely. Time. 12/08/2008. is a collective effort to share information and stimulate cooperation against bilateral trade and investment agreements that are opening countries to the deepest forms of penetration by transnational corporations.
11 Sep: Unknown e-mailer makes last call for intelligence material or here
September dossier conclusion (left out of final draft) or here
19 Sep: Experts' suggested dossier revisions or here
20 Sep: John Scarlett's note on the final dossier version or here
24 September: Final version or here
CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July. Anthony Sampson. The Guardian. Nov. 1, 2001.
CLOSE TO SLAVERY Guestworker Programs in the United States. SPLC. 2007.
California Green Innovation Index. Next 10. November 2008. Analysis of the impact of global warming on California. (original)
Can Hamas still walk tall in Gaza's streets?. Peter Beaumont & Hazem Balousha. Guardian/UK. 1/18/2009.
Canada's 'dirty oil' challenge. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/11/2008.
Canada's black gold oil rush. Sarah Shenker. BBC. 12/10/2008.
Carbon Footprint features from the UN Human Development Reports.
Center for Social Inclusion. The Center for Social Inclusion works to build a fair and just society by dismantling structural racism.
Cereal prices hit poor countries. BBC. 2/14/2008.
Characteristics of Low-Income Households With Very Low Food Security. Mark Nord. Economic Information Bulletin Number 25. May 2007. USDA. (research copy).
Child Well-being In Rich Countries. UNICEF report. Feb. 2007
Climate Futures: responses to climate change in 2030. Forum for the Future. October 2008. Focuses on social impacts and responses to climate change. 76 pg pdf (original)
Climate Wrongs and Human Rights - Full Report (original). Oxfam. 9/09/2008.
Climate Wrongs and Human Rights - summary (original). Oxfam. 9/09/2008.
Closing the Health Gap in a Generation (Executive Summary) (research copy) ... Closing the Health Gap in a Generation (Full Report) (research copy). World Health Organization. 2008. This report looks at the possibilities of social justice policies on addressing the social determinants of health. It is available in multiple languages.
Coal in the United States: America Approaching Peak Coal. Richard Heinberg. IntelDaily. 5/30/2008.
Coloring Opportunity: The Regional Geography of Structural Racism in The NYC Region. Paul Rosenberg. OpenLeft. 3/21/2009.
Comparing Private Schools and Public Schools Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling, National Assessment of Educational Progress, July 2006
Comparison of the Reported Tax Liabilities of Foreign- and U.S.-Controlled Corporations, 1998-2005. General Accounting Office. GAO-08-957. 7/24/2008.
Contamination of American Rivers Triggers International Complaint. Alberto Saldamando. Culture & Survival. #29.4, 2005.
Coping with Global climate change: The Role of Adaptation in the United States. Easterling, William E. III; Brian Hurd, Joel B. Smith. PEW. June 2004.
Countries Still Maintain Laws that Discriminate against Women - report for sale at Amazon - Women, Law and Human Rights: An African Perspective
Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
Defense Acquisitions: Assessment of Selected Weapon Programs. General Accounting Office Report to Congress. March 2008.
Descending the Oil Peak: Navigating the Transition from Oil and Natural Gas. Peak Oil Advisory Taskforce. City of Portland, OR. March 2007.
Double Edged Prices. OXFAM 10/13/2008. Lessons from the food price crisis: 10 actions developing countries should take. (original)
Economic Mobility of Black and White Families
Economic Woes? Look to Kerala. Shirin Shirin. Foreign Policy In Focus. 12/10/2008.
Electronic Green Journal. Peer reviewed digital journal on environmental issues.
Employer Health Benefits 2009 Annual Survey. Kaiser Family Foundation. 2009. Considered the most accurate and current report.
Environment and Morality: Confronting Environmental Racism in the United States. Robert Bullard. UNRISD. 2004. (pdf 42 pgs).
Environmental Cost of Shipping Groceries Around the World. Elizabeth Rosenthal. NY Times. 4/26/2008.
Equity Atlas for Portland, Oregon. By Regional Equity Atlas Project. Coalition for a Livable Future. 2007.
Estimating Mortality Risk Reduction and Economic Benefits from Controlling Ozone Air Pollution. National Academy of Science. 4/2008.
Executive Excess 2007: The Staggering Social Cost of U.S. Business Leadership. Multiple Authors. UFE and Institute for Policy Studies.
Executive Summary of the Synthesis Report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and
Technology for Development (IAASTD). PDF. Report on traditional vs industrial agriculture, original report site
Feds document shrinking San Joaquin Valley aquifer. Matt Weiser. Sacramento Bee. 7/13/2009.
Fighting Climate Change: human solidarity in a divided world. UN Human Development Report 2007/2008. 399 pages "Fighting FTAs: the growing resistance to bilateral free trade and investment agreements" is a collaborative document on tree trade acts and resistance to them. Excellent resource page, and an excellent document.
Final Agreement on the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Iraq. Passed by the Iraqi Parliament 11/27/2008.
Financial Regulatory Reform Plan. Obama Administration. 6/2009. 88 pgs pdf
From Global Crisis to "Global Government". Andrew Marshall. Global Research. 12/20/2008.
GRAIN Resource Page - GRAIN is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.
General Accounting Office. Reports for Congress and the government.
Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World. National Intelligence Council. Nov. 2008. 120pg pdf report of the possible futures of 2025.
Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans. Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses. Nov. 2008. (research copy)
>HUD Homeless Resource Exchange
Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009
Hard Lessons: The Iraq Reconstruction Experience. The draft of a federal report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Annotations are based on the review's findings. 12/2008. NY Times searchable copy.
Hate Crimes Linked to Immigration Debate. Dave Crary. AP. 3/10/2008.
Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850 to 1990
Household Food Security in the United States, 2007. Nord, Andrews, and Carlson. Economic Research Report No. 56. US Department of Agriculture. (research copy)
Human Development Reports main site - multiple reports and country reports.
Human tide: the real migration crisis. Christina Aid Society. May 2007.
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
Impacts of Title V, Section 510 Abstinence Programs. Mathematica Policy Research. April 2007 (164 page pdf report)
Imperialist destabilization campaign continues to threaten Zimbabwe. Eugene Puryear. Party for Socialism and Liberation. 12/5/2008.
In Search of Shelter: Mapping the Effects of Climate Change on Human Migration and Displacement. CARE. May 2009. research copy (36pgs)
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) focus is on peace and justice issues.
International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development UN
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
This is a 5/24/2007 report by Brian Ross aired on ABC Now on the approval of $400 million CIA operations in Iran. The aim of the funding was to destabilize the government and thry to determine (and undermine) Iran's Nuclear plans. Link to YouTube video. Link to the research copy (U wolf PW wolf) (time 5:34)
Iran: Nuclear Intentions
and Capabilities. National Intelligence Estimate summary. Dec. 3, 2007
Learning from Concentrated Poverty in America: A Synthesis of Themes from the Case Studies. A joint project of the Community Affairs offices of the Federal Reserve System and the Metropolitan Policy Program of the Brookings Institution. 2008. Full report.
Legal or Not, Abortion Rates Compare. Rosenthal, NY Times. 10/11/07. International study of the impacts of laws on abortion and maternal mortality by the WHO.
Living on Earth. "Living on Earth with Steve Curwood is the weekly environmental news and information program distributed by Public Radio International. Every week approximately 300 Public Radio stations broadcast Living on Earth's news, features, interviews and commentary on a broad range of ecological issues."
Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17 in the United States: 2004 to 2006. 5/13/2008.
Measure of America - Factoids. Breif facts from the "measure of America" report by Oxfam's American Human Development Project. 7/2008
Measure of America - Interactive Maps. Interactive maps of health, environment and economic wellbeing from Oxfam's American Human Development Project.
Migrant workers under pressure. Stephanie Holmes. BBC, 12/16/2008.
Migration and Global Recession. Migration Policy Institute. Aug. 2009.
Minorities expected to be majority in 2050. CNN. 8/13/2008.
Moving Europeans. Migration in Western Europe since 1650. Leslie Page Moch.
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
July 17, 2007. The Terrorist Threat to the US Homeland. National Intelligence Estimate
National Security Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Naval Forces Committee This is a prepublication copy and also available on this site
New Economics Foundation: Nef is an independent think-and-do tank aimed at improving quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.
New inflation data explain middle-class squeeze. Kevin G. Hall. McClatchy. 1/16/2008.
Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution, and Poverty in the Niger Delta. Amnesty International. 6/30/2009.
No advance for women in top U.S. jobs. Ellen Wulfhorst. NY Times. 12/10/2008.
On Thin Ice. NOW. 4/17/09. Impacts of global warming focusing on the loss of glaciers and the impacts on water supply.
One Region: Promoting Prosperity Across Race. Center for Social Inclusion. March 2009. pdf 70 pages. Structural racism in NY City
Orders From The Top:
Retired General Dunlavey: Guantanamo Mission Came Straight From Bush, Rumsfeld. Lisa Thompson, 11/02/2007, Erie Times News.
Our world. Views from the field. The impact of conflicts and armed violence on civilians. International red Cross report. 6/23/2009.
Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Draft legislation for $700 billion bailout.
Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials: Stockpiling Minerals Takes on Greater Urgency as Global Supply Gets Squeezed. Liam Plevin. Wall Street Journal. 5/03/2010.
STILL WAITING: "Unfair orDeceptive" Credit Card Practices Continue
as AmericansWait for New Reforms to Take Effect. Nick Bourke and Ardie Holifield. Pew Charitable Trusts. 11/01/2009. Original
Report released 7/10/2009. President's Surveillance Program or here
Punjab's migrants take less home. Geeta Pandey. BBC. 12/15/2008.
Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America
Quarter of US Women Suffer Domestic Violence: CDC . Will Dunham. Reuters. 2/07/2008.
RIGHTS: U.N. Revisits U.S. Policies on Racial Profiling. Haider Rizvi, IPS. 7/01/2009.
Reversal of Fortune: Economic gains of 1990s overturned for African Americans from 2000-07. Economic Policy Institute. 10/2008.
Scientists: Smog contributes to premature death. AP. 4/22/2008. Link to report summary
Senate Armed Services Committee Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody (or here). Executive Summary of the Classified Report.
Shadow Government Statistics. Analysis Behind and Beyond Government Economic Reporting
Shrinking the Carbon Footprint of Metropolitan America. Brookings Institution "Blueprint for American Prosperity Series. 5/2008. (Original) Summary Tables of Cities Carbon Footprint)
Sinking island's nationals seek new home. CNN. 11/11/2008.
Slavery in the UK. Independent. 12/27/06
Social Watch - Global Poverty & Gender Equity. An international NGO watchdog network monitoring poverty eradication and gender equality. Good source of international research and reports.
Star Site U.S. Depository Reference Collection
State of the Dream: Foreclosed. United for a Fair Economy. 1/16/2008. Charts: Racial cost of predatory lending; more charts
Statistical Resources (Great links to good research anf information)
Still Working Hard - Still Falling Short. Working Poor Families Project. October 2008. Includes state rankings. (original)
Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036. Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC).
System of Neglect - Immigrant Detention. Dana Priest & Amy Goldstein. Wa. Post. 5/11/2008.
THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet
Transparency International calls on leading oil and gas companies to increase revenue transparency. Transparency International Anti-Corruption Reports. 2008.
Targeting Blacks: Drug Law Enforcement and Race in the United States. Human Rights Watch report. May 2008.
The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for eight years of Bush. Linda Bilmes and Josepf Stiglitz, images by Nigel Holmes. Harper's Magazine. January 2009. 6 pgs pdf ( original (subscription req.)
The CIA's Secret Army. Douglass Waller. Time. 2/03/2003.
The Degradation of Work: The True Cost of Shrimp. (Original link) Solidarity Center. January 2008.
The Degradation of Work: Trafficking in Persons from a Labor Perspective - The Kenya Experience. (Original report). Solidarity Center. October 2007.
Synthesis and Assessment Product 4.3 (SAP 4.3): The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity in the United States. National Center for Atmospheric Research. May 2008,
The Effects of the GATT/WTO in World Resource Allocation:A Case Study that Uses both Raw and Processed Timber Resources -Conservation/Deforestation Explored. Helen-Eagle Norwin. Electronic Green Journal. Issue 16, 2002.
The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America: Case studies from communities across the U.S.. A joint project of the Community Affairs offices of the Federal Reserve System and the Metropolitan Policy Program of the Brookings Institution. 2008. (original) Synthesis of Themes
The Global Dominance Group: 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context. Peter Phillips, Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler. Project Censored 2007 (Or here)
The Impact of Undercounting in the Current Population Survey
The Institute for Policy Studies. Independent research organization the turns "ideas into action for peace, justice and the environment." Wide ranging series of research and reports.
The Measure of America: American Human Development Report 2008-2009. Synopisi of the report by the American Human Development Project.
The Primary Review - 7 and 11 year olds. 10/12/2007. University of Cambridge. A study of the stress levels of 7 and 11 year olds in British school systems.
The State of Africa's Children 2008. UNICEF. 5/2008. 5 million children dying a year due to poverty. (Original Link)
The State of Black Oregon, pdf 144 pgs. Urban League of Portland. 7/27/2009. (Also at Urban League of Portland
The Year in Hate: Active U.S. Hate Groups Rise to 888 in 2007. David Holthouse & Mark Potok. SPLC. 3/2008.
They killed their neighbors: genocide's foot soldiers. Courtney Yeager. CNN. 12/10/2008.
Torturing Democracy. Documentary detailing the implementation and use of torture under the George Bush Administration. 2009.
Torturing Democracy. This site includes a documentary, access to official memos and interviews, on the implementation of torture under the administration of George W. Bush.
U.S. Census Bureau. You may also access the American Community Surveys from this site.
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services (SAMHSA). Good source for national health data and reports.
CNN interview on CNN's Late Edition on 6/29/2008 with Seymour Hersh. The interview discusses the Bush administration's inventions and activities in Iran. Link to the YouTube video. Link to the research copy (U wolf PW wolf) (5:01)
UFE - Research Library (United for a Fair Economy)
UN food agency issues emergency plea for $500m. Owen Bowcott. Guardian/UK. 3/25/2009
UNFPA - state of world population 2006
US Department of Immigration also know as the "American Immigration Center"
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part 2. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 2/01/2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part 3. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 2/02/2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part 4. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 2/02/2009.
US Govt Spy Program: Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government: Part I. Ed Encho. OpEd News. 1/31/2009.
US Immigration as Percent of Population - 1820-2004.
Utah Mine Disaster Was Preventable, Report Says. Ian Urbina. NY Times. 5/09/2008. Reports: Complaint (31pgs); Referral to Committee (4pgs); Final Report (164pgs)
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 1. Anthony Faiola, Ellen Nakashima and Jill Drew. Washington Post, 12/15/2008.
What Went Wrong - Crash Part 2 - "Frenzy". Jill Drew. Washington Post. 12/16/2008. (Part 1).
What's Hurting the Middle Class. Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi. Boston Review.
Where the Waters Are Rising. Madeline Nash. Time. 4/18/2005.
WorldWatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs. Worldwatch focuses on the 21st-century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty by developing and disseminating solid data and innovative strategies for achieving a sustainable society.
ZipRealty Guide to Affordable Housing. Site has good information and resources regarding housing around the country.
US Department of Immigration also know as the "American Immigration Center"
ZipRealty Guide to Affordable Housing. Site has good information and resources regarding housing around the country.
Living on Earth. "Living on Earth with Steve Curwood is the weekly environmental news and information program distributed by Public Radio International. Every week approximately 300 Public Radio stations broadcast Living on Earth's news, features, interviews and commentary on a broad range of ecological issues."
National Security Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Naval Forces Committee This is a prepublication copy and also available on this site
WorldWatch Institute. Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs. Worldwatch focuses on the 21st-century challenges of climate change, resource degradation, population growth, and poverty by developing and disseminating solid data and innovative strategies for achieving a sustainable society.
Pentagon in Race for Raw Materials: Stockpiling Minerals Takes on Greater Urgency as Global Supply Gets Squeezed. Liam Plevin. Wall Street Journal. 5/03/2010.
Investigation: U.S. Banks Funnel 'Dirty' Money. ABC News. 2/05/2010.
Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009
Hunger. World Food Program. 2009. Food has never before existed in such abundance, so why are 1.02 billion people in the world going hungry?
Crop Prospects and Food Situation November 2009. FAO Repository.
STILL WAITING: "Unfair orDeceptive" Credit Card Practices Continue
as AmericansWait for New Reforms to Take Effect. Nick Bourke and Ardie Holifield. Pew Charitable Trusts. 11/01/2009. Original
Employer Health Benefits 2009 Annual Survey. Kaiser Family Foundation. 2009. Considered the most accurate and current report.
New Economics Foundation: Nef is an independent think-and-do tank aimed at improving quality of life by promoting innovative solutions that challenge mainstream thinking on economic, environment and social issues. We work in partnership and put people and the planet first.