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Sociological Images, a resource site that collects images and graphics that are pertinent to sociological content.

Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis. Henry Giroux. TruthOut. 4/03/2009.

Teens locked up for life without a second chance. Stephanie Chen. CNN. 4/08/2009.

Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. The Montreal Gazette. 7/29/2009.

Child trafficking on the rise. The Straits Times (Singapore). 9/01/2009.

Documentary examines U.S. child sex trade. Michelle Nichols. Reuters. 4/29/2009.

The Cost Of Race: Retirement. NPR. 5/15/2009. (From Pew research Report)

Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania. AP. 3/26/2009.

Should saggy pants be belted with ban?. Lee Higgins. The State. 1/16/2009.

Hunger among U.S. children skyrockets in 2007

Age Stratification. S Rowan Wolf. 9/2005.

Inside the RUF: at last the child soldiers of Sierra Leone have their say. Hannah Strange. Times Online/UK. 6/16/2008.

HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Children in the Path of the (AIDS) Pandemic. Kathryn Strachan. Inter Press Service. 6/06/2008.

U.S.-born children feel effects of immigration raids. Anna Gorman. 6/08/2008.

In Burma (Myanmar), how many cyclone orphans?. Christian Science Monitor. 6/09/08.

Sex trade traffickers get busy among cyclone orphans. Anne-Claire Duffay. The First Post/UK. 5/14/2008.

Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17 in the United States: 2004 to 2006. 5/13/2008.

More than 2 million U.S. youths depressed: study. Reuters. 5/13/2008.

Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.

Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.

Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan. Reuters. 4/08/2008.

As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,

Aging Statistics Interagency federal government data site on aging statistics.

Older Americans wealthier, living longer. Julie Steenhuysen. Reuters. 3/28/2008.

A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking

Diversity TV. Online video programming on diversity issues.

Dozens of Children In US Face Life In Prison. Matthew Bigg. Reuters. 3/21/2008.

Poverty Is Poison. Paul Krugman. NY Times. 2/18/2008.

Foster kids' meds get scant attention. Brent Walth & Michelle Cole. Oregonian. 11/25/07.

The Primary Review - 7 and 11 year olds. 10/12/2007. University of Cambridge. A study of the stress levels of 7 and 11 year olds in British school systems.

Medicare Audits Show Problems in Private Plans. Robert Pear. NY Times. 10/07/07.

Real cost of India's cheap stone. Tom Heap. BBC. 1/06/07.

The American Community Survey and Intercensal Population Estimates

The EPI DataZone


A Desperate Search For Stolen Children. Maureen Fan. Washington Post. A11. 3/10/2008. Lax Protections Leave Chinese Vulnerable To Human Trafficking

Age Stratification. S Rowan Wolf. 9/2005.

Aging Statistics Interagency federal government data site on aging statistics.

As Jobs Vanish and Prices Rise, Food Stamp Use Nears Record. Erik Eckholm. NY Times. 3/31/2008,

Bangladesh children toil to survive. Al Jazeera. 4/14/2008.

Child Labor Rings Reach China's Distant Villages. David Barboza. NY Times. 5/10/2008.

Child trafficking on the rise. The Straits Times (Singapore). 9/01/2009.

Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis. Henry Giroux. TruthOut. 4/03/2009.

Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania. AP. 3/26/2009.

Diversity TV. Online video programming on diversity issues.

Documentary examines U.S. child sex trade. Michelle Nichols. Reuters. 4/29/2009.

Dozens of Children In US Face Life In Prison. Matthew Bigg. Reuters. 3/21/2008.

Foster kids' meds get scant attention. Brent Walth & Michelle Cole. Oregonian. 11/25/07.

HEALTH-SOUTH AFRICA: Children in the Path of the (AIDS) Pandemic. Kathryn Strachan. Inter Press Service. 6/06/2008.

Half of US kids will get food stamps, study says. Lindsey Tanner. AP. 11/02/2009

Hunger among U.S. children skyrockets in 2007

In Burma (Myanmar), how many cyclone orphans?. Christian Science Monitor. 6/09/08.

Inside the RUF: at last the child soldiers of Sierra Leone have their say. Hannah Strange. Times Online/UK. 6/16/2008.

Major Depressive Episode among Youths Aged 12 to 17 in the United States: 2004 to 2006. 5/13/2008.

Materialism on the Playground: Study Shows Power of Consumption Starts Early. Misty Harris. The Montreal Gazette. 7/29/2009.

Medicare Audits Show Problems in Private Plans. Robert Pear. NY Times. 10/07/07.

More than 2 million U.S. youths depressed: study. Reuters. 5/13/2008.

Older Americans wealthier, living longer. Julie Steenhuysen. Reuters. 3/28/2008.

Poverty Is Poison. Paul Krugman. NY Times. 2/18/2008.

Real cost of India's cheap stone. Tom Heap. BBC. 1/06/07.

Robots seen doing work of 3.5 million in Japan. Reuters. 4/08/2008.

Sex trade traffickers get busy among cyclone orphans. Anne-Claire Duffay. The First Post/UK. 5/14/2008.

Should saggy pants be belted with ban?. Lee Higgins. The State. 1/16/2009.

Sociological Images, a resource site that collects images and graphics that are pertinent to sociological content.

Teens locked up for life without a second chance. Stephanie Chen. CNN. 4/08/2009.

The American Community Survey and Intercensal Population Estimates

The Cost Of Race: Retirement. NPR. 5/15/2009. (From Pew research Report)

The EPI DataZone

The Primary Review - 7 and 11 year olds. 10/12/2007. University of Cambridge. A study of the stress levels of 7 and 11 year olds in British school systems.

U.S.-born children feel effects of immigration raids. Anna Gorman. 6/08/2008.

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